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研究生(外文):Kuan, Che-yung
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Physical-chemical Properties andBiocompatibility of in-situ Polymerizable VitreousSubstitute
指導教授(外文):Lin, Yung-kai
口試委員(外文):Lin, Feng-hueiChen, Ko-huaLin, Yung-kai
外文關鍵詞:VitreousHyaluronic acidThermo-responsive hydrogelBiocompatibility
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白內障併發症中,玻璃體-視網膜病變是導致失明的主要原因。自1960 年以
位聚合玻璃體替代物,利用玻尿酸與Pluronic F-127 共聚合組成。此人工玻璃體
性及生物相容性。本研究將確立玻尿酸/ Pluronic F-127 共聚物之最佳化製程,並
果指出,H1F20 水膠於於溫度掃描結果指出,H1F20 水膠具有獨特之感溫特性,
其最低液態溫度 (LCST) 約為18℃,其於體溫環境下,其黏彈性為低溫環境下
之40 倍以上。同時H1F20 水膠亦具有良好的透光度及折射率與天然玻璃體相
近。於生物降解性分析指出,H1F20 水膠於含有溶菌酶之磷酸緩衝溶液,反應7
日亦有60%以上之膠體殘留量。於生物相容性試驗中,H1F20 水膠對於ARPE-19
細胞株為最高存活率,且顯著高於控制組。動物試驗指出,將H1F20 水膠進行
玻璃體置換,對於兔眼之角膜厚度及眼壓不會造成影響,於術後5 日進行裂隙燈
分析指出,H1F20 水膠不會造成白內障之產生。以H1F20 水膠進行玻璃體置換
可能導致視網膜電位下降,但藉由組織學檢驗亦驗證H1F20 對於視網膜並無細
胞毒性。綜合上述結果,H1F20 水膠為一種適合的材料可利用於組織工程中。
Vitreouretinal pathologies was one of the complication of cataract and still
remain the leading cause of blindness. Silicone oil has been used in vitreoretinal surgery since 1960s for it suitable properties of stability, transparency and high interfacial surface tension energy of silicone oil at the tamponade into vitreous/retinal interface. Due to the hydrophobic and low density properties of silicone oil lead to a poor contact with the retinal and aqueous fluids, therefore it was necessitate removing or re-injection to avoided life-threatening complication for long period implantation. Authors fabricated a smart in-situ polymerizable vitreous substitute composed of chemical modified HA/Pluronic F-127 copolymer. It was revealed a unique solution-gel transition at different temperature, which is injectable liquid under room temperature and forming hydrogel under physiological temperature within the vitreous cavity. This hydrogel would be more hydrophilic, persistent and providing better biocompatibility than silicone oil. The chemical, rheological, optical properties, biodegradability and biocompatibility will be conducted to investigating the optimal formulation for chemical modified copolymer. Results demonstrated that the H1F20 hydrogel exhibited unique thermoresponsive during temperature increasing, and its LCST was under the 18℃. Under the physical condition, the viscoelastic property of H1F20 hydrogel was 40 folds than 4℃ condition. Futhormore, The H1F20 hydrogel also exhibited high transmission and the refraction index were similar with nature vitreous. The biodegrability analysis indicated H1F20 hydrogel incubating under the lysozyme solution was still remained 60% of resistant for 7 days. The biocompatibility assay for ARPE-19 cell revealed the co-polymer had the highest cell viability, and the viability was significant higher than control (p<0.01) . In animal
study for rabbit eyes, all group after vitrectomy caused slight alteration of corneal thickness and intraocular pressure value, recover in 3 day after post-operation. The slit lamp examination on the post-operated day5, the data indicated the H1F20 hydrogel was not induced the cataract formation. Used H1F20 hydrogel for vitrectomy may cause the alteration of ERG profiles, but the RPE layer still maintain intact of histological properties, which indicated the H1F20 hydrogel did not trigged cytotoxic effect for retina tissue. Summary of the above results, the H1F20 could be a suitable biomaterial application on tissue engineering.
第一章 緒言
1.1 簡介
1.2 玻璃體
1.3 玻璃體置換
1.4 人工玻璃體的發展
1.5 人工玻璃體的應用
1.6 理想的人工玻璃體
1.7 以矽油做為人工玻璃體
1.8 以揭示之人工玻璃體
1.9 目的與動機
第二章 理論基礎
2.1 水膠
2.1.1 水膠的定義
2.1.2 水膠於生醫材料之應用
2.1.3 感溫性水膠
2.2 高分子材料於眼科之應用
2.2.1 玻尿酸
2.2.2 Pluronic F-127
2.3 玻尿酸/Pluronic F-127 水膠之合成理論
2.4 玻尿酸/Pluronic F-127 之開發目標
第三章 材料與方法
3.1 實驗材料
3.2 試驗流程圖
3.3 實驗方法
3.3.1 玻尿酸/Pluronic F-127 共聚物之合成方法
3.3.2 動態流變特性分析
3.3.3 可注射性分析
3.3.4 透光度分析
3.3.5 折射率分析
3.3.6 FTIR 光譜
3.3.7 核磁共振光譜
3.3.8 生物降解性
3.3.9 平衡膨潤率
3.3.10 體外生物相容性評估
3.3.11 動物試驗
第四章 結果
4.1 流變特性分析
4.2 可注射性分析
4.3 光學特性分析
4.4 化學結構分析
4.5 生物降解性
4.6 平衡膨潤率
4.7 體外生物相容性評估
4.8 動物試驗
第五章 討論
第六章 結論
第七章 未來研究
第八章 參考文獻
第九章 致謝
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