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論文名稱(外文):Directors’ Liability Insurance and The Cost of Capital
外文關鍵詞:Directors’ liability insuranceCost of capital
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Due to the outbreak of enterprise corrupting practices and law cases in recent years, not only has directors’ liability insurance been evoking academic and practical circles discussion, many countries also have been dedicated to putting directors’ liability insurance into effect and compulsively revealing insurance policies of enterprises. Although positive feedbacks from past records on the value of this kind of insurance are abundant, some studies doubt that directors’ liability insurance may generate moral hazard and even deteriorate the seriousness of agency problems. In view of the unsettled discrepancy mentioned above, this thesis is trying to dissect the motives of taking out insurance policy by the viewpoint of the cost of capital and is trying to enrich the studies about directors’ liability insurance by this untouched subject. By means of inspecting total 1,792 samples from listed companies in Taiwan, this thesis found that the cost of capital of enterprises which do not take directors’ liability insurance policy is significantly higher than those which do take directors’ liability insurance policy. This significance does not vary as the sample selection and the adjustment in calculation of the cost of capital. The practical result of this thesis not only explains the continues increase of policy ratio but also indirectly supports the connotative surveillance effect of directors’ liability insurance and fortifies the role of investor equity, also provides the reference for policy effect of enterprises’ reveal in policy insurance legislated by domestic and foreign regulations.
一、 引言 1
二、 文獻回顧與假說建立 3
A. 董事責任險 3
B. 加權平均資金成本和董事責任險 4
三、 樣本 6
四、 研究方法與變數說明 6
五、 實證分析 9
六、 穩健性分析 12
七、 結論 13
參考文獻: 15

表一、樣本選取 18
表二、樣本之敍述統計 19
表三、董事責任險與加權平均資金成本 20
表四、董事責任險與加權平均資金成本─遞延效果、資訊揭露程度 21
表五、穩健性分析 22


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