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研究生(外文):Ya-Kuan Chou
論文名稱(外文):Sofa Foam Cushions’ Material and Images of Tactile Senses
指導教授(外文):Tien-Li Chen
外文關鍵詞:SofaFoam CushionImages of Tactile Sense
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  本研究旨在探討沙發軟墊材質與觸覺意象,研究流程首先透過生命週期衝擊評估軟體Sima Pro對沙發軟墊對人體及環境的影響進行探討,然後透過實驗設計量測沙發泡棉軟墊樣本之物理性質,再以意象問卷調查人們接觸沙發軟墊後的心理感受,並做交叉分析歸納結果,其研究結果如下:
1. 針對沙發泡棉軟墊材質對環境及人體健康之關係:沙發泡棉軟墊對人體健康及環境衝擊所造成之影響為TDI>MDI泡棉,消費者挑選沙發泡棉軟墊時建議以MDI生產之產品較有保障,沙發泡棉軟墊廢棄物處理建議以回收方式進行為主,以降低對環境造成負面影響。
2. 消費者對不同結構沙發泡棉軟墊之心理感受:單層式泡棉具有穩定的感受,雙層式泡棉則有舒適的、穩定的感受,而多層式泡棉具有舒適的、柔軟的、穩定的感受。體重重的人較容易感受到沙發結構層次的變化,身體重量來體驗沙發泡棉軟墊的會比用手壓來體驗還要明顯;另外男性對於柔軟的感受高於女性,女性對於穩定的感受則高於男性。
3. 沙發泡棉軟墊觸覺物理屬性與心理感受的關係:平均硬度、密度與彈性係數越小越有「舒適的」及「柔軟的」意象,越大則越有「難受的」及「生硬的」意象;另外彈性係數越小越受消費者喜歡,越大的越不受喜歡。

 The purpose of this study is to probe into the sofa foam cushions’ material and tactile sense. The research process is survey the sofa foam cushions’ effect toward human body and environment through life cycle assessment software Sima Pro firstly, and calculate the sofa foam cushions’ physical property, finally survey people’s psychological feeling after sitting on the sofa foam cushions and make conclusion across the outcome above. The results are as followings:
1.The relationship between sofa foam cushions, environment, and human body:The influence of sofa foam cushions on human health and environment is TDI > MDI. For this reason, it would be more guaranteed to choose sofa foam cushions that are made of MDI. In addition, if we primarily dispose waste of sofa foam cushions by recycling, the negative influence on environment will be decreased.
2.Customers’ psychological feeling of different structure sofa foam cushions:The single layer cushion brings the feeling of stable, double layer cushion brings the feeling of comfortable and stable, multi-layer cushion brings the feeling of comfortable, soft and stable. Heavy-weight people can feel the sofa structure layers easily. It is more obvious to sit on the sofa than press on it with hands. Furthermore, male feel more soft than female, and female feel more stable than male.
3.The relationship of sofa foam cushions’ psychological feeling and physical property:When the hardness, density and flexibility are smaller, it brings the feeling of comfortable and soft, when they are larger, it brings the feeling of uncomfortable and hard. Besides, the customers prefer smaller flexibility than the higher one.

中文摘要 i
誌謝 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究方法與步驟 3
1.4 研究範圍與樣本 5
1.5 名詞釋義 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1沙發軟墊與泡棉材質 6
2.1.1 沙發軟墊的歷史與沿革 6
2.1.2 泡棉材質 10
2.2 觸覺認知與意象分析 13
2.2.1 觸覺認知 13
2.2.2 意象分析 15
2.3 生命週期衝擊評估 17
2.3.1生態評估 17
2.3.2生命週期評估 19
2.3.3 生命週期評估分析方式 21
第三章 研究方法 26
3.1 研究樣本 26
3.2 研究工具 28
3.3 研究方法 30
3.3.1 內容分析法 30
3.3.2 實驗法 30
3.3.3 問卷調查法 31
3.3.4 統計方法 32
第四章 研究結果與討論 33
4.1沙發泡棉軟墊材質分析 33
4.1.1 沙發泡棉軟墊生命週期系統分析 33
4.1.2 環境衝擊評估 34
4.1.3 沙發泡棉軟墊材質分析結果與討論 50
4.2沙發泡棉軟墊物理量分析 51
4.2.1 硬度實驗 51
4.2.2 重量實驗 54
4.2.3 抗壓實驗 55
4.3沙發泡棉軟墊心理量分析 57
4.3.1 沙發泡棉軟墊觸覺相關形容詞收集 57
4.3.2 觸覺意象問卷調查與實施 60
4.3.3 沙發泡棉軟墊觸覺心理意象分析 62
4.3.4 泡棉軟墊觸覺心理意象結論 66
4.4沙發泡棉軟墊觸覺物理量與心理量之分析 67
第五章 結論與建議 71
5.1 結論 71
5.2 建議 72
參考文獻 73
附錄一、沙發的形容詞語彙收集 77
附錄二、沙發泡棉軟墊觸覺形容詞專家問卷 78
附錄三、沙發泡棉軟墊觸覺意象問卷 80

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