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研究生(外文):Yu-Cheng Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Research of Analog Maximum Power Point Trackingfor Solar Cells
外文關鍵詞:Solar cellsMPP trackercharger
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Batteries have been used in many applications in our life. Nevertheless, batteries must be charged by chargers to maintain their electrical energy. There are many different chargers in the market. Because solar energy is clean and inexhaustible, using solar charger is economical and environment friendly. Traditionally, the maximum power point tracker is implemented by a digital microprocessor for high power applications and high cost. However, they are not applied to low-power applications, such as portable electronic devices. Therefore, we attempt to do a research for a maximum power point tracker that can be applied to low-power application and has low cost.
The maximum power point tracker is used as a solar charger charging output power from solar cells to batteries. Besides, the MPP tracker is also modified. The MPP tracker has a simplified structure, because only one multiplier is needed. The circuit is implemented by analog design and it has excellent tracking effectiveness.
Finally, an experimental circuit is implemented to verify the results. In addition, the thesis compares with the MPP tracker without modification and the modified MPP tracker.

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 論文編排方式 5
第二章 太陽能充電器系統介紹 6
2.1 太陽能板 6
2.2 太陽能電池等效電路 7
2.3 最大功率技術簡介 11
2.4 昇壓直流轉換器 16
2.5 太陽能充電器規劃 18
第三章 最大功率追踨 20
3.1 使用微分器前授控制最大功率追蹤 20
3.2 昇壓直流轉換器適合做最大功率追踨 23
3.3 使用微分器前授控制電路之昇壓架構 24
3.4 使用緩衝器前授控制最大功率追踨 26
第四章 最大功率追蹤電路 28
4.1 昇壓直流轉換器 28
4.2 偵測電路 29
4.3 閘級驅動電路 30
4.4 微分器電路 33
4.5 緩衝器延遲比較電路 35
4.6 過電壓保護電路 36
4.7 偏壓電路 37
4.8 時脈產生電路 38
4.9 乘法器 39
4.10 控制電路 47
4.11 使用緩衝器之最大功率追蹤電路 48
4.12 使用微分器之最大功率追蹤電路 49
4-13 模擬結果 51
4-14 佈局 56
第五章 實驗結果與討論 58
5.1 規格與測試環境 58
5.2 實驗結果與討論 61
第六章 結論 71
6.1 總結 71
6.2 未來研究方向 72
參考文獻 73

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