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研究生(外文):Chang, Nai-Fang
論文名稱(外文):Free Radical Formation and Inhibition of TiO2 and ZnO Sunscreens
指導教授(外文):Kwan, Chang-Chin
口試委員(外文):Huang, Keh-FengWang, Ming-FuLee, Shu-MeiChiu, Wen-Hui
外文關鍵詞:Titanium dioxideZinc oxideHydroxyl radicalPhotocatalysisSalicylic acidEmulsionEncapsulation
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二氧化鈦與氧化鋅廣用於化粧保養品中做為防曬劑,過於微細化的顆粒於照射紫外線時有引發自由基反應之虞,本研究以水楊酸捕捉光催化反應生成的氫氧自由基,檢測反應產物2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid、2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid、Catechol而獲知化粧品防曬劑的自由基生成情形。
Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide widely use as sunscreens in cosmetics. The fine particles are the risk of triggering free radical reactions under ultraviolet light. In this experiment, salicylic acid is used to capture the hydroxyl radical after photocatalysis reaction. The free radical formation is obtained through detecting the reaction products of 2,3-dihydroxylbenzoic acid, 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and catechol.
Five kinds of commercial titanium dioxide are compared with those which have not any surface treatment. All of them can be found hydroxyl radical after reaction in aqueous dispersion. Titanium dioxide with anatase type or mixed crystal structure has doubled the amount of hydroxyl radical formation. It is noteworthy that nano-particles of titanium dioxide have similar or higher hydroxyl radical formation than anatase type. It has a consumption of salicylic acid up to 385ppm in 10% dispersion. The smaller particle size of titanium dioxide, the more the possibility of harmful free radicals.
By adding oil phase to make titanium dioxide emulsion, hydroxyl radical formation can be inhibited. If the preparation of rutile titanium dioxide into the O/W formulations, hydroxyl radical formation can even be reduced to nearly zero. This phenomenon is the same for zinc oxide as physical sunscreen. Zinc oxide has a lower photocatalytic activity like what rutile titanium dioxide act in aqueous dispersion. It has a consumption of salicylic acid about 80ppm in 10% dispersion. However, hydroxyl radical can be almost inhibited by making emulsion.
Beside protection by emulsion, a proper encapsulation is also suitable for long-term sunscreen products, because it can avoid external environmental interference. The encapsulation of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) can even more reduce the consumption of salicylic acid than emulsion formulations can do. Although not significantly bring down, tetraethyl ortho- silicate encapsulation still shows a good protection. Exposuring to the sun for a few weeks, the SPF value of TEOS emulsion is almost constant. It can be proved that a proper encapsulation can protect the sunscreen from excessive decay.
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