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研究生(外文):Chia-Cheng Chou
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Artificial Nail to the Creation of Accessories
外文關鍵詞:artificial nail, creation of accessories, contextual language, design process
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The use of artificial nails is not only a fashion statement but also reflects modern people’s increasing emphasis on living quality and personal value. However, the existing accessories in the market are quite similar in appearance, thus falling short in satisfying customers’ needs. Therefore, the application of artificial nails in fashion accessories should involve not only a decorative function but can also convey a feeling of warmth and delight to the customers. The creativity reflected in the different applications of artificial nails can lead to market differentiation. This study focuses on the application of artificial nails to the design of accessories from the perspectives of fashion, product popularity and creativity, because the application of artificial nails is believed to be an upcoming trend in aesthetics; artificial nails are expected to become mainstream in future accessory design.
Based on the above concept, the underlying elements of artificial nails were used in the creation of accessories. The artworks: ‘Clown Teardrops’ and ‘Angels with Masks’ by the artist Hsu Tzu-Kuey, and ‘Pluck Flowers and Play with Tides” by Zeng Ying-Dong were referred to, with their underlying design elements used to infuse strong vitality to the accessories. First, the market demand regarding artificial nails was analyzed. The five characteristics regarding artificial nails, including: color, type, style, impression, and designer were used to build the representative elements for accessory design and to incorporate these characteristics into the creation of accessories. In addition, simple means of association were employed to build the contextual language so as to transform the characteristics of artificial nails to the design of accessory products. In this study, the design and production process of various types of artificial nail were analyzed and the design ideas underlying the nails were used to produce a variety of graphic, 3-D and decorative artificial nail models, as well as to make a 3-D visual model to explain the practicability of artificial nails being applied to the creation of accessories.
Everything from the conception to the creation of accessories stemming from the elements of artificial nail in this study was considered for follow-up skill development and practice. Graphic and 3-D accessories were also expected to be developed and produced so that the design of artificial nails can be applied in a more practical way and with more contributions to the economy and the industry, by more closely integrating theory and practice.

中文摘要 --------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 --------------------------------------- iii
誌謝 --------------------------------------- v
目錄 --------------------------------------- vi
表目錄 --------------------------------------- viii
圖目錄 --------------------------------------- ix
第一章 緒論------------------------------------ 1
1.1 研究背景與動機--------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的-------------------------------- 4
1.3 論文架構-------------------------------- 6
第二章 文獻探討-------------------------------- 8
2.1 人工美甲產業之探討----------------------- 8
2.2 人工美甲的製作特點說明------------------- 16
2.3 人工美甲的市場調查分析說明---------------- 17
2.4 壓克力的材質特性------------------------- 26
2.5 光學凝膠之發展現況----------------------- 29
2.6 飾品創作情境語彙聯想法------------------- 31
第三章 人工美甲製作分析------------------------- 32
3.1 水晶指甲-------------------------------- 32
3.2 樹脂凝膠指甲---------------------------- 49
3.3 琉璃指甲-------------------------------- 61
3.4 浮雕與內雕------------------------------- 68
3.5 3D立雕---------------------------------- 79
第四章 人工美甲飾品設計與製作--------------------- 87
4.1 飾品創作流程----------------------------- 90
4.2 飾品情境語彙聯想法之探討------------------- 90
4.3 飾品設計構想流程------------------------- 91
4.4 飾品創作情境轉換模式---------------------- 92
第五章 人工美甲藝術應用於飾品上實體呈現------------ 98
5.1 人工美甲藝術小丑的眼淚系列----------------- 99
5.2 人工美甲藝術假面天使系列------------------- 106
5.3 人工美甲藝術拈花弄潮系列------------------- 111
5.4 人工美甲藝術噴槍彩繪系列------------------- 117
5.5 人工美甲藝術3D立雕系列--------------------- 119
5.6 人工美甲藝術琉璃飾品系列------------------- 122
第六章 結論與建議-------------------------------- 124
參考文獻 --------------------------------------- 127
附錄一 人工美甲市場分析問卷調查表------------------ 129

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