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研究生(外文):WU,CHIA JU
論文名稱(外文):The Interaction between France and the United Statesin the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
指導教授(外文):Johnny Shaw
外文關鍵詞:The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)NATO’s Military IntegrationGeneral de GaulleGaullismEuropean Union (EU)NATO East-bound Expansion
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1966年,為擺脫美國對法國核武與軍隊之控制,法國總統戴高樂(Charles de Gaulle)宣布退出北約軍事一體化之軍事委員會(The NATO Military Committee)、防務計畫委員會 (The Defense Planning Committee) 與核武計畫小組 (Nuclear Planning Group) 等三個核心機構,成為北約內部一個「不完整會員」。自此,法國獨立於美、俄兩大集團之外,並積極研發自身核武戰力。隨著世界體系不確定因素增多,恐怖主義等非傳統安全危機擴大,使法國深刻體認到:儘管身為歐洲傳統大國,其影響力卻日漸下降,基於北約歷經多次擴張,涉入全球安全事務的層面與範圍越來越廣且有相當影響力,法國若想重回昔日光景,北約勢將為其重要依託。基此,2009年4月3日法國總統薩柯吉 (Nicolas Sarkozy) 在北約成立60周年的會議上,宣布正式重返「北大西洋公約組織」(The North Atlantic Treaty Organization)。法國重回北約之決定勢必對美國與北約內部造成影響。本研究旨在檢視並探討法國全面重返北約後,對美國在北約中主導地位之衝擊和影響。研究發現:法國重返北約後,「戴高樂主義」(Gaullism) 仍為法國制定外交政策之重要基礎,且擁有獨立自主的軍事力量始終為法國追求之目標。本文並以阿富汗戰爭的增兵問題,凸顯法國重返北約後,在阿國戰事上法、美之間的歧見與矛盾。基於美國為鞏固其在北約中的主導權,因而對法國所推動歐洲之防務政策有所制約,轉而促使「歐盟」(European Union)只好向北約靠攏,以整合其軍事力量。由此可見,法國重返北約對美國在北約之主導地位有重大衝擊與影響。
To get rid of the United States control of France’s nuclear weapons and military, President Charles de Gaulle in 1966 announced its withdrawal from the three core institutions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): the Military Committee, the Defense Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group. Thus, France became a “Fragmental Member” within the NATO. Since then, France had been independent of the two groups – the United States and Russia, and actively developed its own nuclear-strike capability. Nevertheless, through the years of increasing uncertainties in the world systems, as well as the expansion of non- traditional security crisis such as terrorism, France deeply realized that, despite being a traditional power in Europe, its influence was declining, but the NATO with aggressive expansions had been involved in the global security affairs much more pervasively and profoundly. Therefore, to rebuild its past glory, France is bound to have NATO as its important support. On April 3, 2009 at NATO’s 60th anniversary, French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced that France would officially return to NATO, the decision of which was said to have inevitably impacted the United States and NATO from within. This study is intended to explore and examine the impact of France’s such return on the U.S. dominant role in NATO. And it has found that, though France has returned to NATO, the Gaullism is still an important foundation of its foreign policy making, and having independent military force has always been its objective to pursue. This thesis uses the issues of troop reinforcement in the Afghanistan war to magnify the differences and contradictions between the United States and France on the war in Afghan. To consolidate its dominance in NATO, the United States enforces constraints on France’s promotion of European defense policies, which makes it essential for the European Union to move closer to NATO in order to integrate both military forces. From this point of view, it is apparent that France’s return to NATO has resulted in significant impact on the United States dominant position in NATO.
第一章 導 論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究方法與分析架構 7
第四節 研究範圍與限制 9
第二章 相關理論文獻探討與整合分析 11
第一節 相關理論概念之定義 11
第二節 美國長期主導下的北約軍事體系 19
第三節 法國、美國與北約組織互動關係之文獻探討 21
第四節 小 結 28
第三章 法國退出、重返北約與美國之關係 29
第一節 法國退出北約之歷史背景 29
第二節 法國重返北約之動機與目的 38
第三節 法國的北約政策與對美關係(1995~2010) 45
第四節 小 結 59
第四章 法國與美國在北約任務互動關係之分析 63
第一節 阿富汗戰爭緣由與經過 63
第二節 北約持續增兵阿富汗之問題 69
第三節 小 結 72
第五章 法國重返北約對美國主導權之影響 75
第一節 法國和美國對核武控制之歧見 75
第二節 法國歐洲防務與美國主導下的北約之互動關係 83
第三節 法國重返北約後帶動之連鎖反應 91
第四節 法國重返北約對美國在北約主導權之衝擊 95
第五節 小 結 100
第六章 結 論 103
第一節 研究發現 104
第二節 研究心得與建議 110
參考文獻 113

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