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研究生(外文):Chang, Kun-Ti
論文名稱(外文):Interior Design Decoration Dissertation of Compound Housing Office(A Study on Single Living Space)
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shu-Ming
口試委員(外文):Le, Shin-FuSyu, Jian-MinLiu, Kuang-ShengChen, Jiun-Chih
外文關鍵詞:Interior decoration designnew materialsnew equipmentnew construction methodsnew technologycompound housing office
  • 被引用被引用:3
  • 點閱點閱:677
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  • 下載下載:97
  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:0

The main reason that the territory of interior design decoration is vast and ever-changing, is that it can completely demonstrate the realm of “true, good, and beauty”by the creativity and concept of its designers.Furthermore, the creating of one architecture design to become a complete space of sound, light, temperature, gas, and heat environment, can also be done. To speak more clearly, this creation can be done by complete integration of adding operations of new material decoration, new equipment, new construction methods, and new technologies, technological intelligence and energy-saving and reducing carbons etc. factors.
In various types of spaces, such as housing space, business space, public space, office space, residential and commercial space, and housing office space etc., the author can use the housing office space as the theme. This is to let work and life merge together, and to at the same time can possess separate individual spaces, which is one of the basic concepts of the author's creation.Interior design decoration is to let the nature of design decoration to completely suit the special goal of it users. The form of interior design is to let living environment to exist in a happiwe and elegant method. This kind of concept when operated on the territory of life, it can more concretely become the working principle of “using the container of interior design to complete life concepts. ”In this case, this author's focus of the creation is to “further extend and develop the design of the architecture exterior, by the theme concept of interior design decoration.” Furthermore, regarding design methods, what is the most important consideration is the demand of life. Next, the professional knowledge and abundant experience of this author is to provide a set of best decoaion technique, to further complete the creative dissertation of interior decoration.
This author uses the example of one compound housing office that possesses functions of office, parlor, living, leisure, entertainment, and mutually combine work experience and creative theoretical. This is to hope to mutually prove theory and practice, to provide for the reference of industry, academia and subsequent researchers.

誌 謝 - i-
中文摘要 - ii-
英文摘要 -iii-
目 錄 - iv-
表 目 錄 - vi-
圖 目 錄 -vii-
一、 緒論 -1-
1.1 創作動機及目的 -1-
1.2 創作範圍 -2-
1.3 設計創作流程 -3-
二、 創作環境概述 -4-
2.1 自然環境 -4-
2.2 人文環境 -6-
2.3 區域環境 -10-
三、 創作主題內容 -11
3.1 設計理念 -11-
3.1.1 建築物的空間色彩理念 -11-
3.1.2 建築物設計規劃基本資料 -11-
3.1.3 建築物結構概述 -11-
3.1.4 室內設計機能配置計畫 -12-
3.1.5 建材 -13-
3.2 建物造型設計規劃 -14-
3.3 停車空間規劃 -16-
3.4 基地綠化景觀規劃 -16-
3.5 室內設計平面規劃 -18-
3.5.1 牌樓及圍牆規劃 -18-
3.5.2 一樓層規劃 -19-
3.5.3 一樓天花板平面圖 -20-
3.5.4 一樓地坪平面圖 -21-
3.5.5 一樓機電配置圖 -22-
3.5.6 一樓燈具平面圖 -23-
3.6 二樓層規劃 -24-
3.6.1 二樓天花板平面圖 -25-
3.6.2 二樓地坪平面圖 -26-
3.6.3 二樓機電配置圖 -27-
3.6.4 二樓燈具平面圖 -28-
3.7 三樓層規劃 -29-
3.7.1 三樓平面圖 -29-
3.7.2 三樓天花板平面圖 -30-
3.7.3 三樓地坪平面圖 -31-
3.7.4 三樓機電配置圖 -32-
3.7.5 三樓燈具平面圖 -33-
3.8 四樓、屋頂層規劃 -34-
3.8.1 四樓平面圖 -34-
3.8.2 四樓天花板平面圖 -35-
3.8.3 四樓機電配置圖 -36-
3.8.4 屋頂機電配置圖 -37-
四、 創作方法與技巧 -38-
4.1 裝修新材料、工法之應用 -38-
4.1.1 一樓區域 -38-
4.1.2 二樓區域 -56-
4.1.3 三樓區域 -76-
4.2 裝修新設備之應用 -90-
4.3 綜合傢具之應用 -92-
五、 創作成果 -93-
5.1 一樓牌樓及圍牆之外觀 -93-
5.2 一樓室外及景觀停車區域 -94-
5.3 一樓室內區域 -95
5.4 二樓室內區域 -102
5.5 三樓室內區域 -107-
5.6 頂樓 -111-
六、 結論與建議 -112-
6.1 結論 -112-
6.2 建議 -113-
參考文獻 -114-
附 錄 -115-
簡 歷 -116-

1. 管倖生(民99)。設計研究方法。臺北市:全華。
2. 胡維哲著(民98)。室內設計裝修實務法規全集。新北市:教育之友。
3. 年鑑編輯委員會(主編)(民98)。室內設計鑑賞集。新北市:視傳文化。
4. LOHO編輯部(主編)(民98)。名作家具個性空間:從認識、選購家具名作至佈置出獨一無二的個性化房間。台北市:樂活文化。
5. 洪世民譯(民97)。綠設計-健康住家指南(原作者:艾倫‧柏曼)。台北市:山岳。
6. 黃雅文譯(民96)。設計中的設計(原作者:原研哉)。台北市:龍溪。
7. 三采文化(主編)(民96)。我的自宅夢。台北市:三采。
8. 王怡之譯(民95)。慢活的角落時光:打造身心靈的休憩空間(原作者:愛麗絲.懷特利)。台北市:甜茴香。
1. 譚精忠(民86年12月)。更大的空間。《當代設計雜誌》,12,74-81。
1. 高雄縣政府文化局網站 http://www.kcg.gov.tw/ (2010.12.06瀏覽)

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