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研究生(外文):Yi-pei Liu
論文名稱(外文):Developing a Mining Approach to Investigate Physician Prescription Behavior-An Example of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
指導教授(外文):Chao Ou-Yang
外文關鍵詞:ClassificationClusteringMatrix SimilarityF-measurePhysicians’ Prescription BehaviorsStevens-Johnson Syndrome
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In clinical practice, a severe illness might be the result of an untoward reaction to the pharmacological treatment for another disease. For instance, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) can be caused by antibiotics; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; antiepileptics; antugout agents; and cardiovascular drugs, as well as the drugs for local use in ophthalmology and dermatology. Since there are so many drugs covering various different medical fields, very few physicians are familiar with all the potential drugs that can cause SJS. Hence new cases or even recurrent cases of drug-induced SJS are still reported from time to time.
Currently in Taiwan, the causal relations between physicians’ prescription behaviors and the occurrence of SJS are not clear. Therefore, in this research, by applying the SJS cases data from National Health Insurance database, a pharmacological treatment mining approach is proposed to investigate physicians’ prescription behaviors before and after the occurrence of SJS.
This research will describe the behavior of pharmacological treatment by the rule-based classification method. A matrix will be used to specify the pharmacological record for each SJS case. Then, a modified F-measure will be used to measure the similarity between each pair of matrices. The measured data will be used to cluster the cases. For each group of cases, its frequent item sets will be mined and the behavior pattern of the pharmacological treatment will be identified.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4論文架構 3
第二章、文獻探討 5
2.1流程相似度 6
2.2資料探勘 8
2.2.1分群演算法 9
2.2.2序列性關聯 9
2.3總結 10
第三章、研究方法 11
3.1概念階段 11
3.2設計階段 12
3.2.1資料前處理 12
3.2.2病人用藥行為分類 13
3.2.3建構個別病人住院前用藥矩陣 16
3.2.4以F-measure計算相似度 18
3.2.5利用凝聚式階層演算法將病人做分群 23
3.2.6依序列性關聯發現各群較常出現之特徵用藥序列 24
3.2.7研究限制 27
第四章、實作研究 28
4.1資料前處理 29
4.1.1專藥用藥取得 29
4.1.2專業用藥編碼 31
4.1.3刪除出現頻率低之專業用藥 33
4.2病人用藥行為分類 34
4.3病人用藥矩陣相似度計算 35
4.4具備相似用藥模式病人之分群 36
4.5依序列性關聯發現特徵用藥序列 43
4.6結果呈現 44
4.7驗證分析與結果討論 47
4.7.1驗證分析 47
4.7.2結果討論 48
第五章、結論與建議 52
5.1結論 52
5.2未來建議 54
參考文獻 56
附錄A-1、{f10,f01}類病人用藥相似度矩陣 59
附錄A-2、{f11}類病人用藥相似度矩陣 60
附錄A-3、{f10}類病人用藥相似度矩陣 61
附錄A-4、{f11,f10}類病人用藥相似度矩陣 62
附錄A-5、{f11,f10,f01}類病人用藥相似度矩陣 63
附錄B-1、{f10,f01}類病人分群樹狀圖 64
附錄B-2、{f11}類病人分群樹狀圖 64
附錄B-3、{f10}類病人分群樹狀圖 64
附錄B-4、{f11,f10}類病人分群樹狀圖 64
附錄B-5、{f11,f10,f01}類病人分群樹狀圖 64
附錄C-1.1、{f10,f01}類1.1群病人之用藥紀錄 65
附錄C-1.2、{f10,f01}類1.2群病人之用藥紀錄 66
附錄C-1.3、{f10,f01}類1.3群病人之用藥紀錄 69
附錄C-1.4、{f10,f01}類1.4群病人之用藥紀錄 70
附錄C-1.5、{f10,f01}類1.5群病人之用藥紀錄 71
附錄C-1.6、{f10,f01}類1.6群病人之用藥紀錄 72
附錄C-2.1、{f10}類2.1群病人之用藥紀錄 74
附錄C-2.2、{f10}類2.2群病人之用藥紀錄 75
附錄C-2.3、{f10}類2.3群病人之用藥紀錄 76
附錄C-2.4、{f10}類2.4群病人之用藥紀錄 77
附錄C-2.5、{f10}類2.5群病人之用藥紀錄 78
附錄C-3.1、{f11,f10,f01}類4.1群病人之用藥紀錄 79
附錄C-3.2、{f11,f10,f01}類4.2群病人之用藥紀錄 80
附錄C-3.3、{f11,f10,f01}類4.3群病人之用藥紀錄 80
附錄C-3.4、{f11,f10,f01}類4.4群病人之用藥紀錄(住院前) 81
附錄C-3.5、{f11,f10,f01}類4.4群病人之用藥紀錄(住院後) 82
附錄C-3.6、{f11,f10,f01}類4.5群病人之用藥紀錄(住院前) 83
附錄C-3.7、{f11,f10,f01}類4.5群病人之用藥紀錄(住院後) 84
附錄C-4.1、{f11}類5.1群病人之用藥紀錄 85
附錄C-4.2、{f11}類5.2群病人之用藥紀錄 86
附錄C-4.3、{f11}類5.3群病人之用藥紀錄 86
附錄C-4.4、{f11}類5.4群病人之用藥紀錄 87
附錄C-4.5、{f11}類5.5群病人之用藥紀錄 88
附錄C-5.1、{f11,f10}類6.1群病人之用藥紀錄 89
附錄C-5.2、{f11,f10}類6.2群病人之用藥紀錄 90
附錄C-5.3、{f11,f10}類6.3群病人之用藥紀錄 92
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