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研究生(外文):Kuei-yin Lin
論文名稱(外文):Gaussian Mixture Modeling of Histograms for Contrast Enhancement
指導教授(外文):Kuo-liang Chung
外文關鍵詞:Contrast enhancementexpectation maximizationGaussian mixture modelhistogram equalizationK-means
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The current major theme in contrast enhancement is to partition the input histogram into multiple sub-histograms before final equalization of each sub-histogram is performed. This paper presents a novel contrast enhancement method based on Gaussian mixture modeling of image histograms, which provides a sound theoretical underpinning of the partitioning process. Our method comprises five major steps. First, the number of Gaussian functions to be used in the model is determined using a cost function of input histogram partitioning. Then the parameters of a Gaussian mixture model are estimated to find the best fit to the input histogram under a threshold. A binary search strategy is then applied to find the intersection points between the Gaussian functions. The intersection points thus found are used to partition the input histogram into a new set of sub-histograms, on which the classical histogram equalization (HE) is performed. Finally, a brightness preservation operation is performed to adjust the histogram produced in the previous step into a final one. Based on three representative test images, the experimental results demonstrate the contrast enhancement advantage of the proposed method when compared to twelve state-of-the-art methods in the literature.
List of Figures……………………………………………………ii
List of Tables…………………………………………………… iv
1. Introduction....................................... 1
2. The Proposed Method................................ 5
2.1. Determination of the Number of Gaussian Functions in the Mixture ................. 5
2.2. Estimating the Parameters of the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)................... 8
2.3. Determination of Intersection Points Between Adjacent Gaussian Functions .. 10
2.4. Application of HE to Each Sub-histogram for Contrast Enhancement ............. 14
2.5 Brightness Preservation Operation ..................................................................... 15
3. Experimental results ............................. 15
3.1. Objective Comparison of all the Methods ..... 18
3.2. Subjective Comparison of Non-brightness Preserving Methods....................... 19
3.3. Subjective Comparison of Brightness Preserving Methods....................... 20
3.4. Impact of the Threshold Parameter.............. 23
4. Conclusions........................................ 26
References............................................ 28

List of Figures
Figure 1: Two cases for determining intersection points between two adjacent Gaussian functions. (a) Case 1: non-covering case, (b) Case 2: two covering sub-cases, b1 and b2. ..................... 11
Figure 2: Segmented histogram with four sub-histograms. ............................................. 14
Figure 3: For image “Putrajaya”, the results by using non-mean preserving-based methods. (a) Original image (b) HE (c) DSIHE (d) RSIHE (e) DHE (f) GHE (g) FHE (h) SRHE (i) The proposed EMCE. ................................................................ 20
Figure 4: For image “Castle”, the results by using non-mean preserving-based methods. (a) Original image (b) HE (c) DSIHE (d) RSIHE (e) DHE (f) GHE (g) FHE (h) SRHE (i) The proposed EMCE................................................................................ 21
Figure 5: For image “Aircraft”, the results by using non-mean preserving-based methods. (a) Original image (b) HE (c) DSIHE (d) RSIHE (e) DHE (f) GHE (g) FHE (h) SRHE (i) The proposed EMCE................................................................................ 22
Figure 6: For image “Putrajaya”, the results by using mean preserving-based methods. (a) Original image (b) BBHE (c) RMSHE (d) BPDHE (e) RSWHE (f) BPWCHE (g) Our proposed EMCE+BP. ....................................................................................... 24
Figure 7: For image “Castle”, the results by using mean preserving-based methods. (a) Original image (b) BBHE (c) RMSHE (d) BPDHE (e) RSWHE (f) BPWCHE (g) Our proposed EMCE+BP. ....................................................................................... 25
Figure 8: For image “Aircraft”, the results by using mean preserving-based methods. (a) Original image (b) BBHE (c) RMSHE (d) BPDHE (e) RSWHE (f) BPWCHE (g) Our proposed EMCE+BP. ....................................................................................... 25
Figure 9: For image “Putrajaya”, four intersection points of the histogram is dependent onthe threshold Tip....................................................................................... 26

List of Tables
Table 1: For three test images, the comparison of all concerned methods in terms of EME................................................................................................................................. 17
Table 2: The execution time requirement in terms of seconds. ........................................ 18
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