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研究生(外文):Erwin-Erwin Erwin
論文名稱(外文):Experimental Study on Buckling Behavior of H-Shaped Steel Beam
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Cheng Chen
中文關鍵詞:lateral torsional bucklingcomposite beamlateral instabilitycontinuous torsional support
外文關鍵詞:lateral torsional bucklingcomposite beamlateral instabilitycontinuous torsional support
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In seismic design of steel beam for building, lateral brace is a common lateral support device used nowadays to prevent the lateral torsional buckling. Lateral brace will restraint the lateral displacement at the bottom flange of H shaped beam. The lateral displacement of the top flange will be restrained by floor slab. But, the floor slab seems not only can restrain the lateral displacement but also can provide lateral torsional stiffness to the beam. In this test, one beam with lateral brace and three beams without lateral brace were tested. All of the beams have slab casted on them. Two special detailing were used for the beam without lateral brace to prevent the bottom flange deformation besides of lateral brace.
The test results show that, the slab can increase the ductility of the steel beam compare to the beam without slab (ABRI report). The beam can exhibit a very good ductility although lateral brace is not provided when the slab is in presence. The local buckling and lateral torsional buckling are concentrated at the reduced section region when slab is in presence.
In seismic design of steel beam for building, lateral brace is a common lateral support device used nowadays to prevent the lateral torsional buckling. Lateral brace will restraint the lateral displacement at the bottom flange of H shaped beam. The lateral displacement of the top flange will be restrained by floor slab. But, the floor slab seems not only can restrain the lateral displacement but also can provide lateral torsional stiffness to the beam. In this test, one beam with lateral brace and three beams without lateral brace were tested. All of the beams have slab casted on them. Two special detailing were used for the beam without lateral brace to prevent the bottom flange deformation besides of lateral brace.
The test results show that, the slab can increase the ductility of the steel beam compare to the beam without slab (ABRI report). The beam can exhibit a very good ductility although lateral brace is not provided when the slab is in presence. The local buckling and lateral torsional buckling are concentrated at the reduced section region when slab is in presence.
Acknowledgment i
Abstract ii
Table of Content iii
List of Table v
List of Figures vi
Notations ix
Chapter 1 : INTRODUCTION 1
1.1. Foreword 1
1.2. Background 1
1.3. Motivation of Research 4
1.4. Objective and Scopes 4
1.5. Outline 5
2.1. Foreword 7
2.2. Critical Moment of H Section Beam Under Uniformly Distributed
Moment 7
2.3. Verification of Beam Moment Capacity 10
2.4. Brace Requirement 13
2.5. Un-braced Length Requirement for Seismic Design 14
3.1. Design Concept of The Specimens 15
3.2. Specimens Matrix 16
3.3. Fabrication Details of Specimens 17
3.3.1. Material Properties 17
3.3.2. Fabrication of Steel Beams 17
3.3.3. Fabrication of Slabs 18
3.4. Experimental Test Setup and Instrumentations 19
3.5. Testing Procedures 20
4.1. General Behavior 21
4.2. Evaluation of Test Results 25
4.3. Failure Mode Summaries 26
4.4. Opening Between Slab and Steel Beam 28
4.5. Energy Dissipation 29
5.1. Conclusions 31
5.2. Suggestions 32
References 33
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