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研究生(外文):Chiu-Yen Wang
論文名稱(外文):Examining Moderating Influence between Satisfied Consumers and WOM/Reuse Behavior: The Context of Online Games
外文關鍵詞:WOMeWOMactual reuse behavioronline games
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Empirical studies consistently identify consumer satisfaction as a key antecedent to word-of-mouth (WOM) and reuse behavior. Business also has been focused on consumer satisfaction as a way to improve consumer loyalty. However, current knowledge fails to explain fully the prevalence of satisfied consumers who have no WOM and reuse behavior. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to examine moderating influence between satisfied consumers and WOM/reuse behavior. The literature review and focus groups were used to explore moderate variables. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the moderating influence. The results showed that the relationship between consumer satisfaction and eWOM is contingent on the moderating effects of consumer innovativeness; the relationship between consumer satisfaction and actual reuse behavior is contingent on the moderating effects of involvement and corporate activities. In particular, we found that the relationship between consumer satisfaction and actual reuse behavior is more sensitive when involvement is lower.

List of Contents
Title Page i
Letter of Approval ii
Letter of Authority iii
Abstract in Chinese iv
Abstract in English v
Acknowledgements vi
List of Contents vii
List of Tables x
List of Figures xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Purposes 5
1.3 Research Procedure 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Online Game Industry 8
2.1.1 Online game 8
2.1.2 Development of online game industry 12
2.1.3 Current online games research 13
2.2 Consumer Satisfaction and Word-of-Mouth/ Electronic WOM 17
2.3 Consumer Satisfaction and Actual Reuse Behavior 20
2.4 Moderate Variable 23
2.4.1 Consumer innovativeness 23
2.4.2 Involvement 25
2.5 Summary 26
Chapter 3 Research Model and Hypotheses 27
3.1 Observation 28
3.2 Focus Group 29
3.2.1 Focus group methodology 29
3.2.2 Focus group procedure 29
3.2.3 Result 30
3.3 Research Framework and Hypotheses 37
3.4 Research Design 39
3.4.1 Research design and sample 39
3.4.2 Measurements 40
3.4.3 Data analysis 49
Chapter 4 Result 51
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 51
4.2 Reliability Analysis and Validity Analysis 54
4.2.1 Factor analysis 54
4.2.2. Reliability and convergent validity 57
4.2.3. Discriminant validity 60
4.3 Correlation Analysis 61
4.4 Hierarchical Regression Analysis 64
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusions 70
5.1 Conclusions and Managerial Implication 70
5.1.1 Moderating effects - satisfaction and WOM/eWOM 70
5.1.2 Moderating effects - satisfaction and actual reuse behavior 72
5.1.3 Antecedents of actual reuse behavior 75
5.2 Limitations and Further Research 76
References 78
Appendix 85

List of Tables
Table 3-2-1 The situation of participants (n=13) 31
Table 3-2-2 Focus group participants 32
Table 3-2-3 Contents of the focus groups 35
Table 3-4-1 Measurement from literatures 46
Table 3-4-2 Measurement from the focus groups 47
Table 4-1-1 Sample demographics (n=490) 52
Table 4-1-2 The situation of gamers (n=490) 53
Table 4-2-1 Abbreviation and construct name 54
Table 4-2-2 Component matrix (WOM model) 55
Table 4-2-3 Component matrix (eWOM model) 55
Table 4-2-4 Component matrix (Actual reuse behavior model) 56
Table 4-2-5 Total variance explained 56
Table 4-2-6 The results of internal reliability and convergent validity in Model 1 58
Table 4-2-7 The results of internal reliability and convergent validity in Model 2 58
Table 4-2-8 The results of internal reliability and convergent validity in Model 3 59
Table 4-3-1 Correlation and AVE square root of model 1 constructs 62
Table 4-3-2 Correlation and AVE square root of model 2 constructs 62
Table 4-3-3 Correlation and AVE square root of model 3 constructs 63

List of Figures

Figure 1-1-1 Global sales volume of online games in 2005-2014 4
Figure 1-1-2 Taiwan sales volume of online games in 2009-2013 4
Figure 1-3-1 Research procedure 7
Figure 2-1-1 Classification of digital games 9
Figure 2-1-2 Percentage of online game consumption states in Taiwan 11
Figure 2-1-3 Global sales volume of digital games in 2009-2013 11
Figure 3-1-1 Research flow 27
Figure 3-3-1 Research framework - Model 1 37
Figure 3-3-2 Research framework - Model 2 37
Figure 3-3-3 Research framework - Model 3 38
Figure 4-4-1 Moderating effect of consumer innovativeness on consumer satisfaction and eWOM 69
Figure 4-4-2 Moderating effect of involvement on consumer satisfaction and actual reuse behavior 69
Figure 4-4-3 Moderating effect of corporate avtivities on consumer satisfaction and actual reuse behavior 70

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