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研究生(外文):Wang, shengyun
論文名稱(外文):Water quality analysis in a campus artificial lake
外文關鍵詞:Water quality
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The HI 9828 Multiparameter was used to monitor the trends in water quality parameters in Tranquility Lake, National Chung Cheng University (CCU), from October 2009 to August 2011. These measured parameters, conducted by weekly sampling and continuously monitoring, include water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), total dissolved solid (TDS). The major sources of Tranquility Lake water are the inflow from upstream and the effluent from the CCU sewage treatment plant. The long-term weekly measurements reveal that the seasonal variation of water temperature is similar to that of atmospheric temperature. The variation of TDS was found to be related to both the effluent and rainfall-derived inflows. Rainfall-derived inflow might also impact pH values in the Tranquility Lake water. In continuous sampling measurement, there are diurnal variations at temperature, pH, DO, and TDS in the sunny days. Rainfall in summer and cold current in winter may cause the disappearance of pH and DO diurnal variations. Diurnal DO profiles (high DO in hours of 4~5 PM and low DO in 7~8 AM) were used to predict lake photosynthesis and respiration rates. The daily photosynthesis rates are usually similar to respiration rates in Tranquility Lake. Weekly TDS measurements, as the water transfer tracer, were used to estimate the hydrodynamic parameters, such as the inflow from upstream and the effluent flow. High inflows from upstream were found in June to September because of the regional thunderstorms. The water quality of Tranquility Lake is found to be inflow-dependence, substantial effluent effect while low inflow; physical dilution while high inflow. We conclude that the factors affecting the water quality of Tranquility Lake, such as DO and TDS, include the water quality and water mass flow of inflow from upstream and effluent from the sewage treatment plant, climate factor (atmospheric temperature and rainfall), and biological effect in the lake water.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 長期水質參數測量 1
1-3 日變化測量 1
1-4 溶氧對生態系的影響 2
1-5 水動力 2
1-6 承受水體之概述 2
1-7 研究目的 3
第二章 材料與方法 4
2-1 研究地點 4
2-1-1 寧靜湖 4
2-1-2 中正大學污水處理廠 4
2-2 測量儀器 4
2-3 採樣時間與方法 4
2-3-1 週採樣 4
2-3-2 寧靜湖連續式採樣 5
2-4 分析參數 5
2-5 湖水中光合作用及呼吸作用率計算 5
2-5-1 計算方程式 5
2-5-2 計算步驟 6
2-5-2-1 計算DO缺氧量 6
2-5-2-2 計算水氣交換率 6
2-5-2-3 計算DO總變化率 7
2-5-2-4 計算淨代謝作用率 7
2-5-2-5 計算呼吸作用率 7
2-5-2-6 計算光合作用率 8
2-6 寧靜湖水動力模擬 8
2-6-1 水動力模擬方程式 9
2-6-2 參數設定 9
2-6-2-1 TDS濃度穩定上升段 9
2-6-2-2 TDS濃度非穩定段 10
2-6-3 計算湖水總流量及水力停留時間 11
第三章 結果 12
3-1 嘉義市雨量及氣溫資料 12
3-1-1 雨量 12
3-1-2 氣溫 12
3-2 每週水質探針資料 12
3-2-1 湖水水質 12
3-2-1-1 水溫 12
3-2-1-2 總溶解固體 (TDS) 13
3-2-1-3 酸鹼值 (pH) 13
3-2-1-4 溶氧 (DO) 13
3-2-2 入水口水質 13
3-2-2-1 水溫 14
3-2-2-2 總溶解固體 (TDS) 14
3-2-2-3 酸鹼值 (pH) 14
3-2-2-4 溶氧 (DO) 14
3-2-3 放流水水質 14
3-2-3-1 水溫 14
3-2-3-2 總溶解固體 (TDS) 14
3-2-3-3 酸鹼值 (pH) 15
3-2-3-4 溶氧 (DO) 15
3-2-4 三者水質比較 15
3-2-5 湖水週採樣影響因素 15
3-3 湖水日變化 15
3-3-1 水溫常態日變化 16
3-3-1-1 水溫最大值與最小值時間點 16
3-3-1-2 水溫白天升溫反應時間 16
3-3-1-3最高與最低溫時間序列變化 16
3-3-1-4 日變化溫差 17
3-3-1-5 季節性變化與日變化之比較 17
3-3-2 pH常態日變化 17
3-3-2-1 pH最大值與最小值時間點 17
3-3-2-2 pH白天上升反應時間 17
3-3-2-3 pH最大與最小值時間序列變化 18
3-3-2-4 日變化pH差 18
3-3-2-5 季節性變化與日變化之比較 18
3-3-3 DO常態日變化 18
3-3-3-1 DO最大值與最小值時間點 18
3-3-3-2 DO白天上升反應時間 18
3-3-3-3 DO最大與最小值時間序列變化 19
3-3-3-4 日變化DO差 19
3-3-3-5 季節性變化與日變化之比較 19
3-3-4 TDS常態日變化 19
3-3-4-1 TDS最大值與最小值時間點 20
3-3-4-2 TDS上升反應時間 20
3-3-4-3 TDS最大與最小值時間序列變化 20
3-3-4-4 日變化TDS差 20
3-3-4-5 季節性變化與日變化之比較 20
3-3-5 常態日變化情形之比較 20
3-3-6 非常態 20
3-3-6-1 降雨 21
3-3-6-2 寒流 21
3-4 估算光合作用率和呼吸作用率 21
3-4-1 缺氧量 22
3-4-2 水氣交換率 22
3-4-3 溶氧總變化率 22
3-4-4 淨代謝作用 22
3-4-5 光合作用和呼吸作用率 22
3-4-6 水氣交換率 (A-W) 23
3-4-7 呼吸作用率 (R) 23
3-4-8 光合作用率 (GPP) 23
3-4-9 三者之間相關性 23
3-5 寧靜湖水動力模擬 23
3-5-1 模擬流量圖 24
3-5-2 水力停留時間 24
3-5-3 細部流量模擬 24
第四章 討論 25
4-1 週採樣與連續式測量方法的重要性 25
4-2 pH和DO日變化關係 25
4-3 午後雷陣雨對於日變化的影響 26
4-4 寒流對於日變化的影響 26
4-5 模擬放流水流量之檢討 26
4-6 入水口流量的影響 27
4-7 進出流量對DO的影響 27
第五章 結論 28
參考文獻 30
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