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研究生(外文):Geng-hao Liu
論文名稱(外文):On the Study of the Sweetness of an Erhu
指導教授(外文):Mau-pin Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Erhumusical sound indicessweetnesstimber
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由於主觀上認為越甜美的音色,其協和成份所佔的比例應越高,本研究因此根據各泛音與基音之間的協和與不協和關係,計算出每一個單音的協和成份與不協和成份。由實驗計算所得之協和成份,的確證實了主觀評價的正確性。第二個影響二胡之甜美度的因素是4,000Hz至16,000Hz之間的音量,甜美的音色在這範圍內之聲壓值不能太高,在4,000 Hz與8,000 Hz之間的音量若較大,音色就顯得太亮;在8,000 Hz與12,000 Hz之間的音量若較大,就會令人感覺尖銳刺耳;太亮或太尖銳的聲音都會讓人覺得音色較不甜美。


We often heard erhu performers or makers use the term “sweet” to describe the timbre of erhu, but how this judgment is made is quite arbitrary; that is, there is no objective criteria for the sweetness of timbre. Therefore, this study performed subjective evaluation and objective quantitative analysis on the “sweetness” of the timbre of erhu in order to verify the four major factors affecting the sweetness of timbre.

Subjectively, sweet timbre should possess a high proportion of consonant component. The authors calculated the consonant and the dissonant components for each monotone based on the consonant and the dissonant relationship between fundamental frequency and overtones. By calculating the acquired harmonic components, the study verified that subjective evaluation was in fact quite accurate. The second factor affecting the sweetness of erhu is the volume between 4,000 Hz and 16,000 Hz—in this range, the acoustic pressure of sweet timbre cannot be too high. If the volume is slightly higher between 4,000 Hz and 8,000 Hz, the timbre would be too bright. If the volume is slightly higher between 8,000 Hz and 12,000 Hz, then the timbre would be too sharp. Sweet timbre should be neither too bright nor too sharp.

In addition, purity and volume equilibrium of music indices are also related to sweetness as well. Purity is highly correlated with sweetness, and timbre perceived as sweet must be highly pure as well. As for volume, if the volume of one note is significantly different from the volume of another, then sweetness will be reduced. Results from the analysis suggest that these two music indices well support the subjective viewpoint.

In terms of the start-up and the decay time of the timbre of erhu, it is subjectively considered that sweet timbre should have a shorter start-up time, while the decay of sweet timbre should be relatively slower. Our data here verified that the overall damping of sweet timbre of erhu is indeed smaller, and this is consistent with subjective assessment.
1 摘 要 i
2 Abstract ii
3 誌 謝 iii
4 目錄 iv
5 圖目錄 vii
6 表目錄 xi
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 文獻回顧與整理 3
1.5 本文架構 5
2 第二章 聲音品質與聲音指標 7
2.1 聲音品質的定義 7
2.2 建立客觀的聲音指標 9
2.3 二胡樂音指標 10
2.3.1 建立二胡樂音指標的流程 10
2.3.2 現有的二胡樂音指標 16
2.4 小結 17
3 第三章 二胡的甜美度 18
3.1 二胡簡介 18
3.1.1 二胡構造介紹 18
3.1.2 二胡的特性與音色 21
3.2 實驗儀器介紹與實驗步驟 23
3.2.1 實驗儀器介紹 23
3.2.2 實驗量測步驟 24
3.3 二胡的「甜美」樂音 25
3.3.1 演奏者對二胡甜美度的定義 25
3.3.2 研究過程 25
3.4 協和成份與不協和成份 28
3.4.1 基礎樂理 28
3.4.2 協和成份與不協和成份計算 32
3.5 協和值的計算 39
3.5.1 音響心理學 40
3.5.2 計算協和值 45
3.6 以現有的樂音指標分析 51
3.6.1 「純淨度」分析 51
3.6.2 「亮度」分析 54
3.6.3 「尖銳度」分析 56
3.6.4 「音量均衡度」分析 60
3.7 小結 62
4 第四章 探討琴音之頻帶範圍與始振衰減時間 64
4.1 兩把二胡的1/3 Octave頻譜與窄頻頻譜比較 64
4.2 多把二胡的1/3 Octave頻譜與窄頻頻譜比較 72
4.3 琴音的始振與衰減時間 81
4.3.1 撥內外空弦量測衰減時間 81
4.3.2 拉奏內外空弦與按壓單音量測始振時間 95
4.4 小結 98
5 第五章 結論與建議 100
5.1 結論 100
5.2 對未來研究方向的建議 101
參考文獻 102
6 附錄一 104
7 附錄二 117
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