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研究生(外文):Pei-Jung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Study on Object Images Identification Scheme Using Affine Transform and Cross Correlation Techniques
指導教授(外文):Wen-Yuan Chen
外文關鍵詞:cross correlationaffine transformobject recognitiondicenormalizationvoise
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。在比對的過程中,利用仿射轉換技術可解決物件不同方向之問題。利用正規化技術解決影像zoom-in/out 之問題。利用互相關係數法比對技術可正確的獲得比對結果。最後以六顆彩色骰子進行放大/縮小/旋轉等各式實驗,均獲得正確之結果。另外以心形、六邊形、三角形、圓形、正方形進行各式實驗,除了放大/縮小/旋轉測試外,另外亦能在30%的雜訊範圍內獲得正確之辨識結果。經由實驗模擬結果,證實本研究方法是正確有效的物件辨識法。
Information and science technologies have well developed and camera equipment are very popular today. To enhance the convenience of human life, the demand for making the image recognition has increased especial in the object recognition. The problems of the image object detection include camera zooming-in, zooming-out, and rotation. In this research, we use the affine transformation and cross correlation techniques to solve the image identification problems and to obtain a correction and effective recognition scheme.
There are two stages in our scheme to hit the goal: first stage is creating the standard database for further object image comparison. Another stage is comparing the input test object image with the object in database for Mahjong pattern recognition. During the recognition process, we use the normalization skill to solve the zooming-in and zooming-out problems. Besides, we use the affine transform technique to solve the problem of the Mahjong pattern rotation. Finally, the cross correlation method is used to exactly get the correct results during pattern comparison.
In order to demonstrate our scheme is an effective method, several test images including all kind of dice pips and five color shapes are used for simulation. From the results, it is evident our scheme can 100% detect the input Mahjong pattern no matter what it is on zooming-in, zooming-out, or rotation state.
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vi
圖 目 錄 viii
表 目 錄 xi
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 文獻探討 3
1.4 章節概要 5
第2章 仿射轉換與交互相關係數法 6
2.1 仿射轉換(affine transform) 6
2.2 交互相關係數法(cross correlation) 8
第3章 數位影像處理 9
3.1色彩空間 (color space) 10
3.1.1色彩系統(color system) 10
3.1.2 RGB色彩空間 12
3.1.3 CMY色彩空間 12
3.1.4 YIQ色彩空間 12
3.1.5 YUV色彩空間 13
3.1.6 YCbCr色彩空間 13
3.2 二值化(binarlize) 14
3.3 影像濾波器(filter) 15
3.4 形態學(morphology) 17
3.4.1 膨脹(dilation)與侵蝕(erosion) [17] 17
3.4.2 斷開(opening)和閉合(closing) 20
3.5 拓撲學(topology) 20
第4章 物件辨識演算法 22
4.1 物件辨識演算法 22
4.2 影像前處理 23
4.3 正規化處理 26
4.4 物件影像修正 28
4.5 物件資料庫建立 29
4.6 物件辨識流程 32
4.6.1以骰子為例的辨識流程 32
4.6.2以形狀為例的辨識流程 43
第5章 實驗結果 45
5.1實驗環境 45
5.2 Dice物件辨識測試 45
5.2.1 Dice自身測試 45
5.2.2 Dice大小測試 47
5.2.3 Dice含雜訊測試 54
5.3形狀物件辨識測試 60
5.3.1 物件自身測試 60
5.3.2 形狀大小測試 62
5.3.3 形狀含雜訊測試 66
5.4 與其他方法比較 71
第6章 結論與未來方向 72
6.1 結論 72
6.2 未來方向 72
參考文獻 73
作者簡介 75
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