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研究生(外文):Yen-Chun Huang
論文名稱(外文):Influence of Strength Reduction of Sandstone/Shale Interlayered Dip Slope on Anchor Load and Slope Deformation
指導教授(外文):Hung -Jiun Liao
外文關鍵詞:sandstone/shale slopeanchored slopedip slope
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台灣地區因山坡地質破碎且風化情形嚴重、邊坡岩體節理發達、順向坡地質構造明顯及地下水入滲與季節水位變化,對於地錨邊坡之穩定性更很大的影響,國道三號砂/頁岩互層順向坡因滑動面軟化而導致邊坡滑動破壞即為一例。本研究主要在順向坡岩層強度弱化時,對於地錨荷重及坡體變位量變化情形之影響進行初步探討。研究中所採用之主要分析工具為PLAXIS 2D更限元素程式,並於分析時嘗詴加入界面元素模擬軟弱滑動面進行分析。結果顯示,在設計分析砂?}頁岩互層之平面滑動案例時,應考慮土層界面間材料強度的影響。此一問題,可藉由加入界面元素來處理;滑動面由一開始的圓弧滑動型式逐漸成為平面滑動型式,顯示在滑動過程中型式及位置會隨坡體材料強度參數降低而改變;100t之荷重可作為破壞的警戒值,因此荷重在到達100t之前,即應採取因應措施,避免荷重和位移持續增加。
Due to the complicated geological condition of nature slopes in Taiwan, Rock joints was developed, the geological structure of dip slope is significantly, Infiltration of groundwater and seasonal water level changes, has a influence for the slope stability of the anchored slopes. National Highway No. 3 sand / shale dip slope due to the sliding surface softening caused damage is an example of slope sliding. This study focused on the influence of strength reduction on anchor load and slope deformation. The principal study analysis tools is PLAXIS 2-D finite element program,and joined the interface element to simulation of the sliding surface for analysis. The results show that ,analysis in the design of sand / shale of the plane sliding case, need to consider the influence for the interface between soil material strength. This problem can be handled by adding interface elements. Sliding surface from the beginning of the circular sliding type become to the plane sliding type,so the process of sliding type and location will change by strength reduction . 100t of the load can be damaged as a warning value.Therefore, before the load reaches 100t it should be taken in response to void the load and displacement continued to increase.
中文摘要 ................................................... I
英文摘要 .................................................. II
誌 謝 ................................................. III
總 目 錄 ................................................. IV
圖 目 錄 ................................................. VI
表 目 錄 .................................................. X
第 一 章 緒論 ............................................. 1
第 二 章 文獻回顧 ......................................... 4
2.1 極限平衡法(Limit Equilibrium Method) .............. 4
2.2極限分析法(Limit Analysis Method) ................. 9
2.3變形分析法(Deformation Analysis Method) ......... 10
2.3.1更限元素法 ..................................... 12
2.4剪力強度折減法(Strength Reduction Factor,SRF) .. 15
2.5地錨結構與型式 ................................... 19
2.6地錨尺寸與配置 ................................... 21
2.7地錨錨碇力與預力 ................................ 22
第 三 章 研究方法 ........................................ 24
3.1 Plaxis程式簡介 ...................................... 24
3.1.1程式基本指令及操作 ............................. 24
3.1.2分析組合律模式 ................................. 25
3.1.3材料行為 ....................................... 29
3.1.4更限元素分析模型建立 ........................... 30

第 四 章 邊坡案例數值分析 ................................ 33
4.1基本資料 ........................................... 33
4.2地形及地質概況 ..................................... 34
4.2.1區域地質概況 ................................... 34
4.2.2區域地質分佈 ................................... 34
4.3預力地錨設計與施工 ................................. 38
4.3.1預力地錨尺寸與配置 ............................. 38
4.3.2預力地錨裝設程序 ............................... 38
4.4監測計畫 ........................................... 38
4.5更限元素分析 ....................................... 39
4.5.1邊界範圍與邊界條件 ............................. 39
4.5.2材料參數 ....................................... 40
4.5.3建立更限元素網格 ............................... 41
4.5.4初始條件模擬 ................................... 41
4.5.5施工步驟之數值模擬 ............................. 42
4.5.6影響參數研究及分析結果......................... 45
第 五 章 結論與建議 ...................................... 49
5.1結論 ............................................... 49
5.2建議 ............................................... 50
參考文獻 ................................................. 52
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