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研究生(外文):Yi-wei Liu
論文名稱(外文):Gender Differences of the Decisive Factor of Working Satisfaction
外文關鍵詞:Job satisfactionGenderChi-squared testBinary logitOdds ratio
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本論文旨在探討「工作滿意度決定因素之性別差異」,文中使用彭森明教授所指導負責的分析資料,取自於台灣高等教育資料庫「91學年度大學畢業生問卷調查」。我們使用統計計算軟體為Stata 10,並使用卡方檢定來檢視各變項是否為顯著?且運用二元勝算對數模型來探討各變項之間的勝算比,並從中挑選其中兩個顯著的變數,與性別做互動項,來藉以瞭解技職院校學生畢業後對於日後在工作滿意度上的關係。
在二元勝算對數模型統計結果發現: 女性、具備國家考試證照者、個人特質外貌(包含身高和體重)就讀私立科技大學及私立技術學院者、主修商學領域者、工作者服務於公營企業者、每月薪資在36,301-57,800 元以上收入者、工作地點位於中部者、每週工時介於0~29小時工作者、工作時間為兼職者、男女和每月薪資介於22,800-36,300元收入者、男女和工作地點位於其他地區等變數,對於工作皆有較高的滿意度。男性、無具備國家考試證照者、公立科技大學及公立技術學院者、主修醫學領域者、工作者服務於私人機構者及學校者、每月薪資在22,800元以下收入者、工作地點位於北部者、每週工時介於45~60小時以上工作者、工作時間為全職者、男女和每月薪資介於36,301-57,800元以上收入者、男女和工作地點位於北部者等變數,對於工作皆有較低的滿意度。
The purpose of this thesis is to approach the question: Is there Gender differences in the decisive factor of job satisfaction? which is abridged from Professor Peng Sen-ming’s research “The Taiwanese Higher Education Database-the 91’s academic year of university graduates questionnaire.” The software Stata 10 is used as the tool of statistic analysis. In addition, the Chi-square test is also used to check whether the variables are significant. The study used the binary logit model to investigate the odds ratio of the variables and chose two significant variables from them, as the variable of interaction with the sex, to understand the measure of correlation between them in technology-vocational college student’s job satisfaction after their graduation.
The results found by Chi-squared test in this study: The level of significance is under 0.01 on such variables as appearance (including height and weight), monthly salary and part-time job etc., showing that these variables significantly influence job satisfaction. The level of significance is under 0.05 on such variables as national examination certificates, types of school, job properties and weekly working hours etc.. And there is no significant influence on job satisfaction in such variables as gender, school major course and working location.
The result found by odds binary logit model: There is higher job satisfaction for those who are female, owned national examination certificates , graduates of scientific university and private technological institute, majors in field of commercial science, idiosyncratic appearance (including height and weight), serve public enterprise, monthly income above $36,301-57,800, working location in middle area, weekly working 0~29 hours, working for moonlighter, men and women and their monthly salary between $ 22,800-$36,300, men and women and their working location in other areas. There is lower job satisfaction for those who are men, without national examination certificates, graduates of public University of Science and Technology, majors in medical field, serve private organization and school , monthly income under $22,800, working location in northern area, weekly working more than 45~60 hours, have full-time job, men and women and their monthly salary between $ 36,301-$57,800 and above, men and women and their working location in northern area etc..
The result found by odds binary logit model statistics added interaction item: Women have higher job satisfaction than men for those who earn wages no matter under $22,800 or above $ 36,301-$57,800. The variables of different sex are significant for those whose monthly income is above $36,301-$57,800. In addition, working location will influence the level of men’s job satisfaction, these variables are also significant for those whose working location in other areas.
一、緒 論 .............................................1
(四) 實證方法.........................................8
參 考 文 獻...........................................30
表 目 錄
表 3- 1 變數名稱、變數說明與處理....................33
表 3- 2 基本統計量..................................34
表 3- 3 聯合次數分配表..............................8
表 4- 1 性別與工作滿意度和各自變項間的卡方檢定分析結果........36
表 4- 1 性別與工作滿意度和各自變項間的卡方檢定分析結果(續)....37
表 4- 2 女性工作滿意度之二元勝算對數模型分析結果............. 38
表 4- 3 男性工作滿意度之二元勝算對數模型分析結果............. 39
表 4- 4 全體樣本與工作滿意度之二元勝算對數模型分析結果....... 41

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