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研究生(外文):Lin, Juihua
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Project Management and Product Development Process Using In Tablet PC Production
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Yu Tseng
外文關鍵詞:Tablet PCProjectProject management
  • 被引用被引用:21
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摘 要

The purpose of this study are (1) Discussion on the characteristics of tablet PC project development management and the key factor of the project development fail or successful (2) Develop the tablet PC project development management process structure, provide the knowledge and share experience in able to construction the tablet PC project development management in order to assist in the prevention of tablet PC project development planning stage and the reference policy in proceed project develop (3) Discussion the related actives , combine the project completion report and note the project closing process of tablet PC project development management .(4) Proposed a systematic project development control process of tablet PC and tablet PC project development process, and increase the efficiency and performance of the project development process. The research method of this essay is Case Study , discuss the tablet PC project development process of case company , analysis and gather the issues of tablet PC project development relate actives and management , base on the knowledge , technology, tools and methods of project management to create an excellent tablet PC project development support and detect system , provide the tablet PC development team facilitate , rich , real-time information , and control the quality , process, cost and relate development document management of the tablet PC. Planning the direction of education training , review the process to be the reference information , keeping the project proceed record for tracing and reference , that can describe the project status and provide the process record to be the reference information , analysis the datum , realize the reason , find the right way , keeping improve and development process , construction the standard model for analysis and improve used, ensure the project completion items , primarily to ensure the person to agree this project , to avoid the reduction of problem of both. In the project quality control items , the first step is to realize the satisfaction of project , realize the service quality and process , that can be reference items of the process improve and project quality improve , hope that can assist and helpful to solve all the project development issues.

Key words : Tablet PC , Project , Project management
目 錄
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………1
1.1 研究背景 …………………………………………………………1
1.2 研究動機 …………………………………………………………1
1.3 研究目的 ……………………………………………………………2
1.4 研究問題與限制 ……………………………………………………3
1.5 研究架構 ……………………………………………………………4
第二章 文獻探討 …………………………………………………………6
2.1 平板電腦產業…………………………………………………………6
2.2 平板電腦開發 ………………………………………………………13
2.3 平板電腦開發的專案管理 …………………………………………16
2.4 有效的專案管理流程 ………………………………………………20
2.5 平板電腦產品開發的國內外相關研究 ……………………………25
第三章 研究方法……………………………………………………………27
3.1 研究流程 ……………………………………………………………27
3.2 研究設計 ……………………………………………………………27
3.3 研究資料蒐集與分析 ………………………………………………29
3.4 信度與效度 …………………………………………………………31
第四章 結果與討論………………………………………………………39
第五章 結論………………………………………………………………61
5.1 結論 …………………………………………………………………61
5.2 建議 …………………………………………………………………62
參考文獻 …………………………………………………………………64

圖1-1 研究架構流程圖 ………………………………………………………5
圖2-1蘋果iPad系列平版電腦 ………………………………………………7
圖2-2華碩ASUS Eee PC T101MT 雙核心平版電腦 ………………………7
圖2-3華碩變型金剛平板電腦 ………………………………………………8
圖2-4 專案三角形……………………………………………………………15
圖2-5 專案生命週期圖………………………………………………………18
圖2-6 專案管理過程圖………………………………………………………19
圖2-7 專案管理目標圖………………………………………………………20
圖2-8 影響專案成功模型……………………………………………………22
圖 3-1 本研究流程圖 ………………………………………………………27
圖4-1 A公司產品設計與開發流程 …………………………………………39
圖4-2 B公司產品設計與開發流程 …………………………………………40
圖4-3 C公司產品設計與開發流程 …………………………………………41
圖4-4 D公司產品設計與開發流程 …………………………………………42
圖 4-5評估專案成功的架構 ……………………………………………… 50

表 2-1 iOS版本歷史 …………………………………………………………8
表 2-2 Android版本歷史 ……………………………………………………9
表 2-3 觸控面板技術之比較 …………………………………………… 12
表 2-4 專案發展各階段的關鍵成功因素 …………………………………21
表 2-5 關鍵成功因素 ……………………………………………………22
表 2-6 專案管理知識領域 …………………………………………………24
表 3-1 提昇外部效度與信度改善的方式 …………………………………31
表 3-2 個案公司基本資料 …………………………………………………33
表 3-3 本研究受訪對象需具備的資格 ……………………………………33
表 3-4 訪談對象簡介 ………………………………………………………34
表 3-5 本研究訪談問卷 ……………………………………………………35
表 4-1 文獻對專案KSF討論次數統計………………………………………47
表 4-2 產品開發各階段工作目的及重點工作…………………………54

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