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研究生(外文):Tsai-Ling Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Credit Reporting System on The Syndicated Loan Market
指導教授(外文):Hsiang-Ping Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Syndicated LoanCredit Information SharingForeign Lender
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This study examines whether foreign lender’s decisions are affected by the credit information sharing in host countries. My sample contains the lending activity of top 100 financial institutions participated in syndicated loan around the world during 2001-2009. To reduce the information asymmetry problem and inefficient credit allocation, I find top 100 financial institutions in the syndicated loan market prefer expanding lending activities to countries where private credit bureau exist. In addition, information sharing increases the competition among lenders. It results the decrease of lending business when the coverage of credit information is improved and credit history is recoded over a long time.

Abstract in Chinese…………………………………………….….………………………….…....…Ⅲ
Abstract in English…………………………………………….……………………………...…...…Ⅳ
2.Literature Review and Hypothesis Development..........3
2.1Literature Review……...…..…….……………….................……3
2.1.1The determinants of credit availability and credit costs……..............................................………3
2.1.2Effects of credit reporting systems on loan business…………………..…………...................................4
2.1.3The issue of syndicated loan related to information asymmetry…….....................................…...…...7
2.2Hypothesis Development……………….……………………...………..........9
3.Data Description and Methodology……………………………….…...……..11
3.1Data Description…..……..……………………..……………..…........…..11
3.2.1Dependent variables………..….…………....………………..….…….…..18
3.2.2Independent variables………..........................19
4.Empirical Results…………….……..…………………………………………….….......22
4.1How the credit registry of a host country determine the lender’s choose........................................22
4.2How the credit registry of a host country attract the lender’s participated level…………….......................24
4.3How the credit registry of a host country increase the lender’s market share……………..........................…….24
4.4Host country characteristic…..……..…….…….……….……......24
4.5The effect of culture related factors.…..………………………….25
4.6The impact of financial institution’s characteristic25

Table 1: Summary of Top 100 Financial Institutions in 2007………………………………......................................…30
Table2: Numbers of Syndicated Loan Joined by Top 100 Financial Institutions in 2007………......................31
Table3: Amounts of Syndicated Loan Joined by Top 100 Financial Institutions in 2007…….......................33
Table 4: Summary of Syndicated Loan……………….………………….…………36
Table 5: Country Level Summary Statistics in 2008……………37
Table6: Regression Result……………………………………..… ….………...39
Appendix Definition of Variables……………..………………..…………….….43

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