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研究生(外文):Ruei-tang Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Analysis on Forging Process of Spindle Shaft Parts
指導教授(外文):You-Min Huang
外文關鍵詞:cold-forgingfinite element analysisDEFROM-3D
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現今國內專注於鍛造高強度零件之廠商甚多,但多數廠商皆以其經驗設計其鍛品之製程。本文將以軸狀零件鍛造加工為例,進行加工製程設計之理論分析起始,進而規劃零件整體之製程,包括工程道次之規劃、加工負荷之擬定、模具之設計等。本研究藉由電腦輔助設計(CAD,computer aided design)與電腦輔助工程(CAE,computer aided engineering)的方法,並透過有限元素分析法(FEM,finite element method)套裝軟體DEFORM-3D來進行軸狀零件之冷鍛製程應力模擬分析,進而縮短實際試模時間與快速掌握成形之條件與製程參數。藉由軸狀零件鍛造製程模擬之分析,獲得軸狀零件於加工時所需之工程道次、加工負荷,判斷出合理之加工時所需之製程。此外,亦設計第一道次鍛造模具進行實驗,並將實驗結果與數值模擬作與驗證,以達到數值模擬分析之可信性。期盼此研究之成果能夠提供廠商作為範例,累積軸狀零件鍛造加工之經驗,縮短產品開發之製程,進而提升產業之競爭力。
Nowadays, many forging companies are dedicated to develop the high strength parts. Most of them performed the manufacturing process empirically instead of theoretically. This research presents a complete forging process by means of numerical and experimental studies based on shaft forming. Analysis material flow and stress/strain distribution, finite element method (FEM) was carried out. This will decrease the time of mold testing and grasp the forming conditions and process parameter rapidly. Moreover, the punch load in multistage process and manufacturing parameters were also discussed.
A set of forming die is designed for these experiments. The experimental results of which were made in comparison with the simulation results. The results of both after compensation were accurate. Hope manufactures could apply the results of this research in accumulating the experiences of shaft forging manufacturing.
摘 要..................................I
致 謝..................................III
目 錄..................................VI
第一章 緒論...........................1
1.1 前言..............................1
1.2 文獻回顧..........................4
1.3 研究目的..........................7
1.4 論文架構..........................9
第二章 鍛造加工之方法.................10
2.1 鍛造成形加工之介紹................10
2.1.1 依模具型式分類...................10
2.1.2 依工作溫度形式分類...............11
2.2 加強環.............................13
第三章 塑性力學之理論.................15
3.1 塑性力學之介紹....................15
3.1.1 力學解析的目的...................15
3.1.2 塑流應力.........................15
3.1.3 真實應力與真實應變...............16
3.1.4 應力應變方程式...................18
3.2 金屬之降伏條件....................20
3.2.1 材料的塑性法則與性質.............20
3.2.2 塑性流動法則.....................21
3.2.3 加工硬化、等效應力與等效應變.....22
3.3 剛塑性理論........................25
3.4 邊界條件..........................28
3.5 摩擦效應..........................29
第四章 有限元素分析軟體...............31
4.1 有限元素法之簡介..................31
4.2 DEFORM簡介........................32
4.3 軟體架構..........................34
4.3.1 前處理器.........................34
4.3.2 主程式求解器.....................35
4.3.3 後處理器.........................36
4.4 DEFORM使用流程....................37
第五章 數值分析與實驗操作.............40
5.1 材料參數..........................40
5.2 電腦數值模擬解析方法與步驟........40
5.3 軸狀零件加工數值模型..............41
5.4 實驗方法..........................43
5.4.1 實驗設備.........................43
5.4.2 實驗材料之退火與潤滑處理.........44
5.4.3 模具組...........................44
5.4.4 實驗流程規劃.....................45
第六章 實驗結果與探討..................70
6.1 雙重塑性流動對成形性之影響.........70
6.2 皮膜化處理對成形性之影響...........74
6.3 實驗結果之彙總.....................75
6.4 成形負荷比較.......................76
第七章 結論與建議......................77
7.1 結論...............................77
7.2 未來研究之展望.....................78
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