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研究生(外文):Hsin-Ru Huang
論文名稱(外文):The relationship between secondary structure of antimicrobial peptide and hydroxyl radical productions during bactericidal treatments
指導教授(外文):Je-Wen Liou
外文關鍵詞:Hydroxyl radical productionpeptide secondary structure
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我們利用馬蹄蟹的Sushi 3 胜肽做為模板,將這段34個胺基酸的胜肽做點定位突變,得到一系列的序列後利用生物資訊的軟體做二級結構預測。從預測結果中挑選具有不同α-螺旋比例的胜肽來合成,並用傅利葉轉換紅外光光譜鑑定這些胜肽的二級結構。α-螺旋比例最高的I8G15P18 胜肽具有最佳的殺菌能力,及最高的氫氧自由基產生量。由實驗數據我們可知道α-螺旋比例和在胜肽的殺菌過程中,細菌所產生的氫氧自由基具有相關性。
In order to combat the contentious developments of bacterial antibiotic resistance, searching and developing new antibacterial drugs has become a vital task for clinical applications. Antimicrobial peptides are one of the most important approaches for this purpose.
Previous studies indicated that hydroxyl radical productions are the common mechanism during the antibiotic treatments of bacteria. Our research group also found that the antimicrobial peptides were also capable of induce the hydroxyl radical productions during the treatments, and this effect might be associated with the secondary structures of the peptides. This study attempted to link the secondary structure contents and the quantity of the hydroxyl radical productions during the antimicrobial treatments.
Bioinfomatic approach was applied to predict the secondary structure contents of the mutant peptide derived from horseshoe crab Sushi 3 peptide via series of point mutations in its sequence. The predicted mutant peptides were chemically synthesized, and structurally examined using biophysical techniques Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The FTIR results indicated that the Sushi mutant I8G9A, G9A, I8G15P18A peptides had different helix contents, and the highly helix containing peptide I8G15P18A showed the best bactericidal ability. Peptides with higher helix contents also resulted in higher hydroxyl radical productions during bactericidal treatments as measured by 3’-(p-hydroxyphenyl) fluorescein dye and flowcytometry. The results of this study will provide valuable information for the design of new and effective antimicrobial peptides.
List of tables…………………………………………………………………………...6
List of figures………………………………………………………………………….6
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………8
2. Aim of the study……………..…………………………………………………......9
3. Materials and methods…………………………………………………………….10
3.1 Peptide secondary structure prediction using bioinformatic methods…………10
3.2 Hydrophobicity of peptide………………………………………………...…..10
3.3 Peptide synthesis and purifications……………………………………………11
3.4 Peptide secondary structure measurement…………………………………….12
3.5 Hydroxyl radical production measurement by flowcytometry……………...…15
3.6 Bactericidal ability of peptides………………………………………………...17
4. Results……………………………………………………………………………..18
4.1 Prediction results of selected peptides………………….……………………...18
4.2 Peptide secondary structure measurements using FTIR……………………….18
4.3 Relationship of peptide α-helix contents (%) and amphipathicity…………….21
4.4 Bacteria hydroxyl radical production and peptide bactericidal ability…...……22
5. Discussion…………………………………………………………………………25
6. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………29
7. Reference…………………………………………………………………………..39
8. Appendix…………………………………………………………………………..42
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