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研究生(外文):Kai-Fay Charng-Chang
論文名稱(外文):International Legal Regime of Food Safety: With Special Reference to Codex Alimentarius
指導教授(外文):Chia-jui Cheng
外文關鍵詞:food safetyfood safet controlinternational legal regime of food safety controlCodex Alimentarius
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當今食品汙染案件時有發生,汙染源之性質亦屬多元之情況下,國際食品法制益顯重要。目前,國際食品法皆以國際標準作為食品安全判斷之依據。且食品安全標準之取捨,須賴科學證據之支持,以作為保護人類健康、動植物生命安全與公平貿易之平衡點。其中,最廣為採用之食品安全標準即聯合國專門性機構糧農組織(FAO)與世界衛生組織(WHO)共同採用之食品法典(Codex Alimentarius)所確立之各種食品安全標準。
Upon an age with such developed international trading, food trading is of double importance in international law, for it being in the range of appliance of both the International Economic Law and the International Food Law. The prior is provided by multilateral treaties such as the Agreement on Agriculture and the General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS), while the latter has its standards and measures provided by articles from the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Besides, food trades are of significant importance in regional organizations such as the EU, bilateral treaties such as those between EU and US or US and China, in addition to domestic laws of various countries.
Incidents concerning contamination of food occur occasionally nowadays, while having a variety of pollutant source, which causes the rise of importance of international food laws. Currently, these laws use international standards as a measure of food safety. Also, the safety standards need to rely on scientific proof to strike a balance between protecting people's health, safety of animals and plants, and fair trade. Among those standards, the most common is the standards formulated by Codex Alimentarius, which is being used by both the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations.
The international food laws are multiframe of legal regime, but if both parties on a food trade are the World Trade Organization (WTO) members, their food safety and food trade issues are influenced by the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the WTO. There are also a number of examples of members signing bilateral treaty to reinforce food safety as well as the execution and power of arbitration on food trading. Simply speaking, currently there's a tendency of going multiframe on law regime as well as unify and harmonization on international food safety standards.
Since joining the WTO in 2001, R.O.C. (Taiwan) has taken at least two major impacts of food safety incidents. One is the incident of melamine-contaminated milk powder from Mainland China in 2008, while the other is the plasticizer issue recently.
Both incidents yield chances to our knowledge of the operation of international food regulations. The Taiwanese food regulations, including methods, standards, and examination procedures of food examination, management of raw material sources, regulation on food sanitary facilities, storage, marking, transportation, displaying of food, the risk management system of food, and genetically modified food regulations, should be revised, and synchronized with other users of WTO regulation frame, to fit the goal of food safety as well as fair trading. And if the Taiwanese legislation body wishes to take a higher standard on some items, scientific proofs should be provided to ensure health of citizens are protected.
While experiencing such a tough time on food safety, we should put even more effort on understanding the international food laws deeply and widely, foresee the future of it, and prepare for problems that may occur in this century such as food safety issue and food crisis.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究方法 3
第四節 預期結果 4
第二章 食品安全概念之特性與發展 6
第一節 食品安全之概念 6
第二節 食品安全之特性 8
第三節 食品安全之發展歷史 9
第三章 世界貿易組織框架下法制之原則 12
第一節 農業協定 14
第二節 食品安全檢驗與動植物防疫檢疫措施協定 16
第三節 技術性貿易障礙協定 19
第四章 聯合國糧農組織與世界衛生組織框架下食品安全法制 24
第一節 國際食品安全法典適用之特性 26
第二節 國際食品安全法適用之實質原則 28
第一項 商品自由流通 28
第二項 食品標識原則 29
第三項 食品衛生 32
第四項 食品品質 35
第五項 食品安全 36
第六項 食品添加物 38
第七項 基因改造食品 40
第三節 國際食品安全法典之執行力 43
第一項 違反食品安全法規之國際制裁與執行機關 43
第二項 WTO執行力 44
第三項 聯合國糧農組織與世界衛生組織執行力 45
第四項 區域組織執行力 46
第五項 國內體制執行力 48
第五章 區域性組織食品安全法制體系 49
第一節 區域性組織框架下之法規 49
第一項 歐盟(European Union) 49
第二項 北美貿易自由協定(NAFTA) 50
第三項 東南亞國協(ASEAN) 53
第六章 食品安全管制的雙邊協定 55
第一節 1998年美國與歐盟肉品等效協議 55
第二節 2007年美國與中國大陸之食品安全管制協定 58
第七章 食品安全法制所應用之一般原則 63
第一節 預防原則 63
第二節 風險評估原則 65
第三節 風險管理原則 65
第四節 等效原則 65
第五節 透明化原則 66
第六節 不得歧視之原則 67
第八章 食品安全監督與制裁機制 69
第一節 國際食品安全監督與制裁之機制 69
第二節 區域與次區域食品安全與制裁之機制 70
第三節 食品安全國內法體制下的監督與制裁機制 71
第九章 結論 73
參考文獻 76
一、專書 76
二、期刊論文 77
三、網路資料 78
附錄一、食品安全檢驗與動植物防疫檢疫措施協定 86
附錄二、技術性貿易障礙協定 104
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