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研究生(外文):Liao, Hui-Chin
論文名稱(外文):Three Essays On Financial Liberalization And Economic Growth
指導教授(外文):Huang, Bwo-Nung
外文關鍵詞:financial liberalizationfinancial opennesseconomic freedomeconomic growth
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This dissertation is composed of three essays. The first article re-examines the relationship between financial openness and economic growth. Because of the diminishing the marginal returns of capital, our empirical evidence show that the impact of financial openness on growth depends on different levels of financial openness itself. Using panel data from 81 countries over 1985-2008, we find that FDI seems to be have a certain “threshold” level related to growth that an economy needs to satisfy before it can gain benefit from financial openness. That is, only when the ratio of FDI to GDP does not surpass the level of financial openness, which is about 2.65%, growth effects will appear. The policy implications suggest that when a country with the proportion of FDI is not high enough, the government should adopt a policy which allows more international capital inflow into their domestic market to promote growth, especially for developing countries.
The second subject provides an investment perspective and indicates that investment play a determined role to link between financial liberalization and economic growth. The effect of financial liberalization on growth depends on whether the financial liberalization could foster the accumulation of domestic investment. We implement this analysis through a multiple-treatment framework to deal with the potential selection problem. As the results, for industrial countries, a higher degree of liberalization reduces investment, but has no effect on economic growth, relative to a lower degree of liberalization. Evidence from emerging market economies suggests that the beneficial effect of liberalization emerges only in countries having relatively a lower degree of liberalization. In contrast, for other developing countries, only the highest degree of liberalization has significantly higher economic growth and investment.
In the third subject, using a quantile regression estimator, we examine the issue of policy reform path on economic growth. Our evidence show that the volatile policy reform path will depresses the long-run growth effect, especially for high-growth countries. This implies that higher growth countries should take a smoother path of their policy reform to avoid losing their credibility, which is unfavorable to economic growth.


中文摘要 I
Abstract II
1 Introduction 1
2 Does Financial Openness Spur Economic Growth? A Panel Threshold Regression Approach 4
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Literature Review 7
2.2.1 Financial Transmission Mechanism 7
2.2.2 Financial Openness and Economic Growth 9
2.3 Data Definition and Description 10
2.3.1 Measurement and Data 11
2.3.2 Basic Stylized Facts 13
2.4 Methodology 14
2.4.1 Panel Threshold Regression Model 14
2.4.2 Model Specification 17
2.5 Empirical Results 18
2.5.1 Panel Threshold Regression Analysis 18
2.5.2 Robustness Test 21
2.6 Conclusion 24
Tables and Figures 26
3 Financial Liberalization and Economic Growth: The Role of Investment 43
3.1 Introduction 43
3.2 Data and Preliminary Evidence 46
3.2.1 Data Sources and Definitions 46
3.2.2 Basic Stylized Facts 47
3.3 Empirical Methodology 49
3.3.1 Notation and Definition of Causal Effect 50
3.3.2 Identification 52
3.3.3 Propensity Score Estimate 53
3.3.4 A Matching Estimator 55
3.3.5 Summary the Matching Protocol for the Estimation of 56
3.4 Empirical Results 57
3.4.1 Basic Descriptive Statistics and Pairwise Comparison 57
3.4.2 Multiple-Treatment Effect 59
3.5 Conclusion 63
Tables and Figures 65
4 The Path of Economic Freedom on the Distributional Heterogeneity of the Growth Effect 79
4.1 Introduction 79
4.2 Model and Methodology 82
4.2.1 Model Specification 82
4.2.2 Quantile Regression 84
4.3 Data Sources and Definitions 86
4.4 Empirical Results 88
4.5 Conclusion 90
Tables and Figures 92
Reference 103


Table 2.1 Summary of Variables, Descriptions, and Data Sources 26
Table 2.2 Summary Statistics 27
Table 2.3 Summary Statistics of Sample Countries 28
Table 2.4 Tests for Threshold Effects ─ All Countries 30
Table 2.5 Regression Estimates: Single Threshold Model ─All Countries 31
Table 2.6 Tests for Threshold Effects ─ Developed Countries 32
Table 2.7 Regression Estimates: Single Threshold Model ─ Developed Countries 33
Table 2.8 Tests for Threshold Effects ─ Developing Countries 34
Table 2.9 Regression Estimates: Single Threshold Model ─ Developing Countries 35
Table 2.10 Financial Openness and Economic Growth 36
Table 2.11 Marginal Effects of FDI on Economic Growth 37
Table 3.1 Descriptive Statistics of Real GDP Growth and the KAOPEN Index 65
Table 3.2 Descriptive Statistics of Real GDP Growth and Pairwise Comparison 66
Table 3.3 Average Treatment Effects on the Treated 67
Table 4.1 Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix 92
Table 4.2 OLS and Quantile Regression Estimates, 1980-2005 93
Table 4.3 OLS and Quantile Regression Estimates with Additional Control Variables, 1980-2005 94
Table 4.4 OLS and Quantile Regression Estimates, 1980-1990 95
Table 4.5 OLS and Quantile Regression Estimates with Additional Control Variables, 1980-1990 96
Table 4.6 OLS and Quantile Regression Estimates, 1995-2005 97
Table 4.7 OLS and Quantile Regression Estimates with Additional Control Variables, 1995-2005 98


Figure 2.1 Confidence Interval Construction in Single and Double Threshold Model for All Countries 38
Figure 2.2 Confidence Interval Construction in Single and Double Threshold Model for Developed Countries 39
Figure2.3 Confidence Interval Construction in Single Threshold Model for Developing Countries 40
Figure 2.4 Marginal Effect of FDI on Economic Growth by Using Instrumental Variables 41
Figure 2.5 Marginal Effects of FDI on Economic Growth by Using System-GMM 42
Figure 3.1 KAOPEN Index, 1985-2008 73
Figure 3.2 Histogram of KAOPEN Index 74
Figure 3.3 Histogram of Normalized KAOPEN Index 75
Figure 3.4 Propensity Scores (Frequencies of Probability Intervals by Treatments and Models) for Industrial Countries 76
Figure 3.5 Propensity Scores (Frequencies of Probability Intervals by Treatments and Models) for Emerging Markets 77
Figure 3.6 Propensity Scores (Frequencies of Probability Intervals by Treatments and Models) for Other Developing Countries 78
Figure 4.1 Simple Correlation of Growth and Policy Volatility 99

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