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研究生(外文):Sheng-Ming Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Development of Stainless Steel Substrate for Flexible Display
指導教授(外文):Chi-Yuan Lee
外文關鍵詞:electrochemical mechanical polishing, Surface roughness, unconventional machining
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本研究以電化學微表面處理技術探討不銹鋼金屬表面的雜質層去除及粗糙度改善為應用,開發電化學機械拋光(Electrochemical Mechanical Polishing, ECMP)機台。主要設計為陽極治具與陰極磨頭機構,結合機械作用與電化學反應的加工。ECMP機台可以在 20分鐘之內,將 1 mm不鏽鋼 304表面粗糙度由Ra=0.05 μm降低到Ra=0.02 μm,改善不鏽鋼 304表面粗糙度不平均的問題。後續經由表面量測探討不銹鋼 304的表面粗糙度以及抗腐蝕性分析, 證實其可行性與未來機台改善目標。

The glass substrate is the most commonly used material for display products. The characteristics of high rigidity and brittleness make it difficult to be flexible. Although the ultra-thin glass is under development, its cost will not be able to meet the market requirement. Currently, the most popular materials of the substrate of flexible electronics are plastics. Most of these plastics materials are patented products. The prices of them are relatively high and the supply of the materials is sometimes unstable. In addition, the plastics can not suffer high temperature, so the coating processes are limited to lower temperature range. The water-blocking ability of plastics is poorer than metals, so the additional metal barrier layer is necessary to ensure the reliability of the products. For metal substrates, the affordability of high temperature is much better than it of plastics. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of metals is closer to the CTE of glasses than the CTE of plastics. The high temperature processes are possible for metal substrates. The cost of processes of using metal substrates is cheaper than the cost of using plastics substrates. There is also no water-blacking issue when using metal substrates.

In this study, the technique of electrochemical is applied to remove the impurities on the surface of SS304 specimen and to improve the surface roughness of the specimen. To develop an Electro-Chemical Mechanical Polishing (ECMP) machine is the first task in this study. The design of the ECMP machine needs to consider the fixture of the anode for the specimen of the size of 10 x 10 cm and the moving mechanism of the cathode to improve the process uniformity. By the effects of both mechanical polishing and electrochemical polishing, the ECMP machine can treat the SS304 specimen of the Ra of 0.05 μm before process down to the Ra of 0.02 μm after process within 20 minutes. By measuring the surface roughness of the specimens under different process parameters, the contributions for the process factors can be analysis by using Taguchi Method. The experimental results show the possibility of using ECMP to process the SS304 substrate to get high quality surface and let us understand the corrosion behavior of the SS304 substrate after treatment. Some other improvement objectives and possibilities are also discussed.

軟性顯示器金屬基板研究開發 I
審定書授權書 III
授權書 IV
中文摘要 V
誌 謝 VIII
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XII
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目標 8
1.3 論文架構 8
第二章 文獻回顧 10
2.1 文獻回顧 10
2.2 電化學機械拋光原理 19
第三章 研究架構與方法 22
3.1研究架構 22
3.2 實驗設備 22
3.2.1研磨機台改裝 23
3.3磨頭的設計開發 29
3.3.1設計概念 29
3.3.2磨頭設計 29
3.4實驗設計 31
3.5實驗機台驗證 31
第四章 電化學機械拋光製程加工精度提升研究 34
4.1 實驗設計與安裝規劃 34
4.2 實驗流程 36
4.2.1 田口數據分析結果 37
4.2.2 數據分析 38
4.2.3 驗證實驗 42
第五章 結論與未來展望 51
5.1 表面品質改善比較 51
5.2 結論 52
文獻參考 54

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