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論文名稱(外文):The Study on the Relationships of Perceived Value of a Service, Relationship Quality and Behavioral Intentions: A case of Promotion Teams in Tainan Technology Industrial Park
外文關鍵詞:Perceived value of a ServiceRelationship QualityBehavioral IntentionsIndustrial parksTainan Technology Industrial Park
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一、 服務知覺價值對滿意具部份正向影響:「行為代價」、「聲譽」對滿意存在顯著正向影響,以「行為代價」影響最強烈。「貨幣價格」與滿意度呈現負向影響。
二、 服務知覺價值對信任具部份正向影響:「品質」、「行為代價」、「聲譽」存有顯著正向影響。「品質」影響程度最大。「貨幣價格」仍然與信任呈負向影響。
三、 滿意對行為意向具正向顯著影響。
四、 信任對行為意向具部份正向影響。
五、 服務知覺價值對行為意向具部份正向影響。主要影響廠商推薦意願因素為「行為代價」、「聲譽」。又以「行為代價」影響程度最強烈。另「貨幣價格」亦對行為意向呈負向影響。
Industrialization plays a significant role in creating job opportunities and boosting regional economies. The development of Industrial Parks is also a primary strategy for many countries around the world in pursuit of economic development. At the same time, it also influences urban development in Taiwan.
Other than the development of Industrial Parks in Taiwan being established based on different goals from those of the Central Authorities, each County and City Hall is also actively devoted to development to promote regional prosperity. Although Tainan Technology Industrial Park was developed according to the regulations from the Central Authorities, but due to the limitations of policy supervision, it does not offer the same all-encompassing services and special offers of the parks established by the Central Authorities, for instance: the One Stop Service in Tainan Science Park. Furthermore, it is faced with neighboring industrial parks developed under the supervision of County and City Halls, which have the decision-making powers for to attract investment. Thus, it is obvious that Tainan Technology Industrial Park is already at a disadvantage in the aspect of attracting investment. Recently, some scholars have been exploring strategies for the re-development of Tainan Technology Industrial Park, whereby they hope to appeal to investment companies via enhancement of the investing environment by the Government, as well as launching more incentive programs. With the comprehensive survey of the above-mentioned, this research attempted to start from the aspects of marketing, based on services between the companies, promotion teams and management personnel, in order to probe the relationships between the Perceived value of a Service of the companies, the Relationship Quality and the Behavioral Intentions.
This research applied the questionnaire survey, with the investigating target being companies stationed in Tainan Technology Industrial Park, or enterprises which once contacted Tainan Technology Industrial Park’s promotion teams regarding renting or purchasing matters. In total 130 questionnaires were distributed, with 94 being effectively retrieved. The SPSS software was then utilized to proceed with the correlation and regression analysis in order to verify the hypothetical assumption of this research. The outcomes of this research mainly indicate that:
1. Perceived value of a Service has partial positive influence towards satisfaction: “Behavioral Price” and “Reputation” both have significantly positive influence towards Satisfaction, with “Behavioral Price” having the most drastic influence. “Monetary Price” has negative influence towards Satisfaction.
2. Perceived value of a Service has partial positive influence towards Reliability: “Quality”, “Behavioral Price” and “Reputation” both have significantly positive influence, with “Quality” having the most drastic influence. “Monetary Price” still has negative influence towards Reliability.
3. Satisfaction has significantly positive influence towards Behavioral Intentions.
4. Reliability has partial positive influence towards Behavioral Intentions.
5. Perceived value of a Service has partial positive influences towards Behavioral Intentions. The main factors influencing the companies’ recommendation intention include “Behavioral Price” and “Reputation”, with “Behavioral Price” having the most drastic influence. Furthermore, “Monetary Price” has negative influence towards Behavioral Intentions.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目次 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 9
1.3研究步驟與流程 10
1.4研究對象與範圍 11
第二章 文獻探討 12
2.1工業區定義 12
2.2台灣地區工業區供給體系 12
2.3研究個案簡介 台南科技工業區 14
2.3.1 設置目的 14
2.3.2 環境概況 15
2.3.3 規劃特色 15
2.3.4 招商現況 17
2.3.5 有關台南科技工業區及其它工業區相關文獻回顧 21
2.4 服務知覺價值 25
2.4.1 價值 25
2.4.2 服務知覺價值概念 26
2.4.3 服務知覺價值之構面 31
2.4.4 與其它知覺價值構面文獻整理-以台南科技工業區為例 35
2.5 關係品質 37
2.5.1 關係品質要素 38
2,5.1.1 關係品質之要素-滿意 38 關係品質之要素-信任 40
2.6 行為意向 41
第三章 研究方法 46
3.1研究架構 46
3.2研究假設 47
3.3變數操作性定義與衡量 48
3.3.1 研究變數操作性定義 48
3.3.2 服務知覺價值之衡量 49
3.3.3 關係品質之衡量 51
3.3.4 行為意向之衡量 52
3.4問卷前測與修正 53
3.5資料蒐集與抽樣 58
3.6資料分析方法 59
第四章 資料分析結果 61
4.1 樣本結構分析 61
4.2 變數描述性統計 65
4.3信度分析 68
4.4效度分析 71
4.4.1 內容效度 71
4.5相關分析 73
4.6迴歸分析 74
4.6.1服務知覺價值對滿意之影響 74
4.6.2服務知覺價值對信任之影響 75
4.6.3滿意對行為意向之影響 77
4.6.4信任對行為意向之影響 78
4.6.5服務知覺價值對行為意向之影響 80
第五章 結論與建議 82
5.1研究結論 82
5.1.1 樣本表現 82
5.1.2 服務知覺價值、關係品質與行為意向之關係 83
5.2管理與實務意涵 88
5.3研究限制 94
5.4後續研究建議 95
中文文獻 96
英文文獻 99
附錄 問卷 107
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