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研究生(外文):Dang Hoang Viet
論文名稱:Improving the services quality of Vn airlines to build enhance VN Airline brand name
論文名稱(外文):Improving the services quality of Vn airlines to build enhance VN Airline brand name
中文關鍵詞:services qualityVietnam Airlines.
外文關鍵詞:services quality, Vietnam Airlines.
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Service quality is likely to be a key factor for Vietnam Airlines to keep customer loyalty. In order to compete successfully, VNA needs create and sustain competitive advantage basing on differentiation in service quality. The research objectives is to identify factors affecting services quality of Vietnam Airlines and make recommendations regarding to improving weaknesses in service delivering of VNA in order to raise customer retention. The study used factor analysis and linear regression through data obtained from the survey. The result shows that there 10 factors affecting services quality of Vietnam Airlines as follow: cabin crew; telephone ticketing and reservations service; food service; air craft and cabin; check-in procedure; office ticketing and reservations service; in-flight reading materials and entertainments in board; drink services; boarding procedure; annoucement and information delivery during the flight. And the study finally make recommendations to improve services quality of Vietnam Airlines.

Service quality is likely to be a key factor for Vietnam Airlines to keep customer loyalty. In order to compete successfully, VNA needs create and sustain competitive advantage basing on differentiation in service quality. The research objectives is to identify factors affecting services quality of Vietnam Airlines and make recommendations regarding to improving weaknesses in service delivering of VNA in order to raise customer retention. The study used factor analysis and linear regression through data obtained from the survey. The result shows that there 10 factors affecting services quality of Vietnam Airlines as follow: cabin crew; telephone ticketing and reservations service; food service; air craft and cabin; check-in procedure; office ticketing and reservations service; in-flight reading materials and entertainments in board; drink services; boarding procedure; annoucement and information delivery during the flight. And the study finally make recommendations to improve services quality of Vietnam Airlines.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Research purposes 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Definition of service quality 7
2.2 Dimensions of service quality quality ( Parasuraman et al. (1988) 7
2.3 Five factors effect to the airline service quality 8
2.4 The use of SERVQUAL survey 11
2.5 Criticisms of SERVQUAL model 15
2.5.1. Theoretical criticisms 15
2.5.2 Exercises problems with SERVQUAL 17
2.6 Customer retention in relation with service quality 18
2.7 Relationship between service quality and customer retention 22
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 25
3.1 Research Objectives 25
3.2 Nature of the Primary Research 25
3.2.1 Research Philosophy 25
3.2.2 Research approach 26
3.2.3 Information Needs 26
3.2.4 Scope of the Study 27
3.3 Hypothesis 32
3.4 Data Analysis 32
Chapter 4 Research Results and Analysis 35
4.1 Overview of Vietnam Airlines 35
4.2 Descriptive Statistics 36
4.2.1 Descriptive statistics on characteristics of customers 36
4.2.2 Descriptive statistics on the factors affecting services quality of VN Airlines 38
4.3 Assessing the credibility of the scale 40
4.4 Factors affecting services quality of Vietnam Airlines 43
4.4.1 Identify the factors affecting services quality of Vietnam Airlines 43
4.4.2 Identify variable measuring services quality of Vietnam Airlines 50
4.4.3 Measure the level of factors affecting services quality of Vietnam Airlines 51
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 54
5.1 Conclusions 54
5.2 Recommendations 55
5.2.1. For government 56
5.2.2. For the Department of Civil Aviation of Vietnam 57
5.2.3. For Vietnam Airlines 58
References 60
Attachment 1 62

List of Tables
Table 1. Research Statements – Expectations 30
Table 2. Customers’ class of travel 36
Table 3. Descriptive statistics on the Factors Affecting services quality of VN Airlines 38
Table 4. The results assessing the Credibility of the Scale 40
Table 5. Results of identifing the factors affecting services quality of Vietnam Airlines 43
Table 6. Results of Exploratory Factor Analysis the Dependent Variables 50
Table 7. Results of Regression 52

List of Figures
Figure 1. GAP Model of Service Quality 14
Figure 2. Links between employee satisfaction and customer retention 21
Figure 3. Effects of service and customer to profit 22
Figure 4. Customer Perceptions of Quality and Customer Satisfaction 24
Figure 5. Reasons to choose this flight of Vietnam Airlines 37

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