“Chaozhou String Music” is an instrumental ensemble form that displays a vivid image and unique style by using different folk musical instruments to play together. When performing, Yangqin mainly employed the variation made with added music notes to decorate and polish the major musical instrument erxian and presents Yangqin as an important role of accompaniment. Today String Music is facing a quick declination and vanishment which triggered the researcher a sense of mission on preserving our traditional music. Therefore a traditional composition of String Music “Jackdaws Play with Water” and the composition “The Journey to Chaozhou” that applied traditional elements of Chao music were used to explore the musical features, the similarities and differences of music scores of different editions and Chao rules. The purpose of the research is to know well Yangqin’s role in Chao music. It’s even hoped to continue traditional folk music and lifting the musical art which at the same time achieves a balance between tradition and modern time. This research was made by ways of documents collection, interviews, investigation, comparison and compilation of music scores, and analysis of compositions to explore and analyze how these two compositions utilized Yangqin, to compare music scores of different editions and analyze and to interpretate compositions. The researcher also applied PRAAT phonetics software to test sound ranging and analyze the note rules of Yangqin that Mai Ko-mei used. The research shows in terms of applying playing techniques that yangqin was used for Chaozhou String Music, it not only inherited traditional but also combined modern playing techniques in order to produce a new way of interpretation. In addition, according to the music scores that Mai Ko-mei and Mai Ya-lin compiled and the statistics of yangqin musical rules that comply with the traditional style of sixty-eight bars “Ten Big Sets” and its music rules are more similar to Chinese seven average rules. It can be objectively referred to in a scientific way for Yangqin music in its sound rules of Chao music. Lastly, seeing the conversion of the modern society and lack of successors, the researcher researched and analyzed the main reasons for string music to decline from the objective and subjective perspectives. It is hoped that this research can help motivate Chao music lovers to pay more attention to the traditional Chaozhou String Music and its value and meaning in art.