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研究生(外文):Yen-gung Chou
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Exploiting GPU to Facilitate High-end 3D Applications in Cloud Computing
指導教授(外文):Yi-Leh Wu
外文關鍵詞:cloud gameHTML5encoding videostreaming videoreal-time
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Computer game has become a major entertainment selection in the world recent years. Stand-alone games dominate the game marketplace until mass multiplayer online game comes out. And now is the time for cloud games. Cloud games can play both stand-alone and online games; it is not a game type but a new architecture for gaming.
In this thesis, we present a cloud game architecture which user does not need a high-end computer specification but still able to enjoy complex computing task service such as 3D games. In this architecture user does not need any installation at client side, just open a browser that supports HTML5 and user can directly play most of games in the market right now. We capture client user’s commands, mouse click for example, in web page and send it to cloud. The whole game is running on the cloud so user does not need to install anything including the game. After that we real-time encode the game screen and then streaming it back to client side. User will think he is playing the game locally but in fact he is watching a streaming video from the cloud.
The full procedure of this architecture can complete in real-time. User save his money for high-end computer specification and game industry will have bigger marketplace without the limitation of user’s computer spec. According to all the reasons we mention above, the proposed cloud game architecture will be the future of gaming.
論文摘要 .........................................ii
Abstract .......................................iii
Content ........................................iv
List of Figures ................................vi
List of Tables .................................viii
1. Introduction ...............................1
2. Related Work ...............................2
3. System Framework ...........................4
3.1 Introduction to HTML5 .....................4
3.2 System Overview and Flowchart .............4
3.2.1 Control Area and Streaming Video Area ...7
3.2.2 Capture User Command ....................7
3.2.3 Command Transmission ....................8
3.2.4 Control the Game on Cloud ...............8
3.2.5 Rendering and Streaming .................8
3.3 Using PHP and Streaming Website ...........9
3.4 Using JavaScript and FMLE ................10
3.5 Windows Media Encoder with MMS protocol ..11
3.6 Using Web Socket Transmission ............12
3.7 VLC Streaming with RTSP protocol .........13
3.8 Broswer Support ..........................17
4. Experiments ...............................20
4.1 Experiment Environment ...................20
4.2 Stopwatch Experiment .....................20
4.3 Experiment Games .........................23
4.4 Result ...................................24
5. Conclusion and Future Work ................32
References ....................................33
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[4]OnLive websites http://www.onlive.com/.
[5]Eurogamer DigitalFoundry OnLive lag analysis http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-onlive-lag-analysis/ on 7 July, 2010.
[6]HTML5 wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5 Retrieved on 10 May, 2011.
[7]"HTML5 differences from HTML4". FAQ. W3.org. http://dev.w3.org/html5/html4-differences/ Retrieved 2011-01-23.
[8]Thoughts on Flash http://www.apple.com/hotnews/thoughts-on-flash/ Steve Jobs on April, 2010.
[9]General purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPGPU Retrieved on 5 May, 2011.
[10]John D. Owens, David Luebke, Naga Govindaraju, Mark Harris, Jens Kruger, Aaron E. Lefohn, and Tim Purcell. "A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware". Computer Graphics Forum, volume 26, number 1, pp. 80-113, 2007.
[11]Mark Harris, "Mapping computational concepts to GPUs", ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses, Los Angeles, California, July 31-August 04, 2005.
[12]Java Robot API http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/index.html
[13]Flash Media Live Encoder http://www.adobe.com/products/flashmediaserver/flashmediaencoder/
[14]Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Time_Messaging_Protocol/ Retrieved on 28 April, 2011.
[15]MediaCoder websites http://www.mediacoderhq.com/ Retrieved on May, 2011.
[16]StarCraft II wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StarCraft_II Retrieved on 3 May, 2011.
[17]Windows Media Encoder wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Media_Encoder Retrieved on 2 May, 2011.
[18]Microsoft Media Server (MMS) wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Media_Server Retrieved on 5 April, 2011.
[19]WebSockets wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebSockets Retrieved on 9 May, 2011.
[20]VideoLAN VLC media player http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ Retrieved on May, 2011.
[21]Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Time_Streaming_Protocol. Retrieved on 22 April, 2011.
[22]x264 wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X264/ Retrieved on 6 May, 2011.
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[24]Death Spank official website http://www.deathspank.com/ Retrieved on May, 2011.
[25]Civilization V official website http://www.civilization5.com/ Retrieved on May, 2011.
[26]Need for Speed Shift 2 official website http://www.needforspeed.com/shift2unleashed Retrieved on May, 2011.
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