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研究生(外文):Chin-Tang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Simulation of Improving Light Extraction Efficiency of GaN-based Light Emitting Diodes by Embedded Photonic Crystal Pattern
外文關鍵詞:Embedded Photonic CrystalGaN-based LEDs
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In this research, we study the light extraction enhancement of GaN-based vertical-injection light emitting diodes using embedded dielectric materials. The finite-difference time-domain method is used to simulate the devices. First, the embedded dielectric material is air rod in the simulation. The lattice constant and diameter of embedded air rod is fixed and then the depth of embedded air rod is tuned. Further, the relation between the depth of embedded air rod and the output power is investigated. Besides, the indium tin oxide and SiO2 are tried to embed in the simulation. After finding the optimization, the lattice constant and depth of embedded dielectric materials are fixed and the diameter of embedded dielectric materials is tuned. Finally, the idea of fabricating embedded dielectric GaN-based vertical-injection LEDs is feasible. We expect to optimize the vertical-injection LEDs in the future.

Abstract................................................. Ⅱ
誌謝..................................................... Ⅲ
第一章 序論................................................1
1.1 簡述發光二極體的發展史...........................1
1.2 研究動機.........................................6
第二章 發光二極體之基本理論...............................10
2.1 發光二極體之發光機制............................10
2.2 發光二極體之效率................................12
2.2.1 半導體材料與空氣折射率之間的差異................13
2.2.2 電流分佈不當....................................18
2.3 發光二極體之電特性原理簡介......................21
2.3.1 p-n 接面能帶....................................21
2.3.2 Shockley Equation...............................22
2.4 有限時域差分法........................................25
第三章 模擬結果與討論.....................................28
3.1 模擬架構..............................................28
3.2 模擬結果與分析........................................31
3.2.1 光強度對不同種類嵌入式介電質材料之關係..........31
3.2.2 光強度對不同直徑嵌入式介電質材料之關係..........35
3.3 本章總結..............................................36
第四章 元件製作...........................................37
4.1 介電質材料填入微米及奈米孔洞中..................38
4.2 Embedded ITO wafer之製備........................40
4.3 垂直注入式發光二極體之元件製作..................52
4.4 本章總結........................................59
第五章 結論與未來展望.....................................60
5.1 結論............................................60
5.2 未來展望........................................60

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