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研究生(外文):Wei Chin Chen
論文名稱:品牌商與代工廠的創新經營策略之研究- 以包袋類市場為例
論文名稱(外文):The Research on the Innovation Management Strategy of Brand and OEM- Based on the Bag Manufactures
指導教授(外文):Kuo Long Huang
口試委員(外文):Chi Tung TsaiChi Fang Lu
外文關鍵詞:BrandingManufacturingInnovationManagement Strategy
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從這三個案公司研究中發現品牌商對代工廠的選擇評估則具有階段性考量策略與外部環境和代工運作能力息息相關, 雙方可能於研發、生產、品質上互相合作,企業代工在進入市場,會評估市場機會,和企業 本身的能力,選擇最適當的策略進入, 因此代工成功因素在於企業本身採主動積極的經營方式,創造機會,領導者具有前瞻性,提昇競爭優勢。結論歸納,在策略方面,若企業發展愈成熟,若能妥善運用資源,發揮強向、競合的效益,是提升競爭力的有效方式之一,而能達到雙贏的境界。

Taiwan OEM industry was getting prosperity since 80s which is the most important milestone of Taiwan country industrial field. Many international brands would like to work with Taiwanese supplier is to rely on their responsibility and OEM ability. However, because of circumstances changes surround we are no longer to have competition than other country such as China. How the enterprise to keep their long-term management and high value added these factors are worth to do a research.

This research is about the innovation managing strategy of Brand and OEM Company based on the bag manufactures in Taiwan. There are three companies in this research. First is “A” company their strategy is focus on Branding, the other is “C” company their strategy is branding and ODM, the latest is “A” company their strategy is only focus on OEM but now starting to do ODM business. This research to be discussed the competitive advantage from these three companies. To analyze what is their differentiation and compare three company’s operations weakness and strengths.

From this research we found out how a brand company to select an OEM factory is evaluated by industrial environment, enterprise capability, and strategy. They both can work together for R&D, production, and quality. When an enterprise wants to a new market they will evaluate the industrial environment and enterprise capability to choose a proper strategy to get into. Besides, the success factors of OEM enterprise are their intention of business management and also to create an opportunity, proactive leadership, competition advantage enhancement.

The conclusion of this research is if the enterprise develops more maturity can well-arranged their property to expand their Strength is the most efficiency way to increase their competition and also win win situation.

第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究問題2
第三節 研究目的2
第四節 論文研究架構圖3

第二章 文獻探討4
第一節 策略聯盟與委外代工5
第二節 品牌6
第三節 創新經營策略9
第四節 競爭優勢的概念18
第五節 創新策略與競爭優勢之關係21
第六節 競爭優勢的來源24
第七節 產業的五力分析26
第八節 包袋類產業分析29

第三章 研究設計37
第一節 研究流程37
第二節 研究方法39

第四章 包袋類品牌商與代工廠個案分析41
第一節 品牌商個案分析41
第二節 代工廠個案分析47
第三節 包袋產業發展以及個案廠商企業能力與策略組合探討49
第四節 本章小結57

第伍章 綜合結論與建議64
第一節 綜合結論64
第二節 建議67

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三、 網路部份
1. http://www.pidc.org.tw/zh-tw/ecfa/pages/pageE004.aspx
2. http://www.bags.org.tw/

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