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研究生(外文):Nguyen Binh Minh
論文名稱:Factors that influence on orienting belief of students assignment
論文名稱(外文):Factors that influence on orienting belief of students assignment
指導教授:Jia Rong Wen
指導教授(外文):Jia Rong Wen
中文關鍵詞:Factorsbelief of students assignment
外文關鍵詞:Factorsbelief of students assignment
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For each person, belief is always the motivation to work, to learn and to live. Having a belief, people will work study hard, effective and will have a specific objectives to work hard for. On the other way, losing a belief will affect their lives, which causes the disorientation.
Students are elite force among the youth, who will become the country''s young intellectuals in the near future. Therefore, building belief of students is very important in order to grow a country’s future intellectual force.
Vietnamese students are being affected by many factors relating to family, school, economic and social situation, information from public means, Youth Union and Vietnamese Student Association. These factors play an important role in students’ daily life directly and often.
At this moment, there is still limitation in the training and guiding activities in order to build and strengthen the students’ belief. All of the solutions are given only after we have discovered something wrong related to the students’ belief. So, they are not effective, passive and especially not long term and systematic.
The proposal has made a research to find out the impact of the following factors: family, school, economic and social situation, information from public means, Youth Union and Vietnamese Student Association... to the Vietnamese students’ belief. Then, it proposes some solutions and suggestions to promote the good impact of these factors in educating and guiding the belief to the students. It also points out the further way to research about the belief of the students.

Abstract i
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Importance of the study 1
1.2. Background of the study 3
1.3. Purpose of the study 7
1.4. Limitation 7
1.5. Assumptions 8
1.6. Terminology 8
1.6.1. The concept of beliefs 9
1.6.2. The concepts of youths and students 11
1.6.3. Orienting belief 11
1.6.4. Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union 12
1.6.5. Vietnam Student Association 13
Chapter 2 Literature Review 14
2.1. Number of Universities, Colleges 14
2.2. The number of students in the training system 16
2.3. Social structure of students 18
2.4. Current status of students’ belief 19
2.5. Factors affect student 21
2.6. Information Systems Success Model 28
Chapter 3 Research Method 32
3.1. Research Framework 32
3.2. Research Hypotheses 32
3.3. Variable Definitions and Measures 34
3.3.1. Students'' beliefs 34
3.3.2. Economic situation - social 36
3.3.3. The mass media 37
3.3.4. The role of family 38
3.3.5. Schools and Youth, Students'' Association 38
3.4. Subjects 41
3.5. Research process 43
3.6. Tool development 43
3.6.1. Questionaire 43
3.6.2. Pilot test 44
3.6.3. ANOVA 44
3.6.4. T-Test 45
Chapter 4 Results of the study 46
4.1. Sample Description 47
4.2. Analysis of variable reliability 48
4.2.1. Factor Analysis 48
4.2.2. Analysis of the reliability of the variables 50
4.3. The level of assessment of variables 53
4.4. Testing hypotheses 54
Chapter 5 Research Conclusion 56
5.1. Evaluation of the orientation of the students’ belief 56
5.2. Applicability of research 57
5.2.1. For schools 57
5.2.2. For Youth, Students'' Union. 58
5.3. The difficulties, limitations in the work of belief-oriented students 58
5.4. Development topics 59

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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
1. Factors Influencing User Satisfaction of Document Management System in Hai Duong Industry and Trade Department
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12. Solutions to Improve the competitiveness of Labor Export Market in Vietnam
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15. A Study on Evaluation of User Intention for Career Development Information System in Vinhphuc High Schools, Vietnam