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研究生(外文):Jin-Ting Jhu
論文名稱(外文):Key Evolution for the Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Network
指導教授(外文):Huei-Wen Ferng
外文關鍵詞:Key EvolutionKey ManagementWireless Sensor NetworkCluster
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無線感測器網路(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是在特定區域部署大量低成本的感測器,
在一般的無線網路中,比較常使用公開金鑰密碼學(Public Key Cryptography)來保護網路安全,但是無線感測器網路的資源限制使得公開金鑰密碼學不能直接應用。
反之,對稱式金鑰密碼學(Symmetric Key Cryptography)所需的資源比公開金鑰密碼學少很多,也更容易應用在無線感測器網路上。
如果把叢集(Cluster)的概念拿到 WSN 來應用,我們將會有一些資源較豐富的感測器稱之為Cluster Head 。
因此,本篇論文利用 Cluster Head 來執行金鑰的變更,阻撓竊聽,金鑰還原攻擊與假封包的過濾。
WSN is composed of lot of cheap and resource-constrain nodes deployed in speci c
area to monitor nature event, such as sound, re, vibration, motion or temperature
and to report the event to the base station. Because of the public feature of the wire-
less communication, we need to prevent attacker from eavesdropping the sensitive
information. Therefore, all the data should be encryption before sending.
We in general apply the Public Key Cryptography in wireless network. Owing to
the limitation of resource-constrain, we cannot fully apply the Public Key Cryptog-
raphy in WSN. Instead, the Symmetric Key Cryptography is light-weight encryption
system which is suitable for WSN. Besides, we should not neglect that each sensor
node use the same key all the time. It is easy to su er from cryptanalytic attack
and directly threaten the network security.
Now we apply the concept of cluster to WSN, then we can use the nodes possessing
abundant resource to perform complex operation. We make good use of the concept
of cluster to accomplish key evolution, packet ltering and to thwart eavesdropping,
cryptanalytic attack.
1. 緒論.....1
2. 相關文獻回顧.....3
2.1 金鑰管理.....3
2.2 異質無線感測網路與Cluster-Based.....4
2.3 資料的安全需求.....4
2.3.1 機密性(confidentiality).....4
2.3.2 可信性(authenticity).....5
2.3.3 完整性(integrity).....5
2.3.4 不可否認性(non-repudiation).....5
3. 系統架構與金鑰管理機制.....6
3.1 網路架構.....6
3.2 Assumptions.....7
3.3 符號.....8
3.4 金鑰更新.....8
3.5 報告的產生、過濾.....9
4. 安全性分析與效能評估.....12
4.1 安全性分析.....12
4.1.1 資料的機密性.....12
4.1.2 資料的可信性.....14
4.1.3 資料的可用性.....18
4.2 效能評估.....20
4.2.1 key storage overhead.....20
4.2.2 communication overhead.....21
4.2.3 computation overhead.....22
5. 總結.....23
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