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研究生(外文):YI-WEN WANG
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Risk Management and Insurance Planning for University Campuses in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Tong-Liang Kao
外文關鍵詞:Risk ManagementInsurance Planning
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Although the environment of the university is purer than the business environment of the society, the situations of students who may have accidents are getting changeable with the high development of the society. Therefore, the main job of dealing with risk management in the campus of the university is to have further understanding and evaluation of the risk reasons that may happen. As for a school present education, the risk management in the campus of the university has very important meaning.
The research mainly focuses on the risk management and insurance plan of the campus of the university in Taiwan. The university also distinguishes the sequence of priority about the risk, understands the medium of transferring the risk further, recognizes the control tactics of the risk, and reduces frequency of happening and the rage of losses to a minimum.
Meanwhile, conclude the basic concept of concluding the definition and feature of the risk.
By analyzing the risk that may happen in the campus of the university, discuss the risk on the process of the living example about the campus of the university in Taiwan. Finally, being aimed at the research, draw a conclusion that the campus of the university has to be in the light of the risk that has already happened or will reveal in the future. Then, use the skill of integrating risk management to raise the scheme of solution. The structure of administrative management in the campus of the university must be made objectively to accord with the demand of every campus.
Therefore, the operation model of risk management can not be always the same. The suggestions will be divided three parts according to the conclusion. First, teachers should enhance risk management and the service of damage prevention. Second, students should strengthen the establishment of the concept about insurance and risk management. Third, administrative unit should reinforce risk management and the service of damage prevention, and actively cultivate the professionals of risk management.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1
第二節 研究方法及限制 3
第三節 研究範圍與研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 危險管理相關文獻 6
第二節 校園危險相關文獻 13
第三章 台灣地區大學校園之危險分析及管理方法 19
第一節 大學校園所面臨之危險 19
第二節 大學校園之危險管理方法 22
第三節 大學校園之危險管理政策 32
第四節 台灣地區大學校園組織運作 35
第四章 台灣地區大學校園之保險規劃 44
第一節 規劃保險需考慮之因素 44
第二節 大學院校財產保險之規劃 48
第三節 大學校園責任保險之規劃 54
第四節 大學院校人身保險之規劃 64
第五節 大學院校校園之保險規劃案例 67
第五章 結論與建議 73
第一節 結論 73
第二節 建議 74
參考文獻 78
圖1-1 本文研究架構及流程 5
圖2-1 危險管理的步驟 11
圖3-1 損失頻率/損失幅度矩陣圖 25
表1-1 民國89年及98年學生人數、學校數之比較表 2
表2-1 校園危險文獻回顧一覽表 17
表3-1 民國九十四年至九十七年校安事件一覽表 21
表3-2 大學院校校園危險事故損失頻率與幅度對照表 26
表3-3 高雄醫學大學校安中心、淡江大學災害管理機制實施計畫41
表4-1 大學校園可保的危險 71
表4-2 大學校園各項危險對應之保險產品索引表 72

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