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論文名稱(外文):Novice Students' and Expert Teachers' Mental Models and Modeling Processes in NXT-G
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本研究之目的在於探究Lego Mindstorms圖形化程式編輯環境NXT-G軟體(以下簡稱NXT-G)下,生手學生與專家教師對於「迴圈」與「分岔」兩程式概念理解與設計時,可能產生的心智模式與建模歷程,並比較生手學生與專家教師其產生之心智模式與建模歷程之間的差異處。研究以個案研究方式進行。首先,研究者以立意取樣方式,選擇臺北市某國小五年級一般智能資賦優異學生六位及兩位熟稔NXT-G的專家教師為研究對象。研究工具包括修改自2009、2011年雙北市校際盃機器人選拔賽「程式概念檢測題」、研究者自編「程式概念理解測驗」與半結構式晤談為研究工具。研究者從「程式概念檢測題」中擷取學生圖形化程式設計之螢幕及事後晤談,並配合學生於「程式概念理解測驗」中的答題情形,來分析學生程式中「迴圈」與「分岔」的心智模式,而專家教師部分亦是從「程式概念檢測題」中擷取圖形化程式設計之螢幕及事後晤談,來分析專家教師程式中「迴圈」與「分岔」的心智模式。至於建模歷程,研究者以Justi 和 Gilbert (2002)發展的建模架構模式,分析學生與教師於進行「程式概念檢測題」時建立心智模式的過程。結果發現:生手學生所呈現的迴圈程式心智模式可分為「Loop Model」及「Step Model」,而分岔程式心智模式可分為「single-Switch Model」、「multi-Switch Model」及「Odd Model」;而專家教師在迴圈所呈現的程式概念心智模式有「Variable Loop Model」及「Nested Loops Model」,而分岔心智模式為「multi-Switch Model」。而迴圈與分岔程式概念建模歷程部分,生手學生所呈現的建模歷程是局部循環的,且其認為迴圈的建模較為容易,易於類化至相似情境或程式概念中;而分岔程式的建模則需清楚的邏輯思考,若欲判斷兩種以上條件時,更需清楚了解每個判斷條件之間的關係及程式邏輯,故生手學生不易建模成功。而專家教師在迴圈與分岔程式概念建模歷程,由於已具備了相關解題經驗及解題「策略模組」,會從其既有經驗及資源中選擇適當解題的心智模式,因此解題時歷程較有效率且能考慮模型的限制。教師與學生之間本來就存在有概念基礎上的差異,若能讓專家教師特定的解題策略模組設計成為「板型(template)」讓學生學習,應可減少學生摸索及試誤的時間,而達成更有效率的學習。
The purpose of this study was to explore the possible mental models and modeling processes formed during the comprehension and programming of the two programming concepts, “loop” and “switch”, for novice students and expert teachers in NXT-G, a graphical programming environment software, and to compare and identify the differences in mental models and modeling processes between novice students and expert teachers. The study was conducted in case studies. First, six fifth-grade intelligently talented students from one Taipei municipal elementary school and two expert teachers familiar with NXT-G were selected as study subjects by purposive sampling. Study tools included modified “Test on Programming Concepts” of Robotics School Cup Qualifier 2009 and 2011, “Comprehension Test on Programming Concepts” developed by the author and semi-structured interviews. The author captured students’ test screens of graphical program in “Test on Programming Concepts” and conducted post-interviews with students to analyze their mental models of “loop” and “switch” with additional data from their results of “Comprehension Test on Programming Concepts.” For expert teachers, their test screens of graphical program in “Test on Programming Concepts” were captured and their post-interviews were conducted to analyze their mental models of “loop” and “switch.” For modeling processes, the author applied the model of modeling framework developed by Justi and Gilbert (2002) to analyze teachers’ and students’ modeling processes in “Test on Programming Concepts.” The results showed that the mental models of loop for novice students could be divided into “Loop Model” and “Step Model” while those of switch were divided as “single-Switch Model,” “multi-Switch Model” and “Odd Model”; expert teachers’ mental models of programming concept for loop were “Variable Loop Model” and “Nested Loops Model” whereas those for switch were “multi-Switch Model.” The modeling processes for loop and switch for novice students were in partially cyclic processes. It was easier for them to model loop and to generalize it to similar scenarios or in programming concepts; the concept of switch required clear logical thinking. If the concept was combined with more than one condition, students needed to clearly understand the relationship between each condition and program logic, making successful modeling less easy for novice students. Equipped with existing related experience and “strategy modules” in solving questions, expert teachers selected appropriate mental models to solve the problems based on their existing experience and resource in their modeling processes of programming concepts for loop and switch. There must be fundamental differences between teachers and students. More efficient learning and reduction in the time for exploration and trial and error for students would be achieved if expert teachers’ specific solving strategy modules are designed as “templates” for students to learn.

Key Words:Novice Student and Expert Teacher, Modeling Process, Case Study, mental model of Programming Concepts, Graphical Program

摘 要.....................................................i
目 次.....................................................v
表 次...................................................vii
圖 次....................................................ix
第一章 緒論...............................................1
第一節 研究背景及重要性............................1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題..........................3
第三節 名詞釋義....................................4
第四節 研究範圍與限制..............................6
第二章 文獻探討...........................................9
第一節 Lego Mindstorms圖形化程式...................9
第二節 心智模式與建模歷程之相關研究...............15
第三節 專家與生手概念理解之差異與建模歷程.........22
第三章 研究方法..........................................29
第一節 研究設計與架構.............................29
第二節 研究對象...................................32
第三節 研究者背景與角色...........................34
第四節 研究工具...................................35
第五節 研究流程...................................40
第六節 資料收集與分析.............................43
第七節 研究倫理...................................48
第四章 研究發現與討論....................................51
第一節 生手學生與專家教師程式概念的心智模式.......51
第二節 生手學生與專家教師程式概念的建模歷程.......67
第三節 生手學生與專家教師程式概念上的差異.........87
第五章 結論與建議........................................91
第一節 結論.......................................91
第二節 建議.......................................95
附 錄...................................................101

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