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研究生(外文):I-Hao Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Determinants of Executive Compensation in the U.S. Financial Sector
指導教授(外文):Yi-Kai Chen
外文關鍵詞:Financial InstitutionsExecutive CompensationDeterminantsQuantile Regression
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The determinants of executive compensation in corporate firm has been discussed and debated among existing literature. Especially after the financial crisis, the high level of CEO compensation in financial sector draws the attention of the public. People are curious about the determinants of executive compensation in U.S. financial sector. Therefore, this study wants to find the determinants of the executive compensation in the U.S. financial sector.

We build the framework of internal (firm size, firm performance, tenure and board size) and external factors (macroeconomic and industries competition) to examine the determinants of executive compensation. We use the Compustat ExecuComp database from U.S. financial sector between 1992 and 2009. This study uses fixed-effects model and quantile regression to estimate the relationship between determinants and executive compensation. First, we use the fixed-effects model to understand the determinants of compensation. Second, we use quantile regression to understand the determinants between high quantile and low quantile and we also compare the quantile regression results with fixed-effects model results. Finally, this study tests the percentage of each compensation to total compensations by employing quantile regression.

The empirical results of cross-companies panel data, not all support our hypotheses. The executive compensation is positive related to firm size. But the executive compensations are not always positively related to firm performance, even the ROE is negatively related to executive pay. The empirical results show that the compensation is positively related to tenure but the executive pay is not related to board size. Most importantly, the results of quantile regression show that the determinants are not significant in low quantile and high quantile. Finally, the result of compensation percentage quantile regression show the determinants of compensation are not consistent when the each pays (cash and non cash) is large part of total compensation and small part of total compensation.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Motivations and Purposes
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 The Components of Executive Compensation
2.1.1 Cash Compensation
2.1.2 Non-Cash Compensation
2.2 The Determinants of Executive Compensation
2.3 The Internal Determinants of Executive Compensation 2.3.1 Firms Size
2.3.2 Firm Performance
2.3.3 Corporate Governance
2.3.4 Tenure
2.4 The External Determinants of Executive Compensation
2.4.1 Macroeconomic
2.4.2 Industries Competition
2.5 Quantile Regression
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Quantile Regression
3.2 Database
3.3 Variables Description
3.3.1 Cash, Non-Cash and Total Compensation
3.3.2 Internal and External Variables
3.3.3 Dummy Variables
3.4 Models
Chapter 4 Empirical Results
4.1 Fixed-Effects Model Results and Discussion
4.2 Normality Tests
4.3 The Results of Quantile Regression
Chapter 5 Conclusions
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