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研究生(外文):Liao, Shu-hsien
論文名稱(外文):Recycling polished porcelain tile sludge and scraps from tile factory: the feasibilities of fabricating porcelain tile and lightweight tile
指導教授(外文):Chang, Kun-senHan, Hsiung-wen
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Chih-hsinugHan, Hsiung-wenChiang, kang-yu
外文關鍵詞:Polished porcelain tileGrinding sludgeWaste tile scrapLightweight tileRecycling
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本研究針對瓷磚廠之拋光石英磚研磨污泥及陶質、石質廢坯進行回用於瓷質磚製程之分析研究。實驗結果共分四部份,第一部份為污泥及廢坯基本性質之探討。研磨污泥成分中粒徑分布於1–700 µm區間,介於4–60 μm存在係以磚坯粉屑為主,而100–700 μm則推測為碳化矽顆粒占大多數,且可燃分(濕基)占2.5 ± 0.8%及TGA 1,100 °C燒失量亦有約3.3%之重量損失,導因係與污泥成分中夾雜部份研磨片粉屑、SiC顆粒及其高溫易分解之S、Cl等物質有關。此外,經過篩 + 超音波(US)及過篩 + 超音波 + 臭氧(OZS)前處理污泥,亦可削減污泥> 45 µm之SiC顆粒,及降低燒成TGA重量損失約0.7−1.6%。而陶質、石質兩種廢坯之基本性質分析結果顯示,可燃分及TGA 1,100 °C燒失量皆< 1%,即所存在之易產氣及分解之物質較少,且廢坯成分中所含CaO、MgO及殘留晶相較研磨污泥多,使之回用成效較研磨污泥佳且較具耐火性。
第二部分為不同比例之前處理污泥及廢坯回用,結果顯示,隨研磨污泥添加比例10%增至30%除可促使磚體低溫燒成外,亦使氣孔率顯著增加且體密度降低。然而經二種前處理程序亦能減緩試片之膨脹現象並提升性質。其中,污泥回用率10%、溫度1,120−1,130 °C及回用率20−30%、溫度1,090−1,100 °C,分別可達CNS瓷質地磚、壁磚之規範及符合綠建材標準。此外,陶質及石質廢坯回用方面,以陶質廢坯(P)回用率20%、溫度1,140−1,180 °C及石質廢坯(S)回用率20%、溫度1,140−1,170 °C之二種燒成效果最佳,亦可符合相關標準,且燒成溫度範圍可達30−40 °C。
最後則為製備輕質磚之應用,結果顯示在1,140 °C燒成溫度下,以外層US30−50% + 內層OS50−70%最符合輕質磚特性,且US50OS70之配比亦可使之燒成坯體體密度< 1 g/cm3及浮於水面。

Ceramic sludges and scraps, especially polished porcelain tile (PPT) sludge generated from PPT grinding process, are the major waste in tile factory. Since PPT sludge contains complex compositions hard for recycling, it is usually disposed for earth embankment and landfill.
In this research, PPT sludge, waste earthenware and stoneware were recycled for producing porcelain tile and four phases were developed for study. The first phase was basic physico-chemical properties analysis of PPT sludge and waste wares. The results show that particle size of PPT sludge ranged 1–700 µm; furthermore, the major components among 4–60 μm was PPT scraps and 100–700 μm was SiC particles. Combustible (wet basis) in PPT sludge was 2.5 ± 0.8wt.% and LOI of TGA (1,100 °C) was 3.3wt.%, revealing that weight losses of PPT sludge coming from the constituents of SiC, S, and Cl. Pretreatments of “screening + ultrasoning” sludge (as US) and “screening + ultrasoning + ozonation” sludge (as OZS) could remove SiC particles size larger than 45 µm and reduce weight losses of 0.7−1.6% in TGA analysis. In waste earthenware and stoneware, combustible in wares and LOI of TGA (1,100 °C) were less than 1wt.%, indicating more refractory CaO and MgO in wares than PPT sludge.
The second phase was reuses of pretreated PPT sludge and waste wares in different recycling ratios. As sludge ratio increased from 10% to 30%, the optimal firing temperature of tile products decreased, porosity increased, and bulk density decreased. It is also noted that pretreatment of PPT sludge could significantly reduce swelling phenomenon and raise strength of tile products. The tile products in operational conditions of 10% sludge fired at 1,120−1,130 °C and 20−30% sludge fired at 1,090−1,100 °C met CNS standards for porcelain floor tile and porcelain wall tile, respectively; moreover, both meeting the requirements of green building material label. In the recycling of waste earthenware and stoneware, the products in operational conditions of 20% earthenware (or pottery ware, as P) fired at 1,140−1,180 °C and 20% stoneware (as S) fired at 1,140−1,170 °C could not only meet some relative standards but also widen their optimal firing temperature range of 30−40 °C.
The third phase was the test of adding nonhazardous dust. A 10% dust addition could improve the strengths of some 20%US tile products, but dust also increased liquid viscosity during sintering process. Thus, tile products increases in swelling, LOI, and water absorption were found. In addition, a 5% dust addition could decrease firing temperature of 20% recycling earthenware, but also raised product swelling and narrowed their optimal firing temperature range.
The final phase was the test of fabricating lightweight tile. A sandwich structure of outer layers containing US30−50% and inner layer containing OS50−70% was attested as the optimal formation. Specially, a floating sample of US50OS70 with bulk density less than 1 g/cm3 was obtained.

摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIII
符號索引 XIV

第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究對象 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 瓷磚廢棄物及拋光石英磚製程之研磨污泥 5
2.1.1瓷磚基本性質與分類 5
2.1.2瓷磚製程 6
2.1.3 我國陶質、石質及瓷質磚之相關規範 9
2.1.4 瓷磚廠主要廢棄物產生源 11
2.1.5 研磨廢水處理程序及污泥基本性質 13
2.2 研磨污泥燒結製備輕質骨材(磚) 16
2.2.1輕質骨材 16
2.2.2 試體膨脹機制 16
2.2.3 輕質骨材相關製備技術 18
2.3 瓷磚相關燒結機制 19
2.3.1 燒結基本原理 19
2.3.2 高溫燒結機構 21
2.3.3 燒結反應階段 25
2.4 瓷磚燒成之影響因子 28
2.5 磚體組成對瓷磚體之燒結影響 29
2.6 研磨污泥處理機制 30
2.6.1 顆粒分離機制 31
2.6.2 超音波處理機制 31
2.6.1 臭氧處理機制 32
2.7 國內外相關研究 34
2.7.1廢棄物資源化製磚再利用 34
2.7.2 污泥資源化之應用 36
第三章 實驗材料與方法 38
3.1 研究材料 38
3.1.1 污泥及廢坯樣品來源 38
3.1.2 其他研究材料:無害集塵灰 38
3.2 實驗設備與物化分析 39
3.2.1 實驗設備 39
3.2.2 瓷磚廠廢坯及污泥之物化分析 43
3.2.3 其他分析儀器及設備 45
3.3污泥回用之實驗方法 46
3.3.1 污泥前處理 47
3.3.2 實驗配比 48
3.3.3粉料配方備製 50
3.3.4 生坯成型 50
3.3.5 燒結試驗 51
3.4 燒成性質測定 52
3.5 瓷磚/輕質磚相關規範 54
第四章 結果與討論 55
4.1 瓷磚廠廢坯及研磨污泥之物化特性分析結果 55
4.1.1 基本物化性質分析 55
4.1.2 粒徑分析 56
4.1.3 晶相分析 57
4.1.4 熱重與熱差分析 60
4.1.5 成分組成分析 64
4.2污泥及廢坯之單相燒結性質 67
4.2.1 研磨污泥燒結性質 67
4.2.2 陶質、石質廢坯之燒結性質 68
4.3 研磨污泥回用燒結瓷質磚之可行性 69
4.3.1 不同前處理污泥比例回用之燒成性質 69
4.3.2 不同比例前處理污泥回用之顯微結構 79
4.3.3 不同比例前處理研磨污泥回用之氣孔率及體密度 82
4.3.4 不同比例前處理污泥回用之晶相分析 83
4.4 陶質及石質廢坯回用燒結瓷質磚之可行性 86
4.4.1 不同廢坯比例回用之燒成性質 86
4.4.2 不同比例廢坯回用之顯微結構 93
4.4.3 不同比例廢坯回用之氣孔率及體密度 94
4.4.4 不同比例前處理廢坯回用之晶相分析 95
4.5 混合不同物質及研磨污泥添入回用燒結瓷質磚之可行性 98
4.5.1 無害化集塵灰添入研磨污泥回用之燒成性質 98
4.5.2 陶質廢坯添入研磨污泥回用之燒成性質 101
4.5.3混合不同物質及研磨污泥添入回用之顯微結構 105
4.6 不同比例研磨污泥回用燒結製備輕質磚 106
4.6.1研磨污泥回用製備輕質磚之燒成性質 106
4.6.2 研磨污泥回用製備輕質磚之顯微結構 110
4.7 瓷質磚及輕質磚燒成之最佳適用範圍評估 112
4.7.1 研磨污泥回用之適用範圍評估 112
4.7.2 陶質及石質廢坯回用之適用範圍評估 112
4.7.3 混合不同物質及研磨污泥添入回用之適用範圍評估 112
4.7.4 研磨污泥回用製備輕質磚之適用範圍評估 113
第五章 結論與建議 114
5.1 結論 114
5.2 建議 117
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