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研究生(外文):Ching-Sheng Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Insulin resistance, metabolic and adipokine profiles inchronic hepatitis C patients:Case-control study and mechanistic exploration
指導教授(外文):Jia-Horng Kao
外文關鍵詞:hepatitis C viruschronic hepatitis Cinsuin resistancelipid metabolismadipokinessustained virologic responsesingle nucleotide polymorphism
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慢性C肝病毒感染治療的主要目標為永久消滅病毒,也就是持續追蹤檢驗C肝患者時仍檢測不到血清C肝病毒的核醣核酸。臨床上稱這些人為達到持續病毒學反應(sustained virologic response, SVR),就是病毒學上的C肝治癒(cure)。然而C肝病毒感染治療的終極目標為希望使C肝患者的肝臟組織學及臨床的相關參數能夠進步,一方面能減緩肝臟組織纖維化的進展及肝硬化產生,另一方面則希望能夠防止肝臟衰竭與肝癌的發生。
因此在臨床研究部分,吾人首先比較C肝患者及健康成人在血清中代謝特徵的差異性。吾人發現,C肝患者會較健康成年人有較高的血清高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, HDL)、脂締素(adiponectin)濃度、但是較低的總膽固醇、三酸甘油酯與低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, LDL)濃度值。進一步比較C肝患者血清中代謝特徵與抗病毒治療效果時亦發現,C肝患者接受干擾素相關治療時的早期病毒量下降程度與身體質量指標(BMI)以及血清中的HDL 濃度有關。此外吾人亦發現血清中的C肝病毒量與血清中胰島素及三酸甘油酯濃度間存有正比例的關係,並且血清中C肝病毒量與宿主脂肪代謝特徵的關係會隨著C肝病毒基因型的不同而不同。進一步的研究更發現,雖然宿主的代謝特徵會影響C肝患者肝臟組織的纖維化,然而這個影響作用也會因不同C肝病毒基因型的感染而產生不一樣的效果。
另一方面,幾個重要的研究團隊最近共同指出,與介白質28B(interleukin 28B, IL28B, 合成interferon-λ3)相關之單核苷酸多形性(single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)和C肝患者接受干擾素抗病毒藥物的治療效果間存有強烈的關聯性。因此吾人進一步研究C肝患者血清脂肪代謝特徵與IL28B SNP的關係性。初步的研究發現,帶有IL28B SNP rs8099917 的TT 基因型患者除了會較GT基因型患者在接受標準長效型干擾素治療後有較高的SVR外,TT 基因型患者也較GT基因型患者在接受治療前有較低的血清中三酸甘油酯濃度。
實驗室研究方面,吾人利用能表現不同濃度C肝基因型第一型病毒核心蛋白(HCV core protein)的肝癌細胞株(Huh 7-based cell lines)來分析宿主脂肪與膽固醇合成途徑上重要基因的表現。研究發現,表現C肝基因型第一型病毒核心蛋白的細胞較控制組有較低的細胞內三酸甘油酯與膽固醇濃度。此外不同濃度的C肝病毒核心蛋白對於細胞內膽固醇與脂肪酸製造途徑上的基因表現可以產生不同的影響,表現C肝基因型第一型病毒核心蛋白的細胞較控制組細胞,在3-羥基-3-甲基戊二酸單醯輔酶A合成酶 (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) synthase)、還原酶(HMG-CoA reductase)以及微粒体三酸甘油酯轉移蛋白(microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, MTTP) 的mRNA表現量上都相對降低,但是在法尼基轉移酶1 (farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 1, FDFT1)與ATP citrate lyase mRNA的表現量上則相對增加。C肝病毒核心蛋白低表現量細胞中SREBP1c的mRNA表現量為增加,但是其表現量會隨著C肝病毒核心蛋白量增加而逐漸下降。另外,表現C肝病毒核心蛋白的細胞較控制組在SREBP2 mRNA的表現量上相對增加,但是其表現量也會隨著C肝病毒核心蛋白量的增加而下降。



Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major causative agent of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. About 55% to 85% HCV infected people will become chronic hepatitis, 5% to 20% of them will turn to liver cirrhosis after duration of 20 to 25 years, 30 % of these cirrhotic patients will become end stage liver disease in 10 years, and once cirrhosis is established, the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma is approximately 1% to 5 % per year. In Taiwan, about 2–4% Taiwanese people are chronic carriers of HCV; hence, effective tackling this virus is an important issue in Taiwan.
The goal of treating chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients is to eradicate the virus or, in a clinical term, to attain a sustained virological response (SVR, defined as undetectable serum HCV RNA level 24 weeks after treatment cessation). However, currently approved pegylated interferon (Peg-IFN) plus ribavirin (RBV) therapy has many unpleasant side effects and is only effective in a certain proportion of patients with HCV genotype 1 (GT1) infection, especially in Western countries. Therefore, identifying baseline and on-treatment factors predictive of SVR in CHC patients is important in terms of increasing efficacy, avoiding unnecessary side effects and saving medical costs.
Several factors have been linked to the therapeutic response of CHC patients, including viral factors, host factors, metabolic factors, histological factors, the type of regimens, and the duration of infection. Among these factors, early viral kinetics following therapy has become increasingly recognized and widely used in both clinical trials and daily practice. On the other hand, there is increasing interest in the impact of chronic HCV infection on metabolic abnormalities, including glucose, lipid, cytokines, insulin resistance and adipokines. Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes have inceased incidence in CHC patients than in other disease or chronic hepatitis B patients, and serum lipid profiles as well as hepatic steatosis are associated with HCV infection and may afftect the therapeutic response of CHC patients. Howevr, the interacions between HCV infection and host metabolism as well as the underlying mechanisms remained not fully clarified.
To examine the influence of hepatitis C virus infection on adipokines, glucose and lipid metabolism, we examine the underlying mechanisms by which HCV affects host adipokines, glucose and lipid metabolism, and vice versa, from both clinical and molecular points of views. We found CHC patients had higher alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, but lower total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels than controls. By using multiple linear regression analyses for subjects with available adiponectin data, presence of HCV infection was independently associated with higher serum adiponectin. In addition, we found body mass index and genotype were related to viral load decline at day 2, and baseline viral load and HDL level were correlated with viral load decline between day 2 and day 28 in multivariate analysis. Genotype 2, lower baseline viral load and more substantial viral load decline at day 28 predicted a higher SVR.
Recently, several groups have found that the genetic polymorphism near IL28B gene may predict the therapeutic response of CHC GT 1 infected patients receiving Peg-IFN plus RBV. Thus, it is important and will be informative to evaluate the association of genetic polymorphism near IL28B gene, SVR and metabolic profiles in CHC GT 1 infected patients. We found Taiwanese CHC patients with rs8099917 TT genotype have a better SVR and lower baseline serum TG level than subjects with GT gentype.
In the in vitro studies, we found that cells expressing HCV core proteins had lower cellular triglyceride and total cholesterol levels than controls (P<0.05, ANOVA; P<0.05, Nonparametric test for trend). HCV GT1 core proteins might down-regulate mRNA expressions of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) synthase, HMG-CoA reductase and microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, but up-regulate mRNA expressions of farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 1and ATP citrate lyase. Although mRNA expression of SREBP1c was up-regulated under lower levels of HCV core proteins, its expression was down-regulated with increasing HCV core protein levels. The mRNA expression of SREBP2 was up-regulated by HCV core proteins, but down-regulated with the increasing HCV core protein levels.
CONCLUSIONS: HCV is a curable disease, and the evaluation of HCV genotype, viral kinetic parameters as well as host gene SNPs before treatment has let individualized therapies for CHC patients become possible approaches. However, the interactions and underlying mechanisms of host factors and HCV infection, especially glucose and lipid metabolsim as well as their impacts on therapeutic resposes, remain not fully understood. Further experimental and clinical studies based on these lines of evidence are needed to clearly clarify underlying mechanisms and provide clinicians useful information to opitimize the mangement of chronic HCV infection.

口試委員會審定書…………………………………………….. i
誌謝……………………………………………………………. ii
中文摘要………………………………………………………. viii
英文摘要……………………………………………………….. xii

壹、緒論…………………………………………………… 1
第一章 C肝病毒感染的自然病史以及臨床治療……………… 4
第一節 C型肝炎病毒感染的自然史…………………………… 4
第二節C肝患者的預後以及治療的目標……………….………… 5
第三節 慢性C型肝炎患者的標準治療方式……………………… 5
第四節 慢性C肝患者對干擾素相關治療反應的臨床預測指標… 7
第五節 干擾素相關治療後的病毒學反應評估指標…………… 8
第六節 C肝病毒動力學…………………………………………… 10
第七節 接受抗病毒藥物治療的適當對象……………………… 12
第八節 抗C肝病毒藥物治療的臨床評估………………………… 13
第二章 C肝病毒感染與宿主脂質及葡萄糖代謝的關係…………15
第一節、 宿主葡萄糖及脂質代謝與C肝病毒的密切關係……… 15
第二節、 C肝病毒感染與宿主葡萄糖代謝的關係……………… 15
2.1葡萄糖代謝與胰島素抗性的產生………………………… 15
2.2 糖尿病、胰島素抗性與C肝病毒感染……………………. 16
2.3 C肝病毒感染引起胰島素抗性與肝臟纖維化的可能原因 17
2.4 C肝病毒引起胰島素抗性的分子機轉………….…………. 18
第三節、C肝病毒感染與宿主脂質代謝的關係………….……. 23
3.1 肝臟脂肪變性……………………………………………… 23
3.2 脂肪性肝病與其他慢性肝臟疾病的交互作用………..… 24
3.3 肥胖導致之非酒精性脂肪肝病與胰島素抗性………….. 24
3.4肝臟脂肪變性、脂肪肝炎與肝臟纖維化………………… 26
3.5肝臟脂肪變性和慢性C肝患者肝臟纖維化進展………… 27
3.6脂肪代謝惡化C肝患者肝臟纖維化的可能機轉………… 29
3.7 肝臟脂肪變性減少的正面效應…………………………… 31
3.8 脂肪變性與抗病毒治療反應的關係……………………… 32
3.9 肥胖、肝臟脂肪變性與酒精性肝臟疾病………………… 32
3.10肝臟脂肪變性、肥胖與肝癌……………………………… 33
3.11肝臟脂肪變性與藥物性肝臟疾病………………………… 35
3.12肝臟脂肪變性與其他肝臟疾病…………………………… 35
第四節、宿主基因多形性變異與新型抗C肝病毒藥物………… 37
4.1 介白質28B基因多形性與C肝病毒感染的相關性……… 37
4.2 IL28B基因的角色……................ ........... 39
4.3 新型抗C肝病毒治療藥物………………………………… 40
第五節、研究的問題及其重要性…………………….......... 40
第六節、研究的假說與特定目的………………............. 41

貳、研究方法與材料………………....................... 43
一、葡萄糖代謝及脂肪代謝與C型肝炎病毒感染之相關性研究 43
1.1探討慢性C肝病毒感染與患者體內代謝特徵的關係性……… 43
1.2探討慢性C肝患者血清中病毒量與胰島素抗性的關係性….. 43
1.3探討慢性C肝患者血清中病毒量與宿主脂肪特徵的關係性… 44
1.4探討慢性C肝患者接受長效型干擾素合併雷巴威林治療後早期病毒動力學與各種臨床特徵的關係性……………………………. . 46
1.5探討不同C肝病毒基因型對患者代謝特徵與肝臟組織學關係的影響性………………………………………………………….….…… 47
二、 C肝病毒蛋白對葡萄糖及脂肪代謝訊息傳遞途徑的影響和機制.. 48
三、實驗材料及方法……………………………… 48

叁、結果…............................................ 54
1.1探討慢性C肝病毒感染與患者體內代謝特徵的關係性……... 54
1.2探討慢性C肝患者血清中病毒量與胰島素抗性的關係性….. 55
1.3探討慢性C肝患者血清中病毒量與宿主脂肪特徵的關係性… 56
1.4探討慢性C肝患者接受長效型干擾素合併雷巴威林治療後早期病毒動力學與各種臨床特徵的關係性………………………………... 58
1.5探討不同C肝病毒基因型對患者代謝特徵與肝臟組織學關係的影響性……………………………………………………………..……. 62
二、 C肝病毒蛋白對葡萄糖及脂肪代謝訊息傳遞途徑的影響和機制.. 64

肆、討論……………………………………………………… 65
伍、展望…………………………………………………………… 87
陸、論文英文簡述………………………………………………… 96
表1-32等……………………..………………………………. 148-184
圖1-15等………………………………………..……………. 185-205

附錄:列出個人在碩博士班修業期間所發表之相關論文清冊 206-209

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