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研究生(外文):Weilun Chang
論文名稱(外文):Korean Sojourners in Taiwan: A Case Study of Second Language Socialization
指導教授(外文):Chilin Wang
外文關鍵詞:second language socializationintercultural communicationacculturationsojournercase study
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本研究探討旅居台灣的韓籍人士在語言社會化過程中,文化適應策略和溝通策略之使用及其意涵。現今隨著國際化進程的步伐,異文化接觸日益頻繁,跨文化溝通的種種現象,值得深入探討,並從中獲得符應現代潮流的見解。本研究以四位在台韓籍人士為對象,採用參與者觀察法及深入訪談等質性研究方法,蒐集研究對象之跨文化互動、外語應用情形、及其對第二語言社會化之反思等資料。本研究主要藉由兩個框架探究分析研究對象在異國文化中,如何透過社會化發展新的語言文化知識與能力。其一為加拿大文化研究學者John Berry提出之四大文化適應策略--同化、融合、分離、邊緣化;其二參考約旦溝通策略研究學者Ghaleb Rababah所統整之溝通策略分類,篩選出具代表性的四項第二語言溝通策略--訊息遺棄、主題迴避、迂迴陳述、使用第二語言尋求協助--使之形成框架。研究結果顯示,外籍人士對文化適應策略的態度與選擇性使用,受到與互動對象的關係、互動的情境、及互動目的的影響。外籍人士在異國文化情境中具有多面向的身分,溝通策略的使用有助於其建立並維持社會關係。研究並且顯示,社會支持對於外籍人士的文化認同與語言學習扮演著不可或缺的角色。研究結果有助於學界以更加寬廣的視野審視目前台灣的跨文化教育,也有助於政府機構與學校對相關外籍人士提供更完善的協助。
The study investigated how four female Korean sojourners engaged in intercultural communication during their stay in Taiwan. The focus was on the participants’ development of second language (L2) socialization and their application of the acculturation strategies in the course of their sojourn. A qualitative case study approach was employed. Data were collected through the use of field observations, interviews, questionnaires, and audio recordings of the participants’ interactions with local Taiwanese and with their co-nationals. Analysis of data was done with two main frameworks. One is Berry’s (2005) framework of acculturation strategies, namely, assimilation, separation, integration, and marginalization. The other one is the framework of communication strategies including message abandonment, topic avoidance, circumlocution, and L2 appeal for help which was adapted from Rababah’s (2001) taxonomy. The results show that language identity, ethnic attitudes, and social support, which were closely related to their choice of acculturation strategies, contributed to their L2 socialization during the sojourn. It is concluded that the sojourners’ attitudes toward the acculturation orientations are not invariable. They vary with interactional relationships, situations, and intentions. And, the participants utilized various communication strategies to cope with many-faceted roles as foreigners, guests, experts in religion and other identities. The findings contribute to a better understanding of phenomena attributed to cross-cultural differences such understanding can help reduce embarrassment and conflicts between sojourners and the host nationals. The knowledge in the findings also serves to promote an improved cross-cultural education in schools and an improved service for sojourners by government organizations.
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................vii
LIST OF TABLES...........................................................vii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................1
1.1 Background and Motivation............................................1
1.2 Purpose of the study.................................................3
1.3Research questions....................................................4
1.4 Significance of the study............................................4
1.5 Definition of special terms..........................................5
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................10
2.1 Language Socialization...............................................10
2.1.1 Theoretical Frameworks of Language Socialization...................10 Ecological Perspectives on Language Socialization................11 Anthropological Perspectives on Language Socialization...........12 Systemic Functional Perspectives on Language Socialization.......13
2.1.2 Research on Language Socialization.................................14 Studies on L1 socialization......................................15 Studies on L2 socialization and SLA..............................17 Studies on L2 socialization and intercultural relations..........19
2.2 Acculturation........................................................22
2.2.1 Acculturation Strategies...........................................22 Research on Acculturation Strategies.............................24
2.3 Communication Strategies.............................................26
CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY....................................................34
3.1 Rationale for using qualitative approach and case study..............34
3.2 Participants.........................................................35
3.3 Instruments..........................................................37
3.4 Data collection procedure............................................38
3.5 Data analysis procedure..............................................39
CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.........................................43
4.1 Acculturation Strategies.............................................43
4.1.1 Assimilation .......................................................43
4.1.2 Separation.........................................................48
4.1.3 Integration........................................................53
4.1.4 Marginalization....................................................64
4.2 Communication Strategies.............................................68
4.2.1 Message abandonment................................................69
4.2.2 Topic avoidance....................................................70
4.2.3 Circumlocution.....................................................72
4.2.4 L2 Appeal for help.................................................73
4.3 Summary..............................................................75
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS....................................................76
5.1 Conclusions..........................................................76
5.2 Implications.........................................................80
5.3 Limitations and suggestions..........................................82
Appendix A. Background Questionnaire.....................................91
Appendix B. Semi-structured interview guide (I)..........................93
Appendix C. Semi-structured interview guide (II).........................95
Appendix D. Semi-structured interview guide (III)........................96
Appendix E. Semi-structured interview guide (IV).........................97

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