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論文名稱(外文):Study and Implementation of a Dimmable LED Driver for General Indoor Lighting Applications
指導教授(外文):Yu-Kang LoHuang-Jen Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Dimmable LED Driver
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In this thesis, a 50-watt dimmable LED driver is presented for general indoor lighting applications. The front stage is a flyback power factor corrector (PFC). It features a simple topology to achieve a high conversion efficiency, a high power factor (PF), and a slightly regulated output voltage. Also the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the input current harmonics can be reduced. The post-stage circuit is a two-input (twin-bus) buck converter, which has been designed to raise the efficiency, to decrease the size of the inductor, and to speed up the changing rate of the LED current. The twin-bus buck converter is of floating ground configuration. The power diode, the inductor and the output capacitor are connected to a second DC input voltage, instead of the ground, when the main switch is turned off. The information of the inductor current can be easily obtained by a current sensing resistor. These benefits contribute to provide a high-efficiency, low-cost, and reliable solution for LED lighting applications.
The operation principles and design considerations of the studied LED driver are analyzed and discussed. A laboratory prototype is also designed and tested to verify the feasibility.

Keyword: Flyback power factor corrector (PFC), two-input (twin-bus) buck converter, LED driver, PWM dimming
摘  要 I
Abstract II
誌  謝 III
目  錄 IV
圖 索 引 VI
表 索 引 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機及目的 1
1.2 論文大綱 2
1.3 電路架構 3
第二章 LED特性分析 4
2.1 LED光源特性介紹 4
2.2 LED發光原理 4
2.2.1 自發性放射 6
2.2.2 放射光譜 8
2.2.3 色彩與波長 12
2.2.4 發光效率 13
2.2.5 電流-電壓特性的修正 16
2.3 LED與各光源特性比較 18
第三章 功率因數修正器 21
3.1 功率因數與總諧波失真之定義 21
3.1.1 總諧波失真和功率因數分析 22
3.1.2 主動式功率因數修正器模式 25
3.2 單級返馳式PFC轉換器之架構與原理 27
3.2.1 單級返馳式PFC轉換器簡介 27
3.2.2 單級返馳式PFC轉換器動作原理 28
第四章 雙輸入降壓式LED驅動電路原理 32
4.1 降壓式轉換器電路原理 32
4.2 降壓型轉換器導通模式 34
4.2.1 連續導通模式(CCM)分析 36
4.2.2 邊界導通模式(BCM)條件 41
4.2.3 不連續導通模式(DCM)分析 42
4.3 雙輸入降壓式轉換器電路分析 47
第五章 電路參數設計與實驗數據 55
5.1 單級返馳式PFC設計 55
5.1.1 L6561簡介 56
5.1.2 單級返馳式PFC電路規格 58
5.1.3 元件設計 58
5.2 單級返馳式PFC實測波形及數據 61
5.2.1 實測電路波形 61
5.2.2 實測電路數據 64
5.3 雙輸入降壓式LED驅動電路設計 65
5.3.1 UC3842簡介 65
5.3.2 單組電路規格 67
5.3.3 元件設計 68
5.3.4 控制電路設計 70
5.4 雙輸入降壓式LED驅動電路實測波形及數據 71
5.4.1 實測電路波形 71
5.4.2 實測電路數據 76
5.5 全機實測數據 77
第六章 結論與未來展望 78
6.1 結論 78
6.2 未來研究方向與建議 78
參考文獻 80
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