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研究生(外文):Shiao-Fan Su
論文名稱(外文):Corporate social responsibility and financial performance :Evidence from Japan
指導教授(外文):Lopin Kuo
外文關鍵詞:corporate social responsibilityfinancial performanceearnings management
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 Since Japan had already promoted CSR for several years, and it is the only country in Asia, which singed for Kyoto Protocol. However, it is known that a few Japanese large businesses suffered crises due to the corruption and honest issues. Therefore, the meaning in the reverse side that enterprises deal with CSR is if only projecting a socially-friendly image in order to disguise earnings management, and then they can benefit themselves with shifting the strict supervision of the earnings management after building up the good legitimacy. The sample comprises Japan Nikkei stock index 500 firms. We use the two-stage least squares (2SLS) simultaneous equations model for the analysis.
 The results obtained show that when the company faces financial crisis in the last period, the enterprise would utilize CSR operation to have stakeholders to reduce to the financial condition whether the industrial environment is sensitive or not. Therefore, the enterprises will promote actively the overall evaluation of CSR, the environmental performance evaluation and societal performance evaluation. Nevertheless, the behavior that the enterprises increase CSR evaluation will enable the enterprises to raise additional CSR expenditure in short-term; at the same time, the financial situation will keep deteriorating, as a result it testifies the Trade-off hypothesis and Shift of Focus hypothesis. Furthermore, the empirical results also find that some Japanese companies are indeed using earnings management through the CSR to improve financial performance problems. The overall evaluation of CSR and societal evaluation as relatively compared to the environmental evaluation have more space for financial operations, but there is a positive and non-significant relationship.
 The enterprises with environmental sensitivity undertake from one of the overall evaluation of CSR, the environmental or societal performance evaluation; simultaneously, they accompanies the non-financial two-pronged strategy such as earnings management to interrupt the enterprises’ financial performance, and it is incapable to achieve better and improving performance effect. For the enterprises without environmental sensitivity, utilizing this operation mode may accomplish the certain and specific effect. Inferred that the industrial environmental sensitivity is an essential factor affecting if earnings management means can improve financial performance.

目錄............................................................................................................................... I
表目錄........................................................................................................................... II
圖目錄.......................................................................................................................... III
第壹章 緒論................................................................................................................ 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ........................................................................................ 1
第二節 研究目的 .................................................................................................... 4
第三節 研究架構 .................................................................................................... 6
第貳章 文獻探討........................................................................................................ 8
第一節 企業社會責任探討 .................................................................................... 8
第二節 日本CSR發展歷程及趨勢 ..................................................................... 15
第三節 盈餘管理相關文獻 .................................................................................. 23
第四節 CSR與財務績效關聯性之相關文獻 ...................................................... 26
第參章 研究方法...................................................................................................... 29
第一節 觀念性架構與變數衡量 .......................................................................... 29
第二節 研究假說 .................................................................................................. 34
第三節 研究樣本與資料蒐集 .............................................................................. 36
第四節 實證模型 .................................................................................................. 38
第五節 研究方法 .................................................................................................. 38
第肆章 實證結果及分析.......................................................................................... 40
第一節 敍述統計分析 .......................................................................................... 42
第二節 相關分析 .................................................................................................. 42
第三節 迴歸分析結果 .......................................................................................... 44
第伍章 研究結果、限制及建議.............................................................................. 59
第一節 研究結果及貢獻 ...................................................................................... 59
第二節 研究限制 .................................................................................................. 61
第三節 研究建議 .................................................................................................. 62
參考文獻...................................................................................................................... 64
附錄1:TOYO KEIZAI JAPAN CSR構成項目之指標 .......................................... 70

表2- 1 企業社會責任的37種定義分析(使用頻率較高) ................................................................. 8
表2- 2 CSR相關理論 ........................................................................................................................11
表2- 3 CSR主要國際準則及規範 ................................................................................................... 13
表2- 4 日本CSR活動的轉變歷程 .................................................................................................. 20
表3- 1 CSR四大構面評價與總體評價之比例 ............................................................................... 31
表3- 2 CSR四大構面評價與總體評價之比例(產業類別) ............................................................ 31
表3- 3 方程式與研究假說建立之關係 ........................................................................................... 36
表3- 4 本研究期間之會計年度對照表 ........................................................................................... 37
表4- 1 研究樣本的選擇 ................................................................................................................... 40
表4- 2 各產業別樣本數 ................................................................................................................... 41
表4- 3 敍述性統計量(N=142) .......................................................................................................... 42
表4- 4 PEARSON相關分析(N=142) .................................................................................................. 43
表4- 5 CSR總體評價與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=142) ...................................................... 46
表4- 6 CSR總體評價、盈餘管理與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=142) .................................. 47
表4- 7 CSR環境績效評價與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=142) .............................................. 48
表4- 8 CSR環境績效評價、盈餘管理與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=142) .......................... 49
表4- 9 CSR社會績效評價與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=142) .............................................. 50
表4- 10 CSR社會績效評價、盈餘管理與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=142) ........................ 51
表4- 11 CSR總體評價與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=100,敏感產業) ................................... 53
表4- 12 CSR總體評價、盈餘管理與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=100,敏感產業) ............... 54
表4- 13 CSR環境績效評價與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=100,敏感產業) ........................... 55
表4- 14 CSR環境績效評價、盈餘管理與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=100,敏感產業) ....... 56
表4- 15 CSR社會績效評價與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=100,敏感產業) ........................... 57
表4- 16 CSR社會績效評價、盈餘管理與財務績效之2SLS分析結果(N=100,敏感產業) ....... 58

圖1-1 研究流程圖 .............................................................................................. 7
圖2-1 CSR金字塔理論之四大面向 ............................................................... 10
圖3-1 觀念性架構圖 ........................................................................................ 30

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