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研究生(外文):Shian-Wen Liou
論文名稱(外文):Investigating a novel factor that collaborates with Ngn3 in mediating pancreatic endocrine differentiation
指導教授(外文):Ming-Ko Chiang
口試委員(外文):Min - Jen TsengPing-Lin Ong
外文關鍵詞:pancreatic endocrine differentiation
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研究顯示胰臟發育需要許多的轉錄因子進行嚴謹的調控,像是PDX1、 Ptf1a和Ngn3。其中Ngn3是一個重要的鹼性-螺旋-環-螺旋(basic helix-loop-helix)轉錄因子參與在所有內分泌細胞的發育過程中,因此Ngn3所表現的前驅細胞也被視為胰島前驅細胞出現的象徵。
為了找出在胰臟發育的過程中會和Ngn3有交互作用的蛋白質並調控Ngn3下游基因的活性進而調節內分泌細胞的分化。因此實驗室之前利用酵母菌雙雜交系統(Yeast two-hybrid assay),以Ngn3為釣餌(Bait protein)篩選老鼠胚胎10.5天的胰臟芽互補DNA基因庫(Mouse embryonic 10.5 pancreatic bud cDNA library)。
在密集的篩選完畢後,我們找到了可能會和Ngn3有交互作用的蛋白質- Zinc finger protein 668簡稱為Zfp668,擁有16個Cys2-His2(C2H2)型態的鋅指模組(Zinc finger motif)。
在本研究中,利用GST pull-down assay我已經證實了Ngn3和Zfp668之間有直接的交互作用,而接下來也利用了共同免疫沉澱(Co-Immunoprecipitation)證明了Ngn3和Zfp668蛋白在哺乳細胞中有交互作用關係的存在。接下來為了進一步分析Zfp668哪些鋅指模組對於和Ngn3的交互作用是必須的,一系列帶有GST的Zfp668短縮蛋白(truncate protein)也被純化出來,其中我發現到Zfp668胺基酸80~164和278~542是最小的片段去調節和Ngn3的交互作用。此外藉由
螢光酶報告基因檢測(luciferase reporter assay)也證實了Zfp668會影響Ngn3下游基因NeuroD的表現量。而利用慢病毒異位表現(Ectopic expression)Ngn3和Zfp668在PANC-1細胞中也可以得到和螢光酶報告基因檢測相同的結果。另外我也篩選出能穩定表達Ngn3或Zfp668的PANC-1細胞株,以利後續對於探討Zfp668的生物性功能。

Previous studies have shown that several transcription factors are critical regulators of pancreatic development, such as PDX1, Ptf1a and Ngn3. In above mentioned, Ngn3 is especially important as a bHLH transcription factors that involved in development of all endocrine cell lineages and has been designated as a marker of islet precursor cells.
To identify proteins which interact with Ngn3 and possibly modulate the activity of Ngn3 down-stream gene to regulate endocrine cell differentiation during pancreatic development. Previously, our laboratory has used yeast two-hybrid system to screen a mouse embryonic (E10.5) pancreatic bud cDNA library using Ngn3 as a bait. After an intensive screening, Zinc finger protein 668 (Zfp668), which contain 16 C2H2 type zinc finger motif, had been identified to interact with Ngn3.
In my study, I have verified that Ngn3 has a direct binding with Zfp668 through GST pull-down assay, and subsequently used co-immunoprecipitation to prove the Ngn3-Zfp668 interaction in mammalian cells. To further dissect Zfp668 for motifs responsible for interacting with Ngn3, a series of GST-tagged Zfp668 truncate protein were purified. I found that the 80~164 and 278~542 amino acid region of Zfp668 are the shortest fraction to mediate the interaction with Ngn3. Significantly, I have also validated that Zfp668 could affect the expression of Ngn3 down-stream target (NeuroD) by luciferase reporter assay. Ectopic expression of Ngn3 and Zfp668 in PANC-1(human pancreatic carcinoma) cells with lentivirus also lead to the same conclusion. In addition, the stable PANC-1 cell line with Ngn3 or Zfp668 overexpression clone were established to determine the biological function of Zfp668.

中文摘要...................................................................................................................... I
第一章、前言 (INTRODUCTION AND BACKGOROUND)...............................-1-
1-1 胰臟 (Pancreas)的結構及生理功能...................................................................-1-
1-2 糖尿病 (Diabetes mellitus)….............................................................................-3-
1-3 胰臟的發育.........................................................................................................-6-
1-4 胰臟發育時期重要的轉錄因子 (Transcription factors) ..................................-7-
1-5 研究動機 (Research motive)............................................................................-10-
第二章、材料與方法 (MATERIALS AND METHODS).................................... -12-
2-1 材料部分...........................................................................................................-12-
2-2 方法部分...........................................................................................................-20-
2-2-1 質體建構...................................................................................................-20-
2-2-2 基因重組蛋白質表達及純化...................................................................-22-
西方墨點法 (Western blotting)............................................................-26-
In vitro GST-fusion protein pull-down assay.........................................-27-
2-2-3 細胞實驗操作..........................................................................................-27-
細胞株的質體短暫植入 (Transient transfection)................................-28-
共同免疫沉澱 (Co-Immunoprecipitation with ANTI-FLAG M2 Affinity Gel)...-29-
共同免疫沉澱 (Co-Immunoprecipitation with Protein A SepharoseTM CL-4B)..-30-
RNA萃取和反轉錄-聚合酶鏈鎖反應(Reverse transcriptase polymerase
chain reaction;RT-PCR)......................................................................-33-
第三章、實驗結果 (RESULT) .............................................................................-34-
3-1 利用Zfp668融合蛋白製備Zfp668多株抗體 ...............................................-34-
3-2 Zfp668多株抗體測試.....................................................................................-35-
3-3 Ngn3與Zfp668在HEK293T細胞中有交互作用的存在...............................-36-
3-4 利用細菌系統表現Ngn3及Zfp668融合蛋白...............................................-37-
3-5 Ngn3與Zfp668在試管中有交互作用的存在................................................-38-
3-6 異位表達Ngn3和Zfp668促使NeuroD的表現...............................................-39-
3-7 在PANC-1細胞中篩選出能穩定表達Ngn3或Zfp668的stable clone...........-40-
第四章、討論 (DISCUSSION) ............................................................................ -41-
4-1 蛋白質間交互作用.........................................................................................-41-
4-2 Zfp668對於內分泌細胞分化的影響.............................................................-42-
第五章、參考資料 (REFERENCES).......................................................................-45-
第六章、圖 (FIGURES) ..........................................................................................-49-
第七章、附件 (APPENDIX) ...................................................................................-59-

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