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研究生(外文):Chung-Chia Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Characteristics and Device Applications for OLED Carrier-Transporting Materials and Emitting Materials
指導教授(外文):Chung-Chih Wu
外文關鍵詞:OLEDsWhite OLEDsPhosphorescent OLEDsImpedance SpectroscopyEquivalent CircuitsSingle-layer OLEDsSimplification of Device StructureColor Rendering Index
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In this dissertation, we studied fundamental properties and device architectures for organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs). First, the impedance spectroscopy was adopted to investigate the p-type conductively doped hole transporting layer and to construct equivalent circuits. Because of the addition of conductive dopant, it was found necessary to take account the difference between the bulk region and the depletion region near the electrode, and dispersion (i.e. frequency dependence) in the dielectric response of the conductively doped transport layer. As such, it is found necessary to include the non-conventional complex impedance element in the equivalent circuit to achieve tight matching of simulated results
The second part of the dissertation is about the simplification of OLED device structure. By the aid of the novel host material possessing bipolar transporting capability and high triplet energy, we successfully fabricated efficient single-layer phosphorescent OLEDs Efficient blue and white single-layer phosphorescent OLEDs were demonstrated.
Furthermore, we again adopted the same host material to fabricate conventional multi-layer OLEDs. With only adding a hole-transporting layer and an electron-transporting layer to form a relatively simple three-layer simple structure, very efficient blue and white phosphorescent OLEDs were implemented with small efficiency roll-off.
Finally, we utilized novel Ir-based blue and red phosphors to fabricated efficient white phosphorescent OLEDs (WOLEDs) for solid state lighting (SSL). With carefully designed device architectures, we achieved efficient phosphorescent WOLEDs with high color rendering index over a wide luminance range.

致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
Contents V
Figure Contents VII
Table Contents XI

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview of Organic Light-Emitting Devices 1
1.2 PIN OLEDs and Conductive Dopants 2
1.3 Single-layer OLEDs 4
1.4 Efficiency and Color Requirements in OLED Applications 5
1.5 Impedance Spectroscopy 14
1.6 Dissertation Organization 16
References 18

Chapter 2 Impedance Spectroscopy and Equivalent Circuits of Conductively Doped Organic Hole-Transport Materials 27
2.1 Introduction 27
2.2 Experimental Methods 28
2.3 Results and Discussion 30
2.4 Summary 40
References 41

Chapter 3 Efficient Single-Layer Phosphorescent Blue and White OLEDs Employing Large-Triplet-Energy and Ambipolar Host 60
3.1 Introduction 60
3.2 Experimental Methods 61
3.3 Blue- and White-Emitting Single-Layer Phosphorescent OLEDs 63
3.4 Summary 67
References 68

Chapter 4 Efficient Phosphorescent Blue and White OLEDs with Simple Device Architecture and Small Efficiency Roll-Off 80
4.1 Introduction 80
4.2 Experimental Methods 82
4.3 Efficient Blue Phosphorescent OLEDs with Simple Device Architecture and Small Efficiency Roll-off 84
4.4 Optimizing ITO Thickness for Enhancing Light Out-coupling of OLEDs 89
4.5 Efficient White Phosphorescent OLEDs with Simple Device Architecture and Small Efficiency Roll-off 91
4.6 Summary 92
References 94

Chapter 5 High Color-Rendering Phosphorescent White OLEDs Employing True-Blue and Large-Bandwidth Orange-Red Dopants 108
5.1 Introduction 108
5.2 Experimental Methods 108
5.3 Efficient White-Emitting Phosphorescent OLEDs with High Color Rendering Capability Using only Two Complementary Colors 111
5.4 Summary 116
References 118

Chapter 6 Summary 129

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