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研究生(外文):Yu-chen Huang
論文名稱(外文):From the Viewpoint of Servicescape to Explore the Service Evaluation of Intercity-bus Transfer Station: A Case of Taipei Bus Station
指導教授(外文):Kai-chieh Hu
外文關鍵詞:ServicescapeService EvaluationCombinative Transfer StationIntercity-bus
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The purpose of this study is to construct the service indexes and evaluation model of the combinative transfer station for intercity-bus with respect to servicescape. We also explore the impact of servicescape dimensions on satisfaction and behavioral intentions. The research objectives include bus companies and passengers. This research plans to collect data from both the bus companies and passengers of intercity in Taipei Bus Station. The questionnaire was used for collecting their perception on the service of transfer station servicescape. First, by applying the scale development procedure, we extract the factors for evaluating the Satisfaction-degree of bus companies and passengers. Second, we discuss the users’ needs on the transfer station servicescape by importance-performance analysis. And multivariate analysis also shows that there are significant differences between the bus companies and passengers in their perception. Third, we use the structural equation modeling (SEM) to confirm the passengers’ behavioral intentions. The result was found that the model of first-order CFA can be replaced by second-order CFA. That is, the servicescape factor plays an important role in the service evaluation model. In addition, we thoroughly figured out the effect of servicesacpe on satisfaction and behavioral intentions by comparing with the two competitive models. In conclusion, the research results not only offer the managers of transfer station specific guidance to locate their service level and improvement strategy, but also make suggestions for the relevant administration to supervise and manage the inter-city bus transfer station.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 研究內容與流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 公路客運轉運站 7
2.1.1 定義與分類 7
2.1.2 功能與效益 11
2.2 運輸場站服務評估相關研究 14
2.2.1 公路客運站 14
2.2.2 機場 16
2.2.3 轉運站 17
2.3 服務場景理論 19
2.3.1 理論概念 19
2.3.2 服務環境之相關研究 24
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 研究架構 28
3.2 服務場景構面與問卷設計 29
3.2.1 服務場景構面 29
3.2.2 評估構面定義與指標內涵 33
3.2.3 旅客行為模式構建 40
3.2.4 整體問卷架構 42
3.3資料蒐集與問卷調查 43
3.3.1 調查對象 43
3.3.2 抽樣方法 43
3.3.3 調查方式 44
3.4 分析方法 45
第四章 資料分析 54
4.1 樣本結構分析 54
4.1.1 有效問卷回收率 55
4.1.2 樣本結構 56
4.1.3 滿意度調查結果 58
4.2 確認服務評估構面與指標 63
4.2.1 客運業者部分 63
4.2.2 旅客部分 70
4.3 重要度-績效分析 75
4.3.1 客運業者部分 75
4.3.2 旅客部分 80
4.4 旅客行為模式分析 85
4.4.1 服務場景因素確認分析 85
4.4.2 競爭模式一 101
4.4.3 競爭模式二 108
4.4.4 比較分析 114
4.5 雙重使用者之比較分析 115
第五章 結論與建議 117
5.1 結論 117
5.1.1 公路客運轉運站之服務評估模式 118
5.1.2 雙重使用者特性 119
5.1.3 旅客行為意向分析 120
5.2 管理意涵 122
5.3 研究限制與後續研究建議 125
參考文獻 127
附錄 141
附錄一:進駐客運業者對臺北轉運站場站經營滿意度調查 141
附錄二:旅客對臺北轉運站場站經營服務滿意度調查 143
附錄三:驗證性因素分析之modification indices結果 145
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