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研究生(外文):BO-KAI CHEN
論文名稱(外文):An Automatic Teaching Materials Construction System based on Mashup
外文關鍵詞:MashupOntologyIncremental ModelC programming
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本研究提出了一個以Mashup為基礎的自動化教材建構系統,其主要的設計概念是建立一個Mashup Data模組來取得社群網路上資料。首先為了讓資料可以有效且自動的進行分類和整合,使用了本體論來做為分類依據。為了建構有效的本體論,我們以軟體工程中的漸增模式來作為開發標準。這個方法可以解決許多方面的問題。對於發展方面,它可以減少開發領域本體所需要的時間,並且可以根據需求快速進行修正。軟體方面,它可以有效實現本體論快速分享和重複使用的目的。在研究上,有效的本體論可以用來儲存和分類相關知識。在教材組成上,我們將其分為四大類,分別為文字、圖片、聲音和影像,然後再以Mashup 為基礎概念搭配Mashup的相關技術去搜尋社群網站上各種類型的教學資源。
為了評估系統的有效性,我們針對本體論及Mashup方法進行評估。在Ontology的評估我是邀請六位至少具有Ontology或C programming經驗的專家學者,評估方式則是使用李克特的五點量表:非常滿意、滿意、沒有意見、不滿意和非常不滿意,其對應的分數是從5分到1分。而Mashup Module的評估上則是邀請五位的專家學者來進行評估,這五位專家至少都具有一年以上C 語言程式設計的實務經驗。每一個都系統上輸入一個C語言相關的Keywords,讓系統去搜尋相關的教學資源,並根據搜尋到的資料去檢查是否符合是他們所需要的資料。我們可以知道這個以Mashup為基礎的自動化教材建構系統是可以提供學習者所需要的教材。且透過系統的協助是可以減少在建置教材時所需要花費人力和時間。
An Automatic Teaching Materials Construction System based on Mashup is proposed in this thesis. The main design concept is to establish a Mashup Data model to obtain the resources from a Social Network. Further, using ontology as a category structure, the resources are effectively, automatically classified and integrated. For this purpose of create an effectively domain ontology, we proposed a systematically method based on incremental model of software engineering is proposed to construct a valid domain ontology. The characteristics of the proposed solution are manifold. From the development aspect, it can reduce the development time for domain-specific ontology and rapidly modify ontology according to the purpose and needs. From the software aspect, it can achieve the purpose of efficiency, sharing and reuse of the constructed ontology. From the research aspect, the valid ontology can be used to store and classify the corresponding knowledge. Teaching materials are composed of the following three types of materials: text, graphics, sound and video. Final, we use about technology to search teaching materials in social network platform base on Mashup of the concept.
We finally come to the actual case of C programming to explore and analyze the data model. In other words, we build a C programming domain ontology by our method. And used in the ATMCS-M. The C programming domain ontology will be used for teaching of association rules. The system can filter and integrate search information from social network through the association rule.
In order to assess the system is feasible. We assess the ontology and Mashup module. Six domain experts are invited to evaluate the validity of the established domain ontology. During the expert interviews, the experts are asked to comment the ontology, where the agreed upon level is based on the five-point Likert scale: strongly agree, agree, no opinion, disagree and strongly disagree, and the corresponding scores from 5 points to 1 point. Five users are invited to assess the feasibility of the Mashup module, where they have at least one year experience in development system with C programming. Each user enters a C programming keywords to search the corresponding teaching materials. The data are examined to see whether the data meet the user's request. The automatic teaching materials construction system actually provides the desired teaching materials for learners. The labor and time needed for making the digital teaching materials are therefore reduced.
致 謝
摘 要
1.1 Background and Motivations
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Research questions
1.4 Thesis Structure
2.1 Mashup
2.1.1 Style of Mashup
2.1.2 Data Application of Mashup
2.1.3 Research Topic of Mashup
2.1.4 Mashup Achieve
2.1.5 Development Tool of Mashup
2.1.6 Current State of Mashup
2.2 Ontology
2.2.1 Ontology and Application
2.2.2 Construction of Domain Ontology
2.3 Incremental Model
3.1 System Environment
3.2 System Framework
3.2.1 Presentation Layer
3.2.2 Server Layer
3.2.3 Data Layer
3.3 Process Flow of the System
4.1 Ontology Module
4.1.1 The Method for Establishing an Effective Domain Ontology
4.1.2 Case Study
4.2 Mashup Module
4.2.1 Mashup Module Concept
4.2.2 Mashup Data Integration
4.2.3 Case Study
4.3 Database
4.5 Development Tools
4.4 Evaluation
4.4.1 Ontology Module Evaluation
4.4.2 Mashup Module Evaluation
5.1 Result
5.2 Contribution
5.3 Future Works
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