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研究生(外文):yung-fang Shiao
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Synthesis and Properties of Poly(urethane-co-oxalate)
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Chien Wang
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本研究選用非糧食作物的草酸做為高分子原料來源,利用草酸能經由簡單的製程從草本植物中取得,以及生長週期短、耕地面積小的特點來迅速達到節能、減碳的目的。本文使用兩階段熔融聚縮合法,分別為第一階段的轉酯化反應及第二階段的聚縮合反應合成聚草酸酯。由TGA分析結果得知,利用1,4-CHDM取代EG所合成的聚草酸酯之熱穩定性大幅提升,5 %重量損失的熱裂解溫度由209 ℃上升至309 ℃;由GPC分析結果得知,以1,4-CHDM所合成的聚草酸酯(PCOX)之分子量(Mw)約為5,000(g/mol)。進一步地,將末端具有-NCO官能基的4,4’-二苯基甲烷二異氰酸酯(4,4’-MDI)導入聚草酸酯(PCOX)鏈段中,藉由-NCO基團與聚酯末端的-OH基團反應產生氨基甲酸酯(urethane linkages)的鍵結,製成聚氨基酸酯類生質材料,並探討導入不同比例的MDI對聚酯性質之影響。由GPC分析結果得知,導入14wt %的MDI能有效的達鏈延展效果,聚酯的分子量(Mw)達54,100;由DSC、POM結果得知,導入MDI會抑制聚草酸酯的結晶,當MDI含量為14wt %時,聚酯呈現非晶態,玻璃轉移溫度(Tg)為50 ℃;另由拉伸測試得知,導入14wt %的MDI,聚酯具有韌性,其斷裂延伸率(Elongation at break)為37.6 %,拉伸強度(Tensile strength)為41.5 MPa。另1,3-POD及1,4-BD合成聚草酸酯,由DSC結果顯示,以1,3-POD合成的聚草酸酯(PPOX)為無定型態,且在-9 ℃有明顯的Tg。進一步的,以PPOX做為合成聚氨酯的軟鏈段,由GPC分析結果得知,聚氨酯之分子量約為50,000-56,000;由DSC分析結果得知,隨硬鏈段含量增加,聚氨酯的Tg逐漸往高溫偏移。另外將PPOX與MDI進行熔融混摻,由拉伸測試結果得知,聚酯具有不錯的延展性,其斷裂延伸率為580 %,拉伸強度為17 MPa。
In our studies, we use oxalic acid as the source of the biomass material. The advantages of oxalic acid can benefit the energy saving as well as carbon reduction. In our process, we simulate industrial polyester synthesis process by melt poly-condensation polymerization to prepare polyoxalate. 1,4-CHDM was used to replace EG to prepare polyoxalate (PCOX) in this study. The thermal stability temperature of PCOX can significantly improve from 209 ℃ rise to 309 ℃ from the TGA measurement and the Mw of PCOX is about 5,000(g/mol) from the GPC analysis. Further, MDI was introduced into the PCOX chain to prepare high molecular weight of biomass marerials. Addition 14 wt% MDI could effectively extend the molecular chain to 54,100(g/mol) after GPC dectection. In addition, the result of DSC and POM shown MDI inhibited the crystallization of PCOX. However, added 14 wt% MDI blended with PCOX can improve the toughness of PCOX. The elongation at break and the tensile strength of PCOX is 37.6% and 41.5 Mpa, respectively. The 1,3-POD was used to prepare polyoxalate, the result of DSC shown significantly Tg at -9 ℃. Further, PPOX as the soft segment to prepared PU, the Mw of PU is about 50,000-56,000 (g/mol) from the GPC analysis and the Tg shift to high temperature with increased the hard segment. Further, MDI was introduced into the PPOX chain, the elongation at break and the tensile strength of polyester is 580% and 17 Mpa, respectively.
摘要 I
英文摘要 II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2-1聚草酸 9
2-1-1草酸之性質 9
2-1-2聚草酸酯之發展 10
2-1-3兩階段熔融聚縮合法 14
2-1-4聚草酸酯之熱穩定性 16
2-1-5改善脂肪族聚酯之熱穩定性 17
2-2異氰酸酯(Isocyanate) 18
2-2-1異氰酸酯之簡介 18
2-2-2異氰酸酯之化學反應 19
2-2-3 4,4’-二苯基甲烷二異氰酸酯(4,4’-MDI) 20
2-3聚氨基甲酸酯(Polyurethane,PU) 22
2-3-1聚氨基甲酸酯之簡介 22
2-3-2草酸共聚氨酯(Poly(urethane-co-oxalate))之發展 22
第三章 實驗部分 26
3-1實驗藥品 26
3-2實驗設備及分析儀器 27
3-3實驗步驟 28
3-3-1聚草酸二乙酯(Poly ethylene oxalate)之合成 28
3-3-2製備PEOX與MDI熔融混摻材料 29
3-3-3 Poly(1,4-cyclohexylenedimethylene oxalate)之合成 30
3-3-4製備PCOX-MDI熔融混摻材料 31
3-3-5 Poly(propyl oxalate)之合成 32
3-3-6 Poly(butylene oxalate)之合成 33
3-3-7製備PPOX為基材之PU 34
3-3-8製備PPOX-MDI熔融混摻材料 35
3-3-9製備PBOX-MDI熔融混摻材料 35
3-4 實驗分析方法 36
第四章 結果與討論 38
4-1 聚草酸二乙酯(PEOX)之合成鑑定 38
4-1-11H-NMR分析 38
4-1-2熱穩定性分析 39
4-1-3熱性質分析 40
4-2 PEOX與MDI反應之鑑定 41
4-2-1 FT-IR分析 41
4-2-2熱穩定性分析 43
4-2-3熱性質分析 44
4-3 Poly(1,4-cyclohexylenedimethylene oxalate)之合成鑑定 46
4-3-1 1H-NMR分析 46
4-3-2 分子量測定 47
4-3-3 熱穩定性分析 48
4-3-4 熱性質分析 49
4-4 PCOX與MDI反應之鑑定 51
4-4-1 FT-IR分析 51
4-4-2 1H-NMR分析 53
4-4-3分子量測定 56
4-4-4 熱穩定性分析 57
4-4-5 熱性質分析 58
4-4-6結晶型態分析 60
4-4-7機械性質分析 64
4-5聚草酸丙二酯及聚草酸丁二酯之合成鑑定 65
4-5-1 Poly(propyl oxalate)與Poly(butylene oxalate) 1H-NMR分析 65
4-5-2分子量測定 66
4-5-3熱穩定性分析 67
4-5-4熱性質分析 68
4-6 PPOX系聚氨酯 69
4-6-1液法之分子量測定 69
4-6-2溶液法之熱性質分析 70
4-6-3熔融法之分子量測定 71
4-6-4熔融法之熱性質分析 72
4-6-5熔融法之拉伸測試 73
4-7 PBOX系統 74
4-7-1 PBOX與MDI反應之FT-IR分析 74
4-7-2 PBOX與MDI反應之分子量測定 76
4-7-3 PBOX與MDI反應之熱性質分析 77
第五章 結論 78
參考文獻 80
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