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研究生(外文):Igor Sergienko
指導教授(外文):Chang-Sung Yu
中文關鍵詞:internetsocial networkface-to-face chatlanguage exchange/tutorhomestay
外文關鍵詞:internetsocial networkface-to-face chatlanguage exchange/tutorhomestay
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The importance of internet cannot be overstated in a present-day world. The internet totally changed our life. With its appearance we faced a new phenomenon – social network. Its growing popularity and deep penetration lead to changes of people’s behavior. More and more users shift activity from real world to a virtual one. New sites pretended to a social network role are springing up everywhere. Killing time issue becomes vital and so-called “social” networks, as a matter of fact, are often and often “antisocial” as well.
This research focuses on deriving new model of face-to-face social network platform. The methodology of the research includes:
• statistic data analysis for understanding new trends in the virtual world
• ChatRoulette.com case study and analysis of existing models of face-to-face chats
• proposition of some possible extensions for improving functionality of new face-to-face model
• suggestion of some examples of revenue models that can be applied
The findings are following:
1 New niche of face-to-face chats shows up in social networks.
2 Idea inspired by Chatroulette.com and Adobe Flash can be implemented into new social network platform with new services (interests’ sharing, language exchange), having real social orientation and helping people.
3 Business models already existing in the market (advertising, public opinion poll) and new ones (language tutor, homestay) can be applied to concerned platform and lead to economic self-sufficiency of the site.
4 Concerned new social network model keep abreast of the times, corresponds to the trends of internet and market.
5 Potential of the social network idea based on face-to-face chat is endless.

謝辭 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
Table of Figures vi
Table of Tables vii

Chapter One Introduction 1
1 Do you want to own a business? 1
2 New world – new opportunities 2
2.1 New age of the Gold Rush or virtual world brings real money 2
2.2 New rules of the Game 3
2.3 Low financial entrance barrier 3
2.3.1 The domain name 3
2.3.2 The web host 4
3 Problem statement and description of the basic idea 4

Chapter Two What Is ChatRoulette Now? 7
1 Strategy analysis 7
2 Technical analysis 9
2.1 The hardware 9
2.2 The software 9
2.2.1 Adobe Flash Player 10 9
2.2.2 Benefits of Real Time Media Flow Protocol (RTMFP) 11
2.2.3 Difference between RTMP and RTMFP 12
2.2.4 The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 12
3 The budget 13
4 Marketing analysis 13
4.1 Competition analysis 14
4.2 ChatRoulette clones: A new market for random connections? 14
4.2.1 The Clones 15
4.2.2 The Spin-Offs 18
4.3 User Profile: Who are the customers? 18
4.3.1 Statistical analysis 19
4.3.2 The results 22 Gender 22 Age 23 Perverts 25 Validation 27
4.3.3 Conclusion 27

Chapter Three Taste, Trends and Technology: How Will The Future Affect This Business? 29
1 Unusually high level of innovation 29
1.1 Innovations from Incumbents 29
1.2 Innovations from New Attackers 30
1.3 Unusually high level of Global Innovation 30
2 Rapid Internet growth 31
3 Social Networking – Global Phenomenon 33
4 Dramatically Increasing of Mobile Internet Significance 36
5 Internet Advertising – Significant Growth 40
6 Killing the Time 41
7 Multilanguage Internet 44

Chapter Four Everything About Improvements 46
1 Strategy 46
1.1 Attracting people 46
1.2 Multipurpose and multifunctionality 47
1.3 Various environments selection 47
1.4 Transformation: Antisocial into Social, Stupidity into Sense 48
1.5 Behavior Management 48
2 Technical Improvements 49
3 Marketing 53
3.1 Learning Google’s strategy in the Internet marketing 53
3.2 Go mobile 55
3.3 Don’t be “Ditto” 56
4 Business Model 56
4.1 Indirect way 57
4.1.1 Advertisements from companies deal with us 57
4.1.2 AdSense advertisements from Google 57
4.2 Direct way 57
4.2.1 Language exchange / tutor 58
4.2.2 Homestay 63
4.2.3 Public opinion poll 70

Chapter Five Conclusion 71

Bibliography 73

1. WebsitePalace. [Online] http://www.websitepalace.com.
2. Ternovskiy, Andrey. ChatRoulette. [Online] http://www.chatroulette.com.
3. One on One: Andrey Ternovskiy, Creator of Chatroulette. Bilton, Nick. NY : The New York Times magazine, March 12, 2010.
4. Yevgeny Kondakov, Benjamin Bidder. 17-Year-Old Chatroulette Founder: ''Mom, Dad, the Site Is Expanding''. Spiegel Online International. [Online] March 5, 2010. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,681817,00.html.
5. Chatroulette’s Creator, 17, Introduces Himself. Stone, Brad. NY : The New York Times magazine, February 13, 2010.
6. —. Stone, Brad. NY : The New York Times magazine, February 13, 2010.
7. Adobe Flash Player. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. [Online] June 2010. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Flash_Player.
8. Real Time Media Flow Protocol. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. [Online] October 2009. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Time_Media_Flow_Protocol.
9. Сетевой да ранний. Барышева, Елена. Москва : Журнал «Огонёк» , 08.03.2010 . # 9 (5118) .
10. Chatroulette Map. [Online] http://www.chatroulettemap.com.
11. RJMetrics. [Online] http://www.rjmetrics.com.
12. Hacker News. [Online] http://news.ycombinator.com.
13. Free statistics. International Telecommunication Union . [Online] 2010. http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/statistics/index.html.
14. Mary Meeker, Scott Devitt, Liang Wu. Internet Trends - Presentation from CM Summit. Morgan Stanley. [Online] June 2010. http://www.morganstanley.com/institutional/techresearch/.
15. Amichai-Hamburger, Yair. Free yourself from oppression by technology. New Scientist magazine. [Online] December 27, 2009. (http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20427390.100-free-yourself-from-oppression-by-technology.html.
16. Chatroulette.com Site Info. Alexa.com. [Online] Alexa Internet, Inc. http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/chatroulette.com.

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