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研究生(外文):Yi-Fu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Roaming User Authentication Scheme in Mobile Network
指導教授(外文):Ren-Junn Hwang
外文關鍵詞:Mobile NetworkAuthenticationAnonymityUnlinkability
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This research proposes an authentication mechanism for roaming users of mobile networks. Thanks to the rapid development of Internet and wireless communications, users can access to wireless Internet services through mobile devices. Since humans are mobile by nature, they may access Internet with their wireless or mobile devices via a foreign agent. This phenomenon is called roaming. Allowing foreign agents to identify legal users among other cooperating networks is thus an essential issue to keep mobile network security with effective management reachable. This research adopts smartcards due to their low computing costs and easy portability. In combination with passwords, a mechanism suitable for user authentication in foreign agents is established so that users may log into foreign agents anonymously. The same user may anonymously log in numerous times, and other parties are blocked from spying the user and thereby individual privacy is ensured. In addition, the method proposed in this research meets security requirements of mobile networks and provides functions such as highly efficient user password authentication and offline password changing. These features block possible security attacks that may occur in mobile networks. In comparison with methods presented by other researchers, the computational performance of the proposed method is superior.

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 安全需求 2
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 相關研究 5
2.1 He等人的方法 5
2.1.1 He等人的方法介紹 5
2.1.2 He等人的方法安全分析 8
2.2 Xu等人的方法 9
2.2.1 Xu等人的方法介紹 9
2.2.2 Xu等人的方法安全分析 12
第三章 方法介紹 13
3.1 註冊階段 14
3.2 主網域登入鑑別階段 15
3.3 登入階段 17
3.4 鑑別階段 18
3.5 後續登入鑑別階段 22
3.6 通行碼更正階段 24
第四章 安全與效能分析 25
4.1 安全分析 25
4.1.1 使用者匿名(User Anonymity) 25
4.1.2 不可連結(Unlinkability) 25
4.1.3 雙向鑑別(Mutual Authentication) 26
4.1.4 公平的產生會談金鑰(Fairness in key agreement) 28
4.1.5 任意且安全的變更通行碼(Update password securely and freely) 28
4.1.6 高效率的身份碼認證(High efficiency in password authentication) 28
4.1.7 完美前向安全(Perfect forward secrecy) 29
4.1.8 完美後向安全(Perfect backward secrecy) 29
4.1.9 雙因素安全(Two – factor security) 30
4.1.10 重送攻擊(Replay attack) 30
4.1.11 離線通行碼猜測攻擊(Off – line password guessing attack) 31
4.2 安全功能比較 31
4.3 計算效能比較 32
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 34
參考文獻 35
附錄:英文論文 38

圖一、He的註冊階段 6
圖二、He的登入階段 6
圖三、He的鑑別階段 7
圖四、He的會談金鑰更新階段 7
圖五、He的通行碼更正階段 8
圖六、Xu的註冊階段 10
圖七、Xu的鑑別階段 11
圖八、Xu的會談金鑰更新階段 11
圖九、註冊階段 14
圖十、主網域登入鑑別階段 15
圖十一、登入階段 17
圖十二、鑑別階段 19
圖十三、後續登入鑑別階段 22

表一、He方法的參數符號表 5
表二、Xu方法的參數符號表 10
表三、本方法的參數符號表 13
表四、安全需求功能比較 32
表五、計算效能比較 33

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