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研究生(外文):Tran-Duc, Huy
論文名稱(外文):The Warpage Optimization in Plastic Injection Molding Using Taguchi Method
指導教授(外文):Chia-Ying, Liu
外文關鍵詞:Plastic injection moldingTaguchi optimization techniqueMoldex 3Dwarpage
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CAE分析中的應用在注塑成型的塑料部件已成為近幾年流行的,尤其是對部分結構設計和成型工藝的優化。 Moldex3D是一個功能強大的計算機仿真軟件,該軟件的功能相關聯的快速,準確的分析和計算功能與電腦輔助繪圖,為建立的理論模型。
在這項研究中,Moldex3D來模擬的成型過程,優化工藝條件,如注射時間,注射速度剖面,熔體溫度,保壓壓力,保壓時間和週期時間。確定地區的高體積收縮,可能導致零件翹曲的問題。旁邊,兩個塑料聚碳酸酯和尼龍 6材料將被視為找出一個更好的成本,質量等
對於田口方法,該方法允許以獲得最佳的願望,以及根據結果的因素影響的結果,以便適用於製造商。考慮了一些因素包括:模具溫度,熔體溫度,保壓壓力,保壓時間,冷卻時間,注射時間,注射壓力,開放時間,因為強大的影響翹曲被稱為熔體溫度和保壓壓力,之間的相互作用模具溫度熔體溫度,熔體溫度和保壓壓力和元素之間的互動循環時間開放時間和冷卻時間,冷卻時間,保壓時間被認為是其中的行為進行調查的結果翹曲。採用 L9正交陣的田口方法進行四個選定參數分為三個層次,找出哪些因素是影響上最翹曲。所有這些基礎上,成型工藝將被發現出來,以獲得最佳條件為太陽眼鏡框製造的產品。
The purpose of this study to determine the parameter in the manufacturing plastic product of frame for sunglasses that is very popular in the world by using Moldex3D combining with Taguchi method in optimization of molding process.
The application of CAE analysis in injection-molded plastic part is becoming popular in the recent years, especially for part structure design and molding process optimization. Moldex3D is a powerful computer simulation software, which associates the capabilities of the rapid, accurate analysis and computation with the function of computer-aided drawing for the establishment of the theoretical model.
In this study, Moldex3D was used to simulate the molding process as optimize process conditions such as injection time, injection velocity profile, melt temperature, packing pressure, packing time, and cycle time. Determine areas of high volumetric shrinkage that could cause part warpage problems. Beside, two plastic materials are Polycarbonate and Nylon6 will be considered to find out which one is better for cost, quality, etc.
For Taguchi method, this method allows to obtain the optimum as well as desire the result depending on the factors that affect the result in order to be suitable for the manufacturer. Some factors were considered including: mold temperature, melt temperature, packing pressure, packing time, cooling time, inject time, injection pressure, and open time, Since strong effects on warpape were known as the melt temperature and the packing pressure, the interaction between mold temperature melt temperature, melt temperature and packing pressure and interaction among element of cycle time as open time and cooling time, cooling time and packing time were considered to investigate the behavior among them on the result of warape. The orthogonal array of L9 of Taguchi method was conducted with four chosen parameters separate into three levels to find out which factors is effect most on the warpage. Base on all of that, molding process will be found out to get the best condition in manufacturing for sunglasses frame product.
TABLE OF CONTENTS......…………………………………………………………iv
LIST OF TABLE..................…………………………………………………………vi
LIST OF FIGURE................………………………………………………………...vii
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………...………..1
1.1 Background…………………………………………………………..1
1.2 Objective of study…………………………………………………..2
Chapter 2 Theory and Practical Background.…………………………………..3
2.1 Injection molding……………………………………………………...3
2.1.1 Injection molding machine....................................................5
2.1.2 Molds.........................................................................................10
2.1.3 Injection molding process.....................................................14
2.1.4 Warpage in injection molding..................................................17
2.2 Thermoplastic material….................................................19
2.2.1 Thermoplastics……………....................................................19
2.2.2 Nylon 6 properties……................................................21
2.2.3 Polycarbonates properties................................................25
2.3 Design of experiment by Taguchi approach…………………………27
2.3.1 Taguchi method contribution to quality…………………………29
2.3.2 Taguchi method experiment design……………………………31
2.3.3 Signal to noise ration analysis……………………………………32
Chapter 3 Methodology and numerical simulations............................................34
3.1 Numerical simulations methodology.................................................34
3.2 Design cooling system…………………………………………………35
3.2.1 Maximize heat transfer rates……………………………………36
3.2.2 Maintain uniform wall temperatue……………………………….37
3.3 The cooling system design process......................................................37
3.3.1 Calculate the required cooling time………………………….37
3.3.2 Evaluate required heat transfer rate..............................................38
3.4 Injection molding analysis…………………………………………40
3.4.1 Injection molding manufacturing consideration…………………40
3.4.2 Injection molding model................................................................40
3.4.3 Parameters and processes setting...................................................42
3.4.4 Taguchi optimization for injection molding..................................43
3.5 Orthogonal array…………………………………………………….44
3.6 Simulation result………………………………………………….48
3.7 The ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)for warpage.………………….49
Chapter 4 Result and discussion................................................55
Chapter 5 Conclusions and future works...........................................................67
5.1 Conclusions............................................67
5.2 Future works........................................68
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