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研究生(外文):Ya-Chi Chang
外文關鍵詞:earnings persistenceearnings qualityearnings managementreal earnings manipulation
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Earnings persistence is a major indicator to assess earnings quality, so the higher earnings persistence, the better earnings quality. The earnings can be distributed into CFO components of earnings and accrual components of earnings. Generally, CFO components of earnings are less prone to interference by manipulative factors and the flexibility provided by accounting standards, so the persistent usually higher than accrual components of earnings. However, if firms do earnings management, earnings quality will be damaged and affect the earnings persistence. In this study, we combine earnings persistence with two kinds of earnings management. The study results indicate that the firms with higher earnings management have lower earnings persistence of accrual components. Moreover, compare with other firms, if we use real earnings management pattern to manipulate earnings, the earnings persistence will increase. Further research found that real earnings management leading to higher earnings persistence is mainly caused by reduction of discretionary expenditures.
Further research found that the main cause of real earnings management leading to higher earnings persistence is by making use of the reduction of discretionary expenditures.
If firms use the reduction of discretionary expenditures not only enhance accounting earnings but also increase operating cash flow, and have no significant effect to the performance of next period
It seems this is the most convenient way to manipulate for firms which intended to control earnings.
第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻回顧
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