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研究生(外文):Pei-Syuan Li
論文名稱(外文):The associated factors of smoking and smoking cessation of the adult in Taiwan
指導教授:Ying-Chu Wang
指導教授(外文):Chiao-Lee Chu
外文關鍵詞:smokingsmoking cessationadult
  • 被引用被引用:12
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Importance and purpose: The World Health Organization report finds that ten percent of 5 million adults deaths worldwide are related to smoking per year, and current trends show that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths annually by 2030. The aim of this study is to analysis the factors associated with behavior of smoking and smoking cessation in Taiwanese who is over 18 years old.
Method: This study was based on the secondary data analysis. Data was come from “Adult Smoking Behavior Survey” conducted by the Bureau of Health Promotion Department in Taiwan in 2007. The total sample size was 16,588 persons with 33 unknown information samples, the total samples involved in the study were 16,555 to explore the personal factors (gender, age, educational level, average total monthly income, conscious health status) and environmental factors (whether workplace in the outdoor, household passive smoking, family smoking regulation) were two major items affect smoking behavior. The related factors of smoking cessation behavior, exclude 629 samples were no smokers or no answers, the total samples involved were 4,231 to explore the personal factors (gender, age, educational level, whether the spouse, whether the work, conscious health status, average total monthly income) and environmental factors (whether workplace in the outdoor, household passive smoking, family smoking regulation) were two major items affect smoking behavior. SPSS 12.0 statistical analysis software was used to analysis.
Result: Using logistic regression analysis, after adjustment for other factors, for smokers, found that male smoking rates than females, and increased with age smoking rates also rise, the lower level of education, high income Smoking rates are higher. If the family have smoking ban, smoking was low. In smoking cessation, the logistic regression analysis showed has a spouse, high income, general health status, family smoking cessation rates were higher provisions .
Conclusion: After adjustment for other factors, the results showed that gender, age, educational level, average total monthly income, whether workplace in the outdoor, conscious health status, household smoking ban have significant effect on smoking behavior. After adjustment for other factors, the data showed that with or without spouse, average total monthly income, conscious health status, family smoking regulation, have significant effect on smoking cessation behavior. This study attempts to provide the direction of future policy options and recommendations for smoking cessation.
目 錄
第一章 緒論1
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 吸菸的界定與危害 4
第二節 戒菸的界定與重要性 13
第三節 台灣菸害防治政策 20
第四節 影響成年人吸菸的因素 24
第五節 影響成年人戒菸的因素 40
第三章 研究方法
第一節 資料來源與對象 53
第二節 研究架構與假說 54
第三節 變項定義與測量 59
第四節 資料處理與分析方法 62
第四章 研究結果
第一節 基本資料描述性分析 64
第二節 雙變項分析 68
第三節 多變項分析 73
第五章 討論
第一節 本研究假說驗證之情況 77
第二節 影響成年人是否吸菸之相關因素討論 78
第三節 影響成年人有否戒菸成功之相關因素討論 82
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 86
第二節 研究限制 86
第三節 建議 86
參考文獻 89
表 目 錄
表2-1-1 吸菸的定義 99
表2-2-1 戒菸的定義 100
表2-3-1 菸害防治法 101
表2-3-2 尼古丁成癮度衡量表 102
表4-1-1 分析有無吸菸之個人因素基本特性 103
表4-1-2 分析有無吸菸之環境因素基本特性 104
表4-1-3 分析有否戒菸成功之個人因素基本特性 105
表4-1-4 分析有否戒菸成功之環境因素基本特性 106
表4-2-1 有無吸菸雙變項分析個人因素 107
表4-2-2 有無吸菸雙變項分析環境因素 108
表4-2-3 有無戒菸成功雙變項分析個人因素 109
表4-2-4 有無戒菸成功雙變項分析環境因素 110
表4-3-1 是否吸菸之logistic迴歸分析 111
表4-3-2 有否戒菸成功之logistic迴歸分析 112
表5-1-1 本研究假說有無吸菸驗證之情況 113
表5-1-2 本研究假說有否戒菸成功驗證之情況 113

圖 目 錄
圖3-1-1 影響是否吸菸行為之相關因素 56
圖3-1-2 影響有否戒菸成功之相關因素 57
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